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  1. neelix

    Disney Cruise FAQ's

    thank you :)
  2. neelix

    Disney Cruise FAQ's

    sales tax do you have to pay sales tax for onboard purchases?
  3. neelix

    Forbidden Journey Questions

    flying glasses? my wife and I both wear glasses. will we need to take them off for FJ?
  4. neelix

    where is screamscape?

    my favorite site for non disney news has been MIA for 2 days. Does anyone know whats going on?
  5. neelix

    Indiana Jones....

    go to a disney audition most of them are plants.
  6. neelix

    Disneyland / Walt Disney World - get it right!

    choose wisely you just have to chose your battles and not correct people too much no matter how much it bugs you:brick:
  7. neelix

    Less Intense M.S. is open

    I'mchoosing to go green thanks for all the info guys I've always been leery of trying MS because I get motion sickness easily. Im realy looking forward to trying the new version on monday or tuesday I missed the MS opening by 2 weeks on my last trip to orlando. and for all you green bashers...
  8. neelix

    Poss. date for new version of M:S???

    woo hoo no spin can't wait till i try the no spin I'll be there on monday. (although I'm still taking my dramamine first) :hurl:
  9. neelix

    planning trip sept 20-24

    Im planning a solo trip to the wilderness lodge sept 20-24 looking to see if anyone is going at the same time and would like to hang out with me
  10. neelix

    25th anniversary

    if I remember correctly the lower half was painted and the higher parts like the candle were inflatable
  11. neelix

    Tilly to replace HM Leota?

    liked the movie tilly did a good job but dont change the ride
  12. neelix

    Poll: Hit the Road Eisner! Boycott Disney?

    a boycott would only work if everyone who is even remotely displeased with mr eisners performance got involved and that will never happen. so until eisner resigns and the board hires someone who respects the companys legacy instead of seeing how cheaply they can build a park or ride before...
  13. neelix

    Mach VI Monorails to debut!

    whatever they do I hope they don't change the current trains too much that streamlined design is a classic
  14. neelix

    Which moderate would you choose?

    I stayed at por 2 years ago mand it was great I highly recomend it to anyone
  15. neelix

    Great Movie Ride

    I was there in june just a week or two after the rehab and the ceiling alien was not working then either I looked in the whole and couldn't even see it sitting there
  16. neelix

    Soarin' Official!

    all I will say is that soarin is the only reason to go to dca and Im sure it will be a hit in florida as well
  17. neelix

    Segway in Epcot?

    yes it is at epcot and no you cant play the people who run disney (the lawyers) won't let you theyre afraid you'll hurt yourself and sue them :brick:
  18. neelix

    New Style Passes?????

    I just got a 5 day park hopper plus by I orderd it online and they sent it fedex and it is a plastic card like a hotel key card
  19. neelix

    4-9 preview continue?

    I meant to say endor not andor
  20. neelix

    4-9 preview continue?

    all of us who arent getting to ride ms next week shoud go on star tours and pretend its ms you knw the ______ wee robot could be gary sinise instead of going to andor we'll go to mars :lol:
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