Poss. date for new version of M:S???


Premium Member
chupamiubre said:
actually no date yet thats a guess yes it has been thrown around but there is nothing set in stone i say theres no way its coming on friday

Well, I guess we'll see. That's what many of us were told at track talk last night.


Premium Member
Testtrack321 said:
What's with this orange thing now again, I think I must be missing some news item or something...

There will be two experiences: Orange Team (spinning) and Green Team (non-spinning). The current Standby entrance will become Orange Standby, with the current Singles entrance becoming Green Standby. Before anyone can enter the building they will need to have an orange or green pass, which will have to be presented at the end of the line.

Edit: And the big day is definitely Friday.


Well-Known Member
MrNonacho said:
Sorry, but there will be no single rider accomodation at Space.

Doesn't make too much sense because of how well the SRL was used there. There always seemed to a huge need for them.

It's no big deal though. M:S is a ride I enjoy, but it's not something I have to ride all that much. Probably one green just to see what it is like and one or two oranges will be fine :)

MrNonacho said:
You'll have to wait like everyone else.

Assuming there's much of a wait at all :lol: :animwink:


Premium Member
dxwwf3 said:
Just kidding with you.

No worries, I know. :)

This is probably going to be pretty popular. I rode the green profile five times today, and I have to say it's actually pretty good. Better than I expected. They didn't just turn the centrifuge off; they actually went through and tweaked the pitch and roll motions. I might even go so far as to say that I prefer certain parts of green to orange, but I do miss the g-force, and some of the motion seems a little rough around the edges. It does do what it's supposed to really well, though.

As far as the lack of a singles line, ideally we would still have one. There is just too much going on to be able to handle that, too. It's going to be utter chaos as it is. To put everything in perspective, on Friday evening, there will need to be AT LEAST 16 additional CMs working to handle everything compared to Thursday evening.


Well-Known Member
I expect it to raise attendance as well. I sort of am excited to see how green turns out. And I wish good luck to all M:S CM's during the next few weeks and over the summer season. There are going to be some seriously confused guests.


Account Suspended
*pokes Nonacho*

A) Why not nachos? They're cheesy goodness.

B) How silly would it be to be the first (or one of the first) to open Epcot and rush to M:S to not spin?


New Member
woo hoo no spin

can't wait till i try the no spin I'll be there on monday. (although I'm still taking my dramamine first) :hurl:


Premium Member
imagineer99 said:
hmm...so they DID change the green profile slightly. If you had to make a guess, how many new movments did they add?

I would say its almost completely new. Without the selling point of planetary motion, the capsule has to do a lot more tilting to get a comparable effect so that the sensation matches with the video. Some differences are really noticeable, like the descent (or should I say plummet now?) to Mars.


Premium Member
mousermerf said:
*pokes Nonacho*

A) Why not nachos? They're cheesy goodness.

B) How silly would it be to be the first (or one of the first) to open Epcot and rush to M:S to not spin?

A) I enjoy them, I just don't have any. :(

B) I don't think it'd be silly at all. I think it'd be cool to be the first to do anything new at Disney, even if it's something like this.


New Member
Thanks, Nonacho. I think this brings up an interesting point, though. Obviously, M:S can be reconfigured pretty quickly and easily. So, the introductions of new ride videos/movements should be simple to implement if the attraction ever goes through an update (since simulators continually lack that "reride" factor).


Well-Known Member
I hope that is one of the reasons M:S was created that way I-99. What you are saying certainly would make sense.


Well-Known Member
I'm glad to hear the no spin version is actually fun. I'm excited about MS again. I just wish this had been in effect when I visited last.

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