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    Seas with Nemo and Friends: anglerfish not working

    OMG! Why can't they fix everything right away?:fork:
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    Countdown to Fun opening

    Actually they are only using some of the floats that are smaller not the big floats like the Incredibles machine. So I WOULD LOVE IT if they brought those here. This parade is horid.
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    Unreleased Fantasyland Expansion Concept Art

    This is most current published.
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    Unreleased Fantasyland Expansion Concept Art

    The top is a revised version of the previous concept art.
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    Unreleased Fantasyland Expansion Concept Art

    This is unreleased concept art but is by no means up to date. There are tons of changes going on with this expansion so it is hard to get up to date information. Here is all of the concept art this is unreleased:
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    Christmas Day Parade Taping 2010

    Anyone hear anything about this yet!?! They are filming in DL today for it!
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    Major Changes to Phase 2 of Fantasyland Project?

    Any idea when we will be getting an announcement on the redone FLE?
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    2010 Christmas Day Parade!

    When are the castle and hub performances taking place?
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    2010 Christmas Day Parade!

    I heard the dates are the 3rd-5th of December! Anyone know anymore details? When will the celebrities who will be on the show list be up? Also, Are they going to give out free tickets via there website again?
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    No Pixie Hollow???

    Join the facebook group and support bringing Wonderland!!/pages/Bring-Wonderland-to-FLE-Instead-of-Pixie-Hollow/139694686060412?ref=ts
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    Pixie Hollow vs Wonderland

    Join the group!!!!!!!!!!/pages/Bring-Wonderland-to-FLE-Instead-of-Pixie-Hollow/139694686060412?ref=ts Lets make this happen!
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    Australian Animals at DAK

    This is exactly what they need with maybe an attraction or two. Here are some pics of the Busch Garden's Walkabout Way:
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    Next-Gen queue testing at the Haunted Mansion

    I agree I loved the single riders when they had it. I think that they should do away with the fastpass but brign the single riders back.
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