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  1. Mateo1721

    When MGM first opened?

    I used to love the giant bee that you would ride on and they would put you into "Honey I shrunk the kids". I rarely even go on the backlot tour anymore because of all the changes they have made. You can only see catastrophe canyon so many times before it gets repetetive (like earthquake at...
  2. Mateo1721

    Disney is the better World

    You're right, the smell is just an inconvenience and the park really does some important work in conservation. As a casual visitor, the smell affects us in a different way than someone who works there and deals with it every day.
  3. Mateo1721

    Disney is the better World

    Sea World can be fun, but you are right about the smell. I don't know how someone can stand to work there.
  4. Mateo1721

    Disney plans to sell stores and Ducks

    yahoo link Looks like Disney is looking to unload some excess baggage. Edit: Whoops, noticed this is in the wrong place and somebody already started a thread like this.
  5. Mateo1721

    MK opening day rides vs. 70's additions

    With the 70s rides, I think they wanted to push the envelope as far as what technology they could use at the time (and AA was a new and exciting thing for them). When they did the Haunted Mansion they went with time tested tricks that they knew would look good. I think that Walt and imagineers...
  6. Mateo1721

    WDI Changes their minds again... Harry Potter News

    Thanks, I know how some people here get about change in the parks :zipit:
  7. Mateo1721

    WDI Changes their minds again... Harry Potter News

    I know this might get some people very angry, but why don't they incorporate the Harry Potter ride with the imagination pavilion. Since they changed the ride there, they have really gone away from the literary aspect of imagination. The old ride used to have a section that dealt with all aspects...
  8. Mateo1721

    Best Restaurant

    Overall .... Boma By Park: Magic Kingdom: Cosmic Rays Starlight Cafe Epcot: Germany Animal Kingdom: Flame tree BBQ MGM: 50's prime time I really wanna go to Ohanas and will probably do that on the next trip. I hear good things about that place.
  9. Mateo1721

    Turkey leg

    mmmmm Turkey Legsssss :slurp:
  10. Mateo1721

    Guess What???!!!

    I wish I could go tomorrow, I have to work:( . I am trying to plan a trip sometime soon, but I am getting Disney withdrawals :cry:
  11. Mateo1721

    Is Mission Space too intense to take a camera?

    The only concern you should have with bringing a camera on the ride is forgetting it in the storge bins. I left my bag in there and had to wait around 15 minutes before it could be found again. I guess I was just a little to excited after having ridden it for the first time :lol:
  12. Mateo1721

    Drinking Around the World

    I love drinking around the world. I did it for my 21st birthday and we did it again for my brother's. Everytime I go to Epcot I have to stop at the UK and get some Guinness (my fav).
  13. Mateo1721

    Best Animatronic in a Magic Kingdom attraction...

    I really like the bride in the Haunted Mansion. It is one of the eeriest sites in the park. Sir was very cool also.
  14. Mateo1721

    Best line theming??

    I agree with disneyisbest, Splash Mountain has the best queue. Also Space Mountain is pretty good too. Test Track has an interesting line too, very cool demonstrations on display.
  15. Mateo1721

    When was your first trip to the magic?

    My first trip was in 1979 when I was 8 months old. Since then, I have been back so many times it would be hard to put a number on it. I have seen many of the changes to the park and have experienced most of the rides. I still try to go more than once every year. Now with my brother...
  16. Mateo1721

    Attractions that would signal the end of Disney

    OMG, that is soo funny. The Carousel of Entropy, hahahahahaha. :lol: :sohappy: :lol:
  17. Mateo1721

    Great Movie Ride

    I went on it right after the rehab, but it didn't seem like they changed anything. I guess I mean a complete update rather than just maintenance. Its a shame that it won't change, cause it is a good concept.
  18. Mateo1721

    Great Movie Ride

    The great movie ride has such potential, who wouldn't want to be immersed in their favorite movie. This ride, however, really needs to be updated. The most current movies represented are Alien and Indiana Jones, movies that are decades old. Considering that the Mann's Chinese Theater is the...
  19. Mateo1721

    june attendance

    I was at Disney around that time this year and it was packed. It wasn't so bad at Epcot or MGM, but MK and AK were really busy. I stood in line at the HM for almost 1 and a half hours and it was hard to even get around. Animal Kingdom was busy, but tolerable. Lines weren't that bad.
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