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    WDW Footing the bill.

    Shulas is mediocre....
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    Harry Potter Regrets

    If you love disney you are a blind fanboy, if you love UNI you are somehow to love the hypocrisy
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    Harry Potter Regrets

    Are you joking? Disney should of gave into the whims of an ego maniac and let her take control of an entire part of the Magic Kingdom? Please say you are joking....
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    The Disney Look is Changing

    There are more reasons why TDO does not listen to you...first of course being that you are wrong about 99% of your complaints.
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    The Disney Look is Changing

    Im happy to hear The Swan and Dolphin is going against the beard policy...good for them
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    The Disney Look is Changing

    Beards and goatess are not the standard in the business or the hospitality industry...this is an idiotic decision.
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    The Disney Look is Changing

    Not true at is universal in the hospitality business that goatees and beards are not accepted...most BUSINESSES ban them.
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    The Disney Look is Changing

    Whats next people are going to be allowed to dye their hair pink? As a former CP i can say that the people who cried about the Disney Look were children who would never make it in the real world.... If you are a college boy who gets razor burn then you need to go back to high school because...
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    Tutto Italia in Epcot's Italy Pavilion to get new wine bar during major refurbishment

    Its always funny when people not from Chicago act like they have real italian food...
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    New AAA ratings on resorts

    Not true at all....
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    Does Club Level at Grand Floridian ever have discounts?

    Not outrageous at all...i work at a hotel in Chicago that charges the same amount a night and we do not even have a pool....
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    Sorcerers of the MK (video)

    Of course you are not fond of is catered to the family and you hate anything that is catered to families.
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    Sorcerers of the MK (video)

    My nephews and neices would love to do this....
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    New disney update and others

    Whats wrong with making dinner reservations months in advance? You have to do that everywhere
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    New disney update and others

    Its a movie theater with every land being a different type of movie.
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    New disney update and others

    Putting something on a spot that a ride was there 15 years ago is NOT considered a replacement...
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