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  1. hadlicksr

    planning books

    I too only use unofficial and passporter. Our AAA agent gives us a free unofficial when we book. I like the passporter best because it can be written in. As I read about dinning options, I can make notes. when I make ressies, there is a place to put it. I use it for generalized itinerary plans...
  2. hadlicksr

    Adventureland: At World's End Downloads

    I was hoping for the same when we went in November. I could find no download station and I could not pickup a Wifi signal in adventureland. I did not ask any CMs. Good luck, hope you can find something.
  3. hadlicksr

    DL's new monorail

    I guess my question was geared toward if/how that would affect WDW monorails. My apologies to all that were offended, annoyed, and yes even outraged by my posting. Not sure who to email, but it would be perfectly fine if you chose to delete it since it has been way over duplicated. :o Again, I...
  4. hadlicksr

    DL's new monorail

    Oh I forgot, if you wanted to see it, I would suggest a google search as I won't be going out to bring back any original photos of my own to post. Although I am working on DW to convince her. And not just for the new monorails either.
  5. hadlicksr

    DL's new monorail

    I'm not sure why previous post was moved. I assume it was due to the posted link. So no link here, i just wondered what everyone thought of the new monorails and in the grand rotation of Monorails @ wdw, how long before we see the new monorails on the east coast. I thought that DL monorails were...
  6. hadlicksr

    New Monorails @ DL pic

    I saw this somewhere today and liked the pics. they look pretty cool. How soon before WDW gets the same?
  7. hadlicksr

    Disney Glass from McD's

    That is so weird. i was just drinking from one of my 25th WDW glasses last night thinking I wish they would make more of these. We found the Millenium set at a garage sale and thus don't drink from them as they are our only set of those, but we have a couple of the 25th WDW glassess. I love...
  8. hadlicksr

    Ever wonder...

    Something similar happened when we were there in November. DS, DD, and FIL were riding with the pilot as we approached TTC. We stopped on the line just before we got there. I assumed at the time we were waiting for traffic. Only about a 5 minute wait. Later FIL told us that the monorail just...
  9. hadlicksr

    Resort Help....

    Let me also say that I have never stayed at either resort. My preference would be POR because everything I have read on this board and others, indicates many people enjoy POR for various reasons. Also, during our trip in November, we stayed @ POP and had great time but..What I noticed was at the...
  10. hadlicksr

    Did I miss out?

    From my experience, you probably did. I mean that's how we were approached when we got escorted to ToT and then taken to the front of the line. But that is no guarantee. I wouldn't dwell on what could have been. I would just focus on your memories of the trip. You'll always have that over what...
  11. hadlicksr

    Another trip report

    Not sure how I can post more than one pic but here's a couple more, then maybe I'll provide link to my album.
  12. hadlicksr

    Another trip report

    Ok this is my first time posting pictures here so bare with me. I had to post the 2 princesses. Also I have some of my favorite shots.
  13. hadlicksr

    Another trip report

    Hi All, I hesitated to share because I thought who wants to read one more, But I personally love to read others trip reports and well here's mine. We were in WDW from 11/4-11/11 and stayed @ Pop for the first time. We have stayed @ ASMo before, but I will say that this is my new favorite value...
  14. hadlicksr


    Just returned about 3 weeks ago. I paid $5 for a Where dreams come true lanyard.
  15. hadlicksr

    Cruise - Disney v Carnival

    Each Cruise line has it themes and what is best known for. Carnival tends to be a party boat. There are activities geared toward family but mostly geared toward adults. Disney relates more to the family and as previous post indicated, it really provides the magic. Another to consider is Royal...
  16. hadlicksr

    WDW Picture of the Day (Continued)

    We were there early November and I thought the exact same thing. I had the same complaint @ MGM as the Super Soap weekend stage obstructed the view Mickey's sorcerer hat. On a side note, a shout out to makonyy who is the closest neighbor i have found on this board. I too am from Bingo. Howdy...
  17. hadlicksr

    how many more days for you? (continued)

    We have the worst amount of time until our next is the unknown amount of time! :(
  18. hadlicksr

    August 2008 - How Bad?

    We went the same weekend last year. The crowds were not that bad. (The heat was though.)Florida kids and I guess a lot of kids in the south start school that week. That is typically the first week Disney offers the free dining. Not so sure that will be the case this year or not.
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