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  1. yekcoh_99

    Disabled Guests

    Can anyone tell me what the policy on disabled guests and their families are regarding lines? This will be our first trip with the grandparents & 2 young kids. Can the whole family use the handicap line, I mean it stinks for the other guests but what fun would Grandma & Grandpa have without my...
  2. yekcoh_99

    Am I the only one who finds Stormalong Bay to be overated?
  3. yekcoh_99

    River Country Area Rumor

    I'm hearing Buffalo Junction
  4. yekcoh_99

    *NEW* Disney Military Salute Tickets Oct 3, 2010 - Oct 1, 2011

    Anyone know if you can add days to this? 4 Days for $138 is awesome, but not to many people go for just 4 days and to add on 2 or 3 days at regular price makes no sense for us, it's just cheaper to do a 7 day park hopper. Don't get me wrong I do appreciate the 4 day and any discount Disney offers.
  5. yekcoh_99

    May 2011 Roll Call.....

    May 14-21 BCV Grand Gathering 9 (DW's Family) in a 2BR wish me luck.
  6. yekcoh_99

    If you hate the hat at DHS, now is the time to say something.

    I wish they could move it. Put in down on Sunset Blvd & retheme RnRC to Fantasmic or something. I'm so over Aerosmith.
  7. yekcoh_99

    Monsters Inc coaster greenlit and Spain coming to world showcase?!?

    Actually no I'm not a kid, I thought I'd just let it be but since I have some downtime while fighting the war on terror here in a undisclosed location (it's 102 degrees @ 1am) I guess maybe you guys should be the ones doing some research and see our history. Like I've said about the...
  8. yekcoh_99

    Monsters Inc coaster greenlit and Spain coming to world showcase?!?

    You may want to think twice about calling out Edward, I really think you a reading him the wrong way. Here we go... That's all I got to say about that.
  9. yekcoh_99

    Monsters Inc coaster greenlit and Spain coming to world showcase?!?

    I know I'm new here and probably will get blasted but I just don't understand... everytime someone says Disney might do this or they might do that you (edwardtc) have to shoot them down. Like your the one only Disney source, it's getting really old. If you have something good to add great but...
  10. yekcoh_99

    Disney "Moment of Zen"?

    Thank You & it is my honor & pleasure
  11. yekcoh_99

    Disney "Moment of Zen"?

    Now lets see if I can pull this off without sounding like a complete A$$. It was our last night on a short unplanned 5 night trip a week before I was to deploy overseas. My poor wife had double ear infections since take-off and was at the Disney emergency care when they shipped her off to the...
  12. yekcoh_99

    Why on earth are strollers so expensive to rent?

    We have a 3 & 4 year old and I can only imagine they will be in a stroller for another 4 to 5 years while at Disney. Orlando Stroller has awesome double strollers that are 1) less than Disney's 2) more comfortable than Disney's 3) fold up so easy 4) have awesome storage so I don't have to carry...
  13. yekcoh_99


    I hope Disney just does away with all these discounts & free dining.
  14. yekcoh_99

    Miltary Tickets and DDP?

    Yes you can you just have to buy a 1 day ticket even though you already bought the military tix. We did this in 2009 when I came back from Afghanistan, Currently I am in Eskan Village KSA. Good Luck and hope you won't be going back anytime soon.
  15. yekcoh_99

    Can't decide...Pop or CRB???

    POP all the way... we've stayed at both and I love POP, sad I will never stay there again now that I'm a DVC member.
  16. yekcoh_99

    Where to go first?

    With or without kids we prefer MK 1st, however on our last trip with kids day 1 it rained so we changed our plans and headed to HS where there was more indoor attractions. Just be flexable and enjoy. Remember you can't always make everyone happy. Do what you enjoy and I'm sure they will too.
  17. yekcoh_99

    VWL vs resale vs new

    We also had the same delima, SSR ( longer years, nice resort, cheap points) vs BCV ( SAB, hard to get into when not at the 11 month window & where we really want to stay) Here are some of the answers we got from some very knowledgable people. BCV has held it's value much better than...
  18. yekcoh_99

    Stoller advice...

    I could not agree more!!!!!!!!!
  19. yekcoh_99

    Railroad closing?

    Yes you are correct, I am saying in order to get all the new equipment, building materials, workers & god knows what I heard that the RR was going to be down for a short while. Not that the new FL was outside the RR boundries. Sorry for the confusion.
  20. yekcoh_99

    Fantasyland Progress

    A Moose in Boston??????
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