Where to go first?


We will arrive at WDW on 11th August with a friend who has not visited Disney before, we usually head straight for MK, would you agree or recommend a different park?


Well-Known Member
Thursday will still be a good day for the MK...my point being you would want to stay away fromt the MK it it was a Sunday or Monday...everyone seems to want to do the MK first and most....not all folks arrive on a Sat or Sun making their first full day Sun or Mon....so MK tends to be more crowded those days!! Rest of the week not so bad!!! Have a great trip.
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The MK makes a definite first impression - always my favorite park to visit first. The rest are amazing, but I don't feel like I've truly arrived at Disney until I see the castle! :)
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Active Member
We will arrive at WDW on 11th August with a friend who has not visited Disney before, we usually head straight for MK, would you agree or recommend a different park?

If you're traveling with children I would strongly advise AGAINST going to MK first. Once kids have their day at the Magic Kingdom, it's nearly impossible to get them interested in any of the other parks.

Tip: Make an early reservation (i.e. 8:00 AM) for the Crystal Palace at the Magic Kingdom on your first day. You get to see the castle, walk down main street. Then feel free to go tour elsewhere. This is more effective for the people who travel on Mondays, as MK crowds are to be avoided then, but it could help to keep the little ones satisfied while maintaining interest in the rest of the parks.
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Well-Known Member
It honestly depends on the friend. If they are into animals and conservation, then AK may be the place to go. Are they movie buffs? DHS. Do they like fantasy and feeling like a kid again...MK. Are they into the future or wanting to explore culture around the world...Epcot.

If you get the wrong kind of person in MK as their first stop, they will get that burned in their heads and hate it. An example is my DW's friend. Her friend went with another group of people to Florida and they stopped at Disney for a single day, so they had to pick a park. The people picked MK. She isn't a MK type of person, so she hated it. With her personality, she would have been better off at Epcot.
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For me, it's not Disney until you go to the MK, so I always go there first. AK is a really good early morning park, most of the time, though. I hardly ever find a big crowd there then.
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Well-Known Member
Well Thursday August 12th is listed as a day to NOT go to MK based on crowds and such....my touring plan suggests Animal Kingdom. Depending on how many days you are going to be in parks...if your friend is going to be there Saturday the 14th, this is actually noted as one of the best parks to go to (MK that is) - it's all in what they would enjoy seeing and doing.
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Well-Known Member
It honestly depends on the friend. If they are into animals and conservation, then AK may be the place to go. Are they movie buffs? DHS. Do they like fantasy and feeling like a kid again...MK. Are they into the future or wanting to explore culture around the world...Epcot.

If you get the wrong kind of person in MK as their first stop, they will get that burned in their heads and hate it. An example is my DW's friend. Her friend went with another group of people to Florida and they stopped at Disney for a single day, so they had to pick a park. The people picked MK. She isn't a MK type of person, so she hated it. With her personality, she would have been better off at Epcot.

I agree with this completely. you have to know your audience. I always do EPCOT with people the first day because most of the people I go with will appreciate the World Showcase more than MK.
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With or without kids we prefer MK 1st, however on our last trip with kids day 1 it rained so we changed our plans and headed to HS where there was more indoor attractions. Just be flexable and enjoy. Remember you can't always make everyone happy. Do what you enjoy and I'm sure they will too.
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We too have to deal with the time difference and usally go swimming on the first night we arrive! I think the best park to go to first is the Magic Kingdom no matter if you have kids or not to get the real feel of disney magic! Plus the kids wouldnt get bored of the other parks! I never did!:)
Hope you have fun!:wave:
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Well-Known Member
I had a trip where we did Epcot first, and another where we did DHS first. Let me just say it completely messed me up in the head. It just felt wrong not to hit the Magic Kingdom first. It was like my brain was hardwired to do Space Mountain and Pirates of the Caribbean before it could ever process seeing Spaceship Earth or Grauman's. So, my anser is Magic Kingdom :king:

Mind you, the very first time we went to WDW (back when there was only MK and Epcot), I was very sad to leave MK...we all were kinds of depressed about having to go to Epcot the next day. We got over that pretty quickly, but the feeling still lingers a bit. That's why, for our upcoming trip...we're going to MK our first 2 days and our last day.
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