Monsters Inc coaster greenlit and Spain coming to world showcase?!?


Active Member
I know I'm new here and probably will get blasted but I just don't understand... everytime someone says Disney might do this or they might do that you (edwardtc) have to shoot them down. Like your the one only Disney source, it's getting really old. If you have something good to add great but there really is no need to try and prove everyone wrong about everything.

You are new here and your criticism of edwardtc is seriously misguided. :confused::shrug: :confused:

Thats all I have to say about it.


Well-Known Member
I know I'm new here and probably will get blasted but I just don't understand... everytime someone says Disney might do this or they might do that you (edwardtc) have to shoot them down. Like your the one only Disney source, it's getting really old. If you have something good to add great but there really is no need to try and prove everyone wrong about everything.

You may want to think twice about calling out Edward, I really think you a reading him the wrong way.


You are new here and your criticism of edwardtc is seriously misguided. :confused::shrug: :confused:

Thats all I have to say about it.

You may want to think twice about calling out Edward, I really think you a reading him the wrong way.

Here we go... That's all I got to say about that.


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
I know I'm new here and probably will get blasted but I just don't understand... everytime someone says Disney might do this or they might do that you (edwardtc) have to shoot them down. Like your the one only Disney source, it's getting really old. If you have something good to add great but there really is no need to try and prove everyone wrong about everything.

Who was he shooting down? He was simply expressing his opinion.....


Well-Known Member
Not sure if this was posted in this thread (sorry, not enough time to read). Why wouldn't this new land be where Africa was suppose to be?


Well-Known Member
I am fairly certain Norway no longer has any influence on their pavilion. This is why Akershus is now princesses. Several pavilions were initially funded by companies/organizations within the country. I think Norway was the Norwegian travel board or some such, hence the movie after the ride. Kinda a "Come Visit Norway" deal. But once their contract was up, WDW is free to do what they want. The same way that GM/HP sponsor their pavilions, as long as they pay Disney to maintain/upgrade, they have some say in how it is run. But once the sponsor pulls out, Disney can do what they want. I was also under the impression that Morocco was the only government to directly sponsor their pavilion. Something to do with countries not allowed to directly fund "permanent world fair" type locations if they want to participate in the real World's Fair. Or something like that.

My understanding is that is still the case. WDW wants to have an "authentic" experience for guests. They are concerned that if CM's stay to long in the US, they will become Americanized and no longer reflect the country as it currently is. (That, or WDW doesn't want to deal with long term work visas) If the CM wants to continue working at WDW, they can, but will be moved to somewhere other than their World Showcase country.

The Norwegian government also funded the Norway pavilion and was one of the big players in the beginning, along with the other sponsors too of course. But they pulled out around 2002-2003.............edited...whoops scratch that I see you already mentioned Norways involvement. Sorry about that, I cant read today. :)

French Quarter

Well-Known Member
I just got through all 16 pages of this thread and have to say that I found it to be a really interesting read. I don't care one way or another if they build the Monsters Inc. coaster since I won't ride it. (I'm a super scaredy cat.) But I would love to see a new country in WS and/or new attractions.

To pick up on someone else's post, if I were Disney and was going to build 8 new pavilions, I'd choose: Jamaica, Brazil, Greece, Spain, Australia, Iceland, Egypt, and Russia (in not particular order).

And to weigh in on the funding discussioin. I do believe that the Canadian government funded the Canadian pavilion, at least in part. Wasn't it the Canadian Travel Board that helped produce the original O Canada?

A little known fact is that the strips of land on either side of the American Adventurev were originally designated for use as canals to connect the current World Showcase Lagoon to another one that would be built be built to house more countries.

Thanks for sharing this piece of trivia, SeaCastle. That's really neat!

If its Brazil, i think that would be a better fit in AK with the scenery, teaching people about the rainfoest and how ts being destroyed, and the way the country has developed.

How cool would adding the Rainforest to AK be? Awesome idea! :)

Just to fuel the rumor mill even more about adding another country. At the Vinylmation Trade City Event, they announced a Vinylmation Flag Series. The series features 12 countries flags. Eleven of the vinylmations are the current countries in the World Showcase (Mexico, Norway, China, Germany, Italy, USA, Japan, Morocco, France, UK, and Canada).

The 12th flag is BRAZIL!!!!!

Very cool. I think that sounds promising. Thanks for sharing your observation!

Mansion Butler

Active Member
Brazil being in World Showcase (as long as we're talking about pipe dreams) would in no way mean you couldn't have South America in Animal Kingdom without doubling up. Remember that DAK has continents, not countries. It has Asia while China sits in Epcot.

I think South America would make a great addition to DAK (after Australia and Beastly Kingdomme, of course) and Brazil would make a great addition to World Showcase.


Beta Return
I know I'm new here and probably will get blasted but I just don't understand... everytime someone says Disney might do this or they might do that you (edwardtc) have to shoot them down. Like your the one only Disney source, it's getting really old. If you have something good to add great but there really is no need to try and prove everyone wrong about everything.

What? :shrug:

Of all the members of this board who accurately fit your description, you single me out?

I can only assume that you have me confused with someone else. I avoid conflict (except when it comes to discussing the bus system), and never talk down or ridicule other members, or their ideas. However, it's a discussion forum and I won't hesitate to discuss a topic. I often provide my opinions and hypotheses, which are always based on whatever knowledge I have access to, as well as on logic and my background (commercial development, design and construction).

If I ever put my foot in my mouth or cite incorrect data, I'm very quick to retract a statement and apologize as necessary. I'm also very humble when it comes to my ideas and contributions to this forum.

I am, by no means, a Disney "expert" in any sense of the word - nor would I ever claim to be. There are many members on here who provide extremely legitimate information, and also many who do nothing but tear down other members and stir up trouble - to neither category do I belong.

If you actually did mean to direct your comments at me, perhaps you misinterpreted my posts. The biggest downside to the internet and electronic communication is the near impossibility to convey emotion and voice inflection. Perhaps you've read some things that sound like sarcasm in your mind, but are merely statements - often in agreement with someone else.

Since you're new here, and since I like to consider myself fairly optimistic, positive and peaceful (with regard to most topics, and to Disney in general), I accept your apology in advance. Welcome to the forum, and please be careful when jumping to conclusions in the future. :wave:


Yup, new this for a while but they actually marked up inside the building that they are doing this in. Also, don't know if anyone already knew this but the arch on the opposite side of pixar place is the model of the archway from the Monsters inc. movie.


Well-Known Member
I know I'm new here and probably will get blasted but I just don't understand... everytime someone says Disney might do this or they might do that you (edwardtc) have to shoot them down. Like your the one only Disney source, it's getting really old. If you have something good to add great but there really is no need to try and prove everyone wrong about everything.

If you want to mischaracterize another member around here you should probably aim your musings towards me. It seems to be my role around here. :lol:

You are way off the mark concerning edwardtc.


Active Member
What? :shrug:

Of all the members of this board who accurately fit your description, you single me out?

I can only assume that you have me confused with someone else. I avoid conflict (except when it comes to discussing the bus system), and never talk down or ridicule other members, or their ideas. However, it's a discussion forum and I won't hesitate to discuss a topic. I often provide my opinions and hypotheses, which are always based on whatever knowledge I have access to, as well as on logic and my background (commercial development, design and construction).

If I ever put my foot in my mouth or cite incorrect data, I'm very quick to retract a statement and apologize as necessary. I'm also very humble when it comes to my ideas and contributions to this forum.

I am, by no means, a Disney "expert" in any sense of the word - nor would I ever claim to be. There are many members on here who provide extremely legitimate information, and also many who do nothing but tear down other members and stir up trouble - to neither category do I belong.

If you actually did mean to direct your comments at me, perhaps you misinterpreted my posts. The biggest downside to the internet and electronic communication is the near impossibility to convey emotion and voice inflection. Perhaps you've read some things that sound like sarcasm in your mind, but are merely statements - often in agreement with someone else.

Since you're new here, and since I like to consider myself fairly optimistic, positive and peaceful (with regard to most topics, and to Disney in general), I accept your apology in advance. Welcome to the forum, and please be careful when jumping to conclusions in the future. :wave:

YEAH!! I can't believe you run that arrogant permits thread. All it is, is how bad Disney is! You really need to quit bashing Disney!



Well-Known Member
I know I'm new here and probably will get blasted but I just don't understand... everytime someone says Disney might do this or they might do that you (edwardtc) have to shoot them down. Like your the one only Disney source, it's getting really old. If you have something good to add great but there really is no need to try and prove everyone wrong about everything.

To his credit, edwardtc is one of the most knowledgeable members on this board. His background is in construction and he has always provided his insight in helpful places.

I'm sure he wants to see these projects happen as much as the rest of us, but common sense is something that needs to be exercised. It's not a matter of having "to shoot them down" as it is using schema and intuition to make sense of the situation, something many members do here as well. For example, they filed permits to do repairs on the building that would house the Monsters Inc. ride. Some (myself included) took this as a sign they were prepping for construction. Edward dispelled the speculation, as the repairs were for fixing trusses in the building...nothing groundbreaking. Did it disappoint people? Sure, but it's fact.


Beta Return
If you want to mischaracterize another member around here you should probably aim your musings towards me. It seems to be my role around here. :lol:

You are way off the mark concerning edwardtc.


Thanks JT! I didn't want to throw you under the bus ;)


I would say just let it go ... another kid too lazy to search and too quick to reach a conclusion.

You're probably right......:shrug:

Actually no I'm not a kid, I thought I'd just let it be but since I have some downtime while fighting the war on terror here in a undisclosed location (it's 102 degrees @ 1am) I guess maybe you guys should be the ones doing some research and see our history. Like I've said about the aformetioned poster in "my opinion" he has shot down many posters in the past. I totally get you think he's a good guy & I'm not saying he isn't. Just his last post set me off. How would he know if the book was old, has he read every book on Disney? It's ignorance like his and yours that bring me to "my opinions". Many people on here have good knowledge and just because their posts aren't in the thousands doesn't mean their Disney knowledge is inferior to yours or his. You two are like Statler & Waldorf, you sit back and bash peoples posts because you got nothing better to do. Now that all I got to say about that!!! And your welcome for my service. :brick:


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
Actually no I'm not a kid, I thought I'd just let it be but since I have some downtime while fighting the war on terror here in a undisclosed location (it's 102 degrees @ 1am) I guess maybe you guys should be the ones doing some research and see our history. Like I've said about the aformetioned poster in "my opinion" he has shot down many posters in the past. I totally get you think he's a good guy & I'm not saying he isn't. Just his last post set me off. How would he know if the book was old, has he read every book on Disney? It's ignorance like his and yours that bring me to "my opinions". Many people on here have good knowledge and just because their posts aren't in the thousands doesn't mean their Disney knowledge is inferior to yours or his. You two are like Statler & Waldorf, you sit back and bash peoples posts because you got nothing better to do. Now that all I got to say about that!!! And your welcome for my service. :brick:

Well, thank you for your service, but, in an earlier post I simply asked whom Edward was shooting down. A question which was never answered by you. Which is why I agreed to drop my question in the first place.....


Active Member
Im pretty excited to hear about a monsters inc roller coaster, that sounds like fun! I wanna hear more about it.

I took the ‘Blue Sky’ Survey that Universal put out. There were tons of questions about lord of the rings. I was just think omg I hope they dont start in on that. I cant stand that movie/book. too boring for me. haha


Premium Member
Im pretty excited to hear about a monsters inc roller coaster, that sounds like fun! I wanna hear more about it.

I took the ‘Blue Sky’ Survey that Universal put out. There were tons of questions about lord of the rings. I was just think omg I hope they dont start in on that. I cant stand that movie/book. too boring for me. haha

Ahem, it was 3 books/movies and combined they're one of the greatest stories ever created

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