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    We went on the 11th. I couldn't believe how packed it was. My kids loved the parade and we got to go on a few rides, but not nearly as many as I thought we would. It was great to experience it, but I definitely think we should've waited until they were older. We convinced my 4 year old to...
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    I really want to do this event, but I'm trying to figure out if it's worth the admission price. My kids are 2 1/2 and 4 1/2. I'd love to hear some feedback from people who have done it. Thanks so much!
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    Need Ideas for a gift for an 8yr old Boy?

    I don't think Chef Mickey is too old for any kid, especially since it's the classic characters. There's also a character meal at the Polynesian which has Lilo and Stitch. We haven't gone to that one because my kids are young and having seen that movie yet so that could possibly be a little...
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    UGH Packing

    We used Garden Grocer last year and are going to use it again this year. We've also shipped packages and one year it didn't get there before we left (obviously an issue with the post office and not Disney). Garden Grocer has a $12 delivery fee and you have to order $40 worth of stuff and when...
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    Kingdom Strollers

    We always bring our own stroller with us and we probably have to this year too because of the airports. If for some reason we can get around not having the strollers with us to get their and back I would rent the City Mini Double. I saw that it says you provide the parent console. Do you have...
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    Here's another question ... Do they supply bags for trick or treating or do we bring something with us? Thanks!
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    Space Moutain 44"? Why?

    So that you don't feel bad I figured I'd post on here. My 4 year old doesn't come anywhere near any of the rides that have height restrictions. He's almost 4 1/2 and he's not even 38" yet (at his 4 year check up he was 36 1/2 inches). We are so sad that Goofy's rollercoaster isn't in service...
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    Hi there. We really want to attempt the MNSSHP this year. Last year when we saw people going to it a few people told me that the party itself starts at 7, but you can get it starting at 4 with the ticket for the MNSSHP. I e-mailed Disney to ask them this (we're trying to figure out if we...
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    First time with a stroller, theft a problem?

    I just want to make it clear that I didn't lock mine to a column, someone else did and the case member had to wait for them to come back from the time we left ours to go on rides until we came back and those people still hadn't returned. We just locked the stroller and the wheels and like...
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    Crib and Pin code at Disney

    From my experience, there aren't many properties that have full size cribs (I think the Grand Floridian may be one of the few). Also, from what I've been told the last couple of years, they don't guarantee the crib even if they do have them because it's on a first come first serve basis. If...
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    Child restraint on flight to FL?

    We've never used anything other than the regular seat belt and my kids are really small.
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    First time with a stroller, theft a problem?

    We've brought a stroller with us the last 3 years and they do move the strollers. If you are in a designated area for strollers, they will just move it around that area to make space for other strollers and so that there aren't huge gaps. Last year we bought a lock for our stroller because...
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    Thanks so much. That who we used last year and I guess we'll use them again this year. We didn't have any problems, I was just looking to see if anyone recommended anyone else for comparison. Thanks again!
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    Last year we used a service to delivery groceries to our room. I'm wondering if anyone else has ever done this and if so, what company you used. Thank you so much.
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    switching hotels or rooms during stay

    I don't know how to delete a post. Sorry!
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    Crib and Pin code at Disney

    Thanks. We have a request for 2, one for each bed. I don't think my kids would sleep in the same bed so we just split them up and each stay with one. It's kind of annoying, but at least we all get sleep.
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    Crib and Pin code at Disney

    We've always rented full size cribs from a baby's best friend ( They always say that a full size crib is based upon availability and that not all properties have full size. I never wanted to take a chance. This year my youngest will be a little over 2 1/2 (he turns 2 1/2 tomorrow...
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    Baby Jogger Mini City or Maclaren Quest Sport

    Are you buying a new stroller just for this trip or do you need one anyway? If it's just for this trip I would say to rent one if your current stroller isn't adequate. If you're going to rent, I'd use one of the local companies instead of from the park. They bring it to your hotel and all you...
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    Jedi Training Academy

    Oh good, thanks. It drives me crazy when we do things and he's sort of excluded because people think he's younger and wouldn't participate or speak enough. He certainly loves to tell people he's 4 so he wouldn't have a problem with that when they ask. Of course I better make sure my 2 year...
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    Jedi Training Academy

    How do they know how old a kid is? My son is really short for his age. I had read that one parent should go with the kid who is going to try and participate and others should go get fast pasts. If I send my husband to get the fast pasts then we won't have our park admission tickets so I'm...
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