Crib and Pin code at Disney


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Original Poster

I have two quick questions that I know all you Disney greats can help me with:

a)How much is the rental fee for a crib? We will hopefully be staying at Port Orleans Riverside. My daughter will be 2 1/2 at the time.

b)How do I get a PIN code for a discount? I see on one of the treads that they are at but where on the site do I go?

Thank you!

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Pack and play cribs are free at all Disney resorts.

PIN codes are randomly emailed or snail mailed to people. All you can do is make sure that Disney has your information by creating an account on the official site and ordering a vacation planning DVD. I have also heard it suggested that you plan a sample vacation on the site for your trip but do not book it.
How old is the child? If you have a baby over the age of 12 months, go with the crib. The Pack and Plays are actually smaller than the commercial ones you've probably used. As for the cribs, actual full-sized cribs might not be avialable while you're there. You can request one, but availability is based on a first come, first served basis. If you're going in early, I would request a crib and hope for the best, just have a backup plan in case you can't get one or in case you don't like the type available. You can usually call a local crib rental company that will deliver to your resort on fairly short notice.

I've used Orlando Crib Rentals and I was very happy with them. I can't recal, but I think I paid around $79 for the week. Local crib rental companies know the resorts well and deliver to the resorts. They'll show you how to set it up, etc.

ETA: I just saw this article that you might want to check out:


New Member
We've always rented full size cribs from a baby's best friend ( They always say that a full size crib is based upon availability and that not all properties have full size. I never wanted to take a chance. This year my youngest will be a little over 2 1/2 (he turns 2 1/2 tomorrow and we are going the beginning of October). We decided to forget about the crib this trip and have him sleep in a bed with one of us and a bed rail on the other side. We did it for 2 nights in June when we went away to PA and he did great. I find that the rental cribs have very soft mattresses and although it was good to get him into for napping and being able to walk out of the room (we also had 1 bedroom the last 2 trips and this year a standard room) and then to start the night, but he always ended up in bed with one of us anyway because he just wasn't as comfortable as he was at home with a firm mattress.

Last year we got a pin code and it was mailed to us. We didn't get one for this year :( I was told that they are randomly sent.

On the Disney website you can go under tickets and packages and click on specials and see what they are offering for the time you will be traveling. It's not usually as good as the pin codes, but sometimes they have some pretty good deals there.

Good luck and have a great time!


Active Member
Sari8970---you can request 2 bed rails so that you have one for each side of the bed. That is what we did on our last trip. It worked out very well!


New Member
Thanks. We have a request for 2, one for each bed. I don't think my kids would sleep in the same bed so we just split them up and each stay with one. It's kind of annoying, but at least we all get sleep.


Thanks for this post..I didn't think about it..well i did, but didn' (if that makes sense)...we used a pack and play last year and my son was 9 months, he will be 19 months old, weighs 27 lbs. and is 30 inches tall..I need to get them to get me a crib in our room...thanks


Just spoke with Disney (407 line) AND OKW resort itself and they don't even offer a crib's just a pack and play...guess I better be looking for one to rent and start packing the sheets...


New Member
From my experience, there aren't many properties that have full size cribs (I think the Grand Floridian may be one of the few). Also, from what I've been told the last couple of years, they don't guarantee the crib even if they do have them because it's on a first come first serve basis.

If you definitely want a full size crib, I definitely recommend renting one from a local company. The deliver it to the bell desk and then the bellman will bring it to your room and when you are leaving you just repack it and the bellman will bring it back for pick up. It sort of stinks to add another $75 or so (depending how long you are staying) to your trip, but if it means everyone getting sleep and being able to enjoy the vacation I say it is definitely worth it.

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