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  • Yeah, a preferred room. But back when we went it was brand new. That's when they were still talking about building the "Golden Years" section. As a matter of fact a bus driver told us it would be open in '07! When I was making plans for our "07 trip I couldn't find anything about it. After much (much!) research I found they never did anything with what they had started. We ended up at the Port Orleans Riverside that year. Loved it! We were on the Magnolia Bend and it was so charming.

    I wonder why they haven't refurbed the AS hotels yet? Maybe because they always stay full?
    What are some of the horror stories? I've not seen anything online. (My admission - I check out 3-4 Disney websites all the time.) Before we took the kids my hubby and I stayed at A-S Music. We liked it but that was over ten years ago, too.

    You tried POP and didn't like it? What building were you in? That's the first property we stayed at and we loved it. The kids especially. We stayed in the 60's building which was great because we were close to the main building and the "Hippy Dippy Pool". The staircases on the end of our building were giant Yo-Yo's. The kids thought that was the coolest thing!
    I had Raisin Bran for lunch. Lol, but I love cereal. I think I wouldn't cook most of the time if I was on my own. I'd have boxes and boxes of cereal! Well, my DH thinks we already do but we eat it all.

    We'll go next year and then go in '14 for our anniversary again. I can't wait to see the FLE! And the new restaurants. If they don't pass this school calender again in three years then in '14 is when we'll finally go at Christmas. Most likey for Christmas. I haven't yet told my DH that I'm hoping to stay for 10 days. Maybe we'll stay at the new Animation hotel in a family suite. I don't know if we could afford to stay at the GF for that long. It's so far away, I just need to concentrate on our trip next year! See how ahead of myself I get?!?
    O-M-G!! "Hooked for a living"? LMAO!!!

    I know what you mean, I end up literally yelling at people when I see them on their cell phones and they're doing something stupid or slowing up others behind them! That is absolutely one thing that drives me insane. I've thought about making up a sign that says "Get off you fu@#ing cell phone and PAY ATTENTION!!" Then hold it up when neccessary. What do you think? That won't get ME arrested will it? LOL.

    Never give up the dream, maybe someday you'll win a trip or come into a windfall of $$$ and get to stay somewhere you'd love to try. I would like to try all the hotels eventually. We'll have to do the value again though once the kids aren't with us or they get their own room. (DH & I cannot sleep in a full size bed.)
    Tristan plays the viola. He does pretty well. It's a struggle to get him to practice though. But he should have friends hitting the parks with his friends.

    I see so many people take horrible chances out of impatience. Two things that really get me are when someone just HAS to pull out right in front of you and there is no one else behind you! I'm like, "you can't wait two more seconds till I pass to go?" and the other is people going through the red light because they don't want to sit through a light but then they block the cross traffic. Omg, that totally es me off. I mean I've gone through red lights too, but I always fear being caught by the police. I truly believe impatience is one of the major causes of the accidents all around us.
    I think we are on the same "Disney Dork" level! Lmao, thank goodness I am not the only one. I think I drive my family a little crazy at times but the kids are a lot more willing to talk about things than my hubby. He just tolerates it, lol. Tristan is actually going to Disney twice next year because his orchestra class (well, only 8th graders) goes for a music program. I'm very excited for him. I told him I wouldn't go so he could have more fun. I think my love of Disney would embarrass him! So, he'll go in April and then again with us in Sept.

    That accident sounds terrible! Was someone taking a chance trying to cross traffic? We were in an accident at Target a few years ago. We were just sitting there waiting to turn right when someone tried to cross four lanes of traffic quickly hit one car, then us.. We were all ok but a passenger in the car that caused the accident was paralyzed. It was awful.
    I am also shocked at what's considered PG-13! We usually will watch a movie before we let the kids watch them and now I think PG-13 needs to be added to the list. Now some movies I don't worry about like the Star Wars or Harry Potter movies, thankfully.

    If you do get a hot CM on your trip you have to take a photo of him! Maybe Lindsay can get a photo of you w/ him! Lmao, that would be awesome.

    My friend is having a baby in early Oct. and she only has six weeks left so I know you have about the same, right? Gosh, I'm getting excited for you! Does Lindsay get excited early or when the trip is closer?
    Lmao, Dolph! The only Rocky movie I ever saw was the one with him in it and he's the only reason I went to see it in the first place!! I also have a photo of one of my bff's in college with her by his poster in her room with her hand on his bare chest! It's hilarious.....

    Free is always better! I'm glad that all worked out for you.

    How was the movie? You and LIndsay saw that together right? I see more kid movies than movies for grown-ups. (Um, adult movies doesn't sound quite right!) But the thing is, sometimes the animated ones are waaay better than the grown-up ones.

    Deiter! Deiter! Deiter!
    Lmao! Too funny! Ok so now I'm going to hope that not only you have a wonderful vacation and Thanksgiving but you get a hot waiter named Deiter! Awesome!

    What kind of cell did you end up getting? My DH wants a Droid, but we just got new phones just before Christmas last year so it'll be a while before we get new ones.
    Mssg. Part 2

    We've eaten at Liberty Tree twice. Both times the food was really good and we all enjoyed it. The first time it was still a character dinner, too. Tristan loved the revolutionary theme because he's quite the history buff!

    I just think it's so cool you're trying someplace new for Thanksgiving. Maybe they'll serve a German Turkey! lmao.......
    I wouldn't want to go with my mother. She actually invited herself to go along with us next year. At first I sort-of panicked but then realized there was no way she'd be able to afford it. I said nothing, avoided a huge fight/confrontation and in the end she decided that if she was going to pay that much money she'd rather go on a cruise! Yay! One thing I'll say, just because you're related to someone doesn't mean you'll automatically like them or want to be around them. If I wasn't related to my mother (and trust me, I ask myself - how can I be related to someone who's a polar opposite?!? all the time) I certainly wouldn't be friends with her. Ugh. But when I pictured her with us on vacation - she would've ruined it. I also know I would've dreaded the trip and then thought, "I can't believe we're spending so much money on a trip I'm not enjoying." It's amazing how one person can ruin everything. I guess it's her "gift"! lmao.....
    Wow, you're being adventurous for Thanksgiving! I love it. I know too many people afraid to try new things. I can't wait to hear how your Thanksgiving is! I bet tons of people have made reservations at Liberty Tree Tavern. It'll probably be a nightmare there that day.

    I saw this question on a thread and thought I'd ask you - is there anyone you wouldn't want to go to Disney with?
    Finally a day with no drama! Thank goodness. I need to get my car washed, too. Do you wash yours regularly? I used to but stopped when the price of gas got crazy and then never got back into doing it again. So I drive a messy, dirty car, LOL!

    I hope your day was better too. I bet you'll be so ready for your vacation when it comes, huh? Where are you eating for Thanksgiving again?
    Now for today's "bad" report. This morning my battery was dead. So my DH replaced it. He also didn't go to work because he hurt his knee. He's at the dr. right now. LOL, I'm afraid to wake up tomorrow!

    I do typically buy myself something for Christmas and actually wrap it and put it under the tree so I suppose getting my own gift card won't be too weird. I'm not having the easiest time figuring out what to get the kids this year but I'm hoping to start shopping soon.

    We followed the directions from MapQuest one year to Disney and it took us in the back way! The security guard, when we finally found one said, "You're using directions from MapQuest, aren't you?" Last time we went my DH used his GPS. He has a Magellan and I call it "Madge".
    I may not get out of bed tomorrow. Lmao, today I got bit by a mosquito right next to my eyelash! Then after Sean's soccer practice was over my truck wouldn't start. Thankfully, someone very kind helped to recharge the battery.

    On to a happier subject, do you buy yourself anything special before your Disney trips? I'm debating on getting myself a gift card for Christmas. What do you think?
    Ever had a day where you shouldn't have gotten out of bed? I had that day today, lol. Started off with me not remembering to turn on my alarm so Sean missed his bus and I had to take him to school. Later on I took Tristan to get new contacts, there was a mix-up on the scheduling so we were a day early but the technician said he wasn't eligible for contacts/exam till Jan.'11! So I said we'd just go ahead and buy him two boxes and she said, "You can't purchase contacts on an expired prescription." So he'll have to wear his glasses till Jan. This after I rushed to get Tristan out of school for an appt. that didn't exist. Hope tomorrow is better.....
    Wow, thanks for letting me know. Now I'll know how to cut down on what it is I'm looking for on eBay. Great tip!

    How was the P&P Festival? Do they have a lot of good food there? We've been to a couple of festivals, their names escape me right now, lol. Was it cooler yesterday? Today was sooo hot when we had to go out. I know Friday was terribly humid, I could hardly stand it! I hope you had fun, did you all go?
    I have that double-whammy of also collecting toy trains, so I have a pretty decent sized Mickey Mouse train collection as well. I recently had to give up my mint chip and dale theme park exclusives to my 6 month old... Hopefully baby slobber won't mess them up too much!
    A fellow collector! Do you do any of the theme park used stuff? That's my favorite. I almost bought the Country Bear Jamboree sign... the shipping was a killer though
    I had to tell you, I went on dBay and typed in Disney - it brought up over 500,000 items!! Lmao, how long does it take you to find stuff? I could've been there for hours! Have you had any bad experiences on eBay? I've only ever bought one thing off there years ago, a Harry Potter backpack. Does Lindsay know about the gift bag or is it a surprise?
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