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  • I know - time is going by so quickly both our trips (and our Chef Mickey's dinner together!) will be here before we know it! I'm so excited - yep, already! Although, when we do go it means I'll be the mother of a high school kid, that does NOT excite me, lmao!!

    Happy Easter!! Lee is working overtime so it's just been me and the kids. We've watched all three Toy Story movies this weekend and tonite our big dinner will be egg salad sandwiches from the eggs we dyed last night. The kids still love doing that, thank goodness since I enjoy it so much.

    We'll both have a huge weight off our backs once our trips are finally paid off. That will be a nice feeling, won't it? Are you buying anything special for your trip?
    Yeah, our payoff date is Aug.3rd. I'll be so relieved to get that off our backs. I'm hoping to go to the MNSSHP and if we pay off in June then we should have no problem getting tickets. I think. LOL....

    I remember when a friend of mine was having her first baby and I told her the world doesn't stop just cause Mommy's sick. Everything still has to be done and it kinda sucks. Lee helps a little but he could definitely do more, and sometimes if I just ask then he'll do something. Not exactly the way I do it but that's another story...lmao!

    Tristan leaves Mon. night for his orchestra trip to WDW. He's excited and I am too for him. They don't even really have school today they're doing their 8th grade Olympics. Rough life for him, huh?
    Sorry I haven't been on in a few days. Feeling under the weather but apparently that comes with the kidney stone territory, at least till it passes.

    I'll be glad when we get our trip totally paid off. We should be done by June, I think, if things go according to plan. Then we can save and get the rest of the stuff we need.

    I do love my Passport! I am planning on getting one with each trip. We've already started talking about the next one. Since we'll go on schedule in '13 we're going to cut back, especially since we haven't had the easiest time paying off this trip. Plus, I think we'll make reservations and start paying asap.
    I am ok! I do have a 4 mm. kidney stone and have been feeling pretty crappy all weekend but it looks like I'll live. I have to go to a urologist tomorrow and hopefully will be able to get an appt. in the morning so I can go back to work. April is turning out to be a less than stellar month.

    I hope your weekend went better than mine. I think it's cool you're going to still have pictures made with the characters on your trip! Why shouldn't you have some awesome pictures, too?
    My bad week continues. Yesterday at ASP one of the 1st graders in my class was pushed off the jungle gym while horseplaying and broke his arm. And I mean broken, it was L shaped. It freaked me out because I've never seen anything like that before. But the other ASP instructor took him to the office while they waited for the ambulance. I stayed with the rest of the freaked out kids.

    And after Tristan leaves for school Lee is taking me to the ER. The pain is worse and I almost went last night but held off till this morning. I was afraid to go to sleep until I looked up some symptoms online and realized I'd most likely make it thru the night, lol......sigh......I can do without this kind of drama!

    I'll get back with you as soon as I can.

    I'll focus on the good, like our upcoming vacation. That can usually keep me upbeat, LOL.
    Went to the Dr. for nothing. A few tests ruled out kidney stone and bowel obstruction but came out with no diagnosis, nor anything for the pain! So, I'll get a nice, big bill for nothing. Their reccomendation is if the pain gets severe go to the ER and if I still have the pain in a week I should go to a GI specialist. On top of all that, I've also had a terrible headache, not sleeping well at all and I got my "monthly visitor" yesterday! It's not a good week. lol....
    Omg, I have much, much more to lose than 50 lbs, unfortunately. Like I said before, Ugh.

    Don't get discouraged though - those 1/4 here and there will start to add up.

    I am off to the Dr. I strained my back and I think I might have a kidney stone. I have been in such pain off and on for the last few days. Yesterday at work was terrible. So, I'll get back to you and let you know how it turns out.
    No, no, no....losing weight is supposed to keep us OUT of our graves! LOL, I'm not really trying but I need to. Ugh.

    Yeah, that was one of the questions I had in my interview was once this school year was over would I be quitting a permanent job for one that was only going to be around for a couple more months? Thankfully I still have a job next school year but if I can get a job at Crocs or the Disney Store then I'll take a summer job.

    I broke it to Lee over the weekend that I didn't want to get "off schedule" going to WDW for our 20th anniversary in '14 but just keep going every other year, which means we'll celebrate our 25th there. He seemed okay with it but we agreed we'll need to cut back next time.
    We were at the mall yesterday from about 11-1. I love the Disney Store! But guess what? While we were at the mall we stopped by the Crocs store and I saw they were hiring! I just finished sending an email with my resume attached! I'm hoping for summer work, as a matter of fact when I was considering whether or not I wanted to look for a job over the sumnmer I knew I really only wanted to work at the Disney Store or Crocs! I was excited to see they were actually hiring, I didn't think either of them would. We'll see if anything happens.:shrug:

    I had to make the font on my cell phone bigger because I can't barely (and I mean barely!) read my texts anymore! LOL, "what a drag it is gettin' old!" :cry:
    I am so looking forward to picking up the kids tomorrow at the airport! Especially after ding-dong me watched Dateline last nite about 2 teen girls that were abducted and killed. Not the best show to watch while my babies are away! Then today while I was out shopping w/ my girlfriend I got a call from my brother and s-i-l letting me know that Sean, my 10 yr. old, got stung by a jellyfish a the beach today. I felt so bad for him. He sounded pitiful but there wasn't anything I could do for him. He did say he was okay though. I asked my s-i-l to give him either Tylenol or Advil for the pain. I bet they were totally freaked out when that happened!

    I got some cute shirts at Old Navy for about $5 each. I saw a couple of tees at the Disney store that I want but have to wait till I get paid. I know you're shocked to hear that!
    Thank you for the suggestions! I think we already do the averaged electric bill. My hubby switched to a lower gas company recently and we are going to switch to Magic Jack. He did cut down on cable which saved us $40 a mo. I think it will be close to $50, maybe, after we switch to Magic Jack. Plus, cutting down on luxuries - I put off buying my wrinkle cream till I get another coupon from Costco. So, in the meantime hopefully my face doesn't age 20 years! LMAO.....
    We are spring break cleaning and then the boys are flying down to visit my brother and sister-in-law tomorrow thru Sun. I'll have time to myself and Lee and I were supposed to go to dinner but we're broke, broke and so that's out. I'm bummed, I was looking forward to that.

    We are trying to find ways to cut back on our bills. So far we've cut down our cable (now when there's nothing on instead of nothing on 150 channels, it's only 125. How will we ever survive.) and I think we may swith to Magic Jack for the phone. Got any other ideas or suggestions?
    Thanks for the info. on Cali Grill. I am probably wearing a pretty sundress I bought at Old Navy for that day. I can mark 2 more things off my list. Ordered the kids sunglasses off ebay and took your advice of picking "Free Shipping" only. They were more than I have paid in the past but I almost bought some at Kohl's that would have cost the same so I went ahead and bought them. I couldn't buy them from Kohl's because Sean wants aviator style and the Men's were way too big and I haven't seen any in Kid's sizes.

    I'll look at the menu again for all the restaurants a few times before we go but I wanted to know how your food was. I look forward to eating at WDW as much as I do anything else! LOL...

    How is your spring break going?
    What did you order at Cali Grill? And how were people dressed? My DH and boys will wear polos and decent shorts but they'll only have sandals and Crocs, will I need to bring them fancier shoes, too? :confused:
    My first day is over with and I think I'm gonna like it! I have, however, identified 3 that could possibly be a source of some problems - a temper tantrum prone screamer (yeah, fun.), a troublemaker looking for trouble and a girl who's not quite a troublemaker but is VERY loud! I will say that it was the last day before spring break and that created complete chaos but I know it will be different when we go back. So - so far, so good! :wave:

    Well, I am in full-on Disney mode now. Trying to pay off our vacation, trying to save money for it, getting stuff we need crossed off my list. So far the only thing off the list is bathing suits, that's a pretty good start I think. Thankfully nobody needed a bunch of shorts although my DH needs some bigger shirts but not too many. :rolleyes:
    Today I went and did some more paperwork, got fingerprinted and my badge (picture - eh...) so I'm all ready for Fri, my first day! I'll let you know how it goes. :sohappy:

    Well, all my guys have their 2 bathing suits for the summer and trip and I found a tankini top at Kohl's that I bought yesterday. Had to go to Woodstock but I really liked it so it was worth it especially since I didn't want to spend almost $7 on shipping if I ordered it online. Now all I need is a bottom to go with it and for the first time in years (and I mean years!) I'll actually have 2 swimsuits myself to choose from over the summer. Too bad nothing actually looks good!! :rolleyes:

    Now, I'm working on my packing list, LOL! Something WDW related always keeps me busy!! :D
    NO, it's NOT silly! At all!! LMAO!!

    Today was my last day. My last couple of days have been so carefree and it's all due to not having sales/credit goals hanging over my head. As a matter of fact, usually on a day like today (9:45am-6pm) I am dragging by 6, today I wasn't tired at all! I knew it was a relief but I had no idea how much, lol!

    I think I am done tweaking our reservations and plans. What we've got is what we've got. Thank goodness! BUT, I realized today we still have over $800 to pay off in 3 mos! And still try to save. Sigh....., no stress....LOL....
    OMG, I can't believe it didn't occur to me to give you the ADR info! Geez, I think I need more sleep, lmao! It's Sun. 18th @ 7:30 pm for 5 people #410801023030 is the confirmation number just in case.

    Well, I gave my notice. I got fairly emotional because though I ended up not liking the job itself, I really liked all my co-workers and I am very, very grateful to my manager who was the FIRST person to give me a job after being home for over 12 years with Tristan and Sean. It was a great confidence booster. Too bad the job itself sucks, lol.

    I'd do the same as you as far as keeping an ADR at Via Napoli and eating at 50's. That's Sean's favorite restaurant. He was kinda heartbroken when at first I told him we weren't eating there but then was thrilled when I told him that yes we were eating there again. I think it's the only place we've eaten on all of our trips.
    Wow, we are eating at all the same places! Narcoosee's sounds amazing. Lee and I ate there on our honeymoon for a special dinner that was included on our package. I remember enjoying myself, the food must have been good though or I would remember that. I think I would anyway, LMAO! I am so looking forward to a week of good food (especially that I don't have to make, lol), I can hardly wait. :slurp:

    Thank you for the good wishes. Now all I have to do is put in my notice today. Ugh. I hate that part but it must be done. I'm on the schedule for next week but I'm going to have this Sat. be my last day. One reason I'm glad to quit - Sean's soccer games start this Sat. and since no one could/would switch hours with me Lee had to take off. So, Lee who makes 3 x's what I make is taking off instead of me! Crazy, right? :hammer:
    Just got the call - I GOT THE JOB!! I'm so excited I can't wait to quit Macy's. I like the people I work with and that's about it. So, I think I'll start as early as next Mon. I'm so happy and relieved......
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