The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
Numerous times a day. If I don’t I will have a few hundred to delete by the end of the day. It’s mostly retail emails. Everyone I know personally does text.
You're lucky, mine are mostly political ads. I made the mistake of contributing once online and now I am bombarded with shameless begging constantly. I don't read them anymore, but, I do group delete them and move on. I get notices on my phone whenever I get an e-mail. No way I can ignore it.

I usually just text unless it is going to be a lengthy conversation. My pudgy fingers cause me more typo's on my phone then I have correct things. Using voice recognition always, always ends up with it mishearing some of the words and putting in random other words that make no sense and make me sound like an idiot. So, if I want to send a message of any large amount... I use e-mail. I don't mind being an idiot, but, I don't want everyone to know it.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
We got the Echo dots today. We're getting a regular Echo tomorrow.

As I was doing dishes, my cell phone started buzzing. The caller ID identified it as me. I picked it up. It was my brother calling me from his room.

A few minutes later, I called his room and started singing Do you want to Build a Snowman.

Apparently, I'm weird for that.
We love ours. They even work state to state.


Well-Known Member
Oh yum!!! (And yes, I do like Girl Scout cookies -- just about all the varieties. :hungry: )

Oh, the good memories...!!!!! :happy:
And, as I’ve posted many times before, we worked with both DDs over a combined decade to sell those delicious Girl Scout Cookies...!!!!!!! :joyfull::hungry::happy::)
They always earned enough cookie credits every year to cover camp, and then some. And, they also learned so much about dedication, commitment, salesmanship, personability, etc., that has gone on to serve them in their lives since...everything from their jobs, to their board positions on the pediatric cancer foundation, oldest DDs motherhood, etc....!!!!!!! :happy:
Youngest DD sold over 1,200 boxes one year, and oldest DD over 1,500...!!!!!!! :joyfull:
DWifey and I worked overlapping booths so many, ultimately, was such a good bonding and learning time for us all as a family...!!!!! :happy:


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
For me, it's the privacy. So many of the "smart" devices now have cameras and such that can be hacked. I keep a piece of athletic tape over my camera on my laptop so that if someone hacks in, they can't see anything. I've seen programs on TV where they show how easy it is for someone to hack into your laptop camera and watch you, even when you think the camera is not on/being used. And I am certainly no expert when it comes to technology, so I wouldn't know whether it was possible to hack into or I'd rather just not have a screen in the room where I shower, etc. They can't hack into something that's not there. And maybe they couldn't even if it WAS there, but I don't want to take that chance. Just like some people not wanting to post pictures of themselves or their kids on a site like this. Statistically, that chance might be low of anyone using that information to stalk you, etc....but if it makes you feel safer, you do what feels right.
My laptop and iPad both pave painters tape. I do similar in hotel rooms. Even Disney.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Yes, of course they do! :p

I think I must live in some sort of alternate universe from the people you design high-end homes for. In our bathroom, there is no TV, but there is a clock that tells correct time, as long as it's Standard Time. When it's Daylight Savings Time, it will still show Standard Time, because the little plastic thing that changes the time, broke ages ago -- and we never bothered to replace the clock. (So in the summer we "add"an hour to whatever it says.) Other than that, it's a perfectly good clock and very reliable. :hilarious:

Now, that's class!!! :joyfull:

Giggle. Welcome to my world. I genuinely loved the TV in the mirror. It was an unexpected luxury I had never seen before and I've been fortunate enough the last few years to stay in some very nice hotels. It was fun. The next morning it was set to ABC and we watched holiday KELLY. It was a fun little perk and didn't find it creepity or weird. Just a nice NY Day perk that was fun not controversial.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
No not at all! If you wreck it then you just claim it to your insurance, same as if you bought it. Most Americans don’t pay cash for a new car, so the bank owns the vehicle anyway. Avg loan in the US is now at almost 75 months.. many people trade in their car before it’s ever paid off, and never actually own it. The difference with a lease is you’re just paying the depreciation... and less taxes, and GAP insurance included at no additional charge.

A lease and loan are more similar than many think.. you can trade the car in at any time (like I do), or you can buy it yourself if you want to, and then “own” it.
Thanks. That is helpful information. (Never heard of GAP insurance before either, so good to know.)

I'm sure each dealer has different rule for leasing. I've always wondered if there any damage to the car, if you're under a lease agreement, do you have to get it repaired to factory specs? In other words, when you own your own car and if it's in a minor accident, you may or may not get the damage fixed to "as good as new" if you didn't want to pay as much. (Even with insurance, most people have a fairly high deductible.)

So my question is with a leased vehicle, do you have to turn it in (say, after a 3-year or whatever lease) in perfect condition?

At this point in my life I'm on the upper end on this thread. To date I've never leased a car and I've only bought a car outright. I tend to keep my cars-trucks until they go no longer, I've never had the desire to have the latest or the best, just one that is tough, starts and does what I need it to do including being reliable. My take on auto's is they are the worst investment. They depreciate so fast and are worthless as time goes on beyond my need of one. I hold onto them as long as I can because my belief is no matter if it is leased, mortgaged or outright purchased the investment fails to accrue.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
This calling every 15 minutes thing is getting really old, though...

Hopefully the novelty will wear off soon and become a more useful tool as it has with my family. My Mom played with that feature a bit too often. Ignore kinda brought that to a quick end though. Amen.

Me, my Mom over a decade and years to that found that IM software back when it was popular in everyday life. Given at that time I started my own busness and was ten on my computer multiple times a day Moms IMs would come through seeing I was ON and wanted to chat. The guilt of going invisible to your own Mom

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