The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
At this point in my life I'm on the upper end on this thread. To date I've never leased a car and I've only bought a car outright. I tend to keep my cars-trucks until they go no longer, I've never had the desire to have the latest or the best, just one that is tough, starts and does what I need it to do including being reliable. My take on auto's is they are the worst investment. They depreciate so fast and are worthless as time goes on beyond my need of one. I hold onto them as long as I can because my belief is no matter if it is leased, mortgaged or outright purchased the investment fails to accrue.
That was our intention with our previous Suburban. We had bought an off lease so we saved $30,000 just by taking a 2 year old car. Unfortunately the car had a glitch that showed up after it was paid off. It kept breaking down after super long car rides. The car for quite a few months was at the dealership every Thursday night. It would shake as soon as the key was turned in the ignition. It had a part, whose name fails me now, that apparently got covered in gunk too easily and needed to be cleaned quite often. They said it was because the car could run on both ethanol and regular gas, but the car had a problem figuring out which gas it was being given, so if there was too much ethanol, it would screw it up. We don't have E85 here. I just put regular gas. Anyway, after dealing with the issue for a year in which it broke down driving to Hilton Head and Disney, we had had enough. Had to get a new one. Yes, we did get lucky on the price of a dealer driven one, but I would be much happier if we didn't have a car payment. Our other car is a mini van that is paid off, and I pray that it stays running for a while. Go Toyota!


Well-Known Member
At this point in my life I'm on the upper end on this thread. To date I've never leased a car and I've only bought a car outright. I tend to keep my cars-trucks until they go no longer, I've never had the desire to have the latest or the best, just one that is tough, starts and does what I need it to do including being reliable. My take on auto's is they are the worst investment. They depreciate so fast and are worthless as time goes on beyond my need of one. I hold onto them as long as I can because my belief is no matter if it is leased, mortgaged or outright purchased the investment fails to accrue.
That was always my mom's way....she'd save for several years, and we'd buy a used car and she'd drive it for almost a decade. She always said never to make payments because you end up paying so much more than the car is worth and you never OWN it. Which I see her point. But then we got a real lemon. When we bought it, the salesman said that they had just replaced the engine, so it was like getting a brand new car, but for the price of a used one. We had nothing but problems with that car. 2 years into driving it, we had to replace the engine was completely shot. We thought it was a fluke. In the winter, all the locks on it would freeze. DH couldn't get his door closed, so he had to drive down the street with one hand holding the door closed until it warmed up enough that he could close it. My door wouldn't open from the inside, so I had to roll down the window and reach out to open it up....and then one day, the window was frozen shut and I had to wave frantically to a coworker who happened to be by the door at work to come out and open the door. One time I had to crawl out the window because it wouldn't open either inside or out. The dealership said it was a manufacturing issue with that make and model of car...then why didn't they recall it? Driving with only one hand because you have to hold your door closed is not safe! So, after another 2 years went by and the engine cratered AGAIN, it just wasn't worth it to repair. We had already put several thousand into repairs and it wasn't even WORTH 2 thousand by that time. We didn't want to get stuck paying more in repairs than a car was worth if there was a "manufacturing problem" so we started leasing. If there's a problem, it's not OUR problem, and we get a new one every 5 or 6's fantastic. SO much nicer than owning a car and having to worry every time something goes wrong how we're going to pay for it.


Premium Member
More of that Texas Coast (Corpus Christi) house 3-D modeling fun goin’ into the weekend...!!! :)

View attachment 338498

For just a brief moment only, this (somewhat box-style design, so to speak) reminded me a little of Habitat 67. I put a photo below--you're probably familiar with architect, Moshe Safdie, who designed this (modern, ahead-of-it's-time) apartment complex in Quebec, back in 1967.

Again, it was just a fleeting thought as I looked at your drawing, and your grand house above it clearly not the same--just a few of the shapes brought Habitat 67 to mind. :)



Well-Known Member
For just a brief moment only, this (somewhat box-style design, so to speak) reminded me a little of Habitat 67. I put a photo below--you're probably familiar with architect, Moshe Safdie, who designed this (modern, ahead-of-it's-time) apartment complex in Quebec, back in 1967.

Again, it was just a fleeting thought as I looked at your drawing, and your grand house above it clearly not the same--just a few of the shapes brought Habitat 67 to mind. :)

View attachment 338638
That looks really cool actually.


Well-Known Member
I don't text. I read email a few times a day if at home. When I'm at work, I'm hammered with emails all day long.
Thank you for your answer. The personal e mail is what I was focusing on. I had a student I was concerned about leave school yesterday at 1pm. The mom picked her up from the school nurse's office. When I got home at 4pm I sent that child's mom an e-mail to ask how the child is feeling and wishing her well. I just wondered if that mom will even check her personal g mail.


Well-Known Member
Thank you for your answer. The personal e mail is what I was focusing on. I had a student I was concerned about leave school yesterday at 1pm. The mom picked her up from the school nurse's office. When I got home at 4pm I sent that child's mom an e-mail to ask how the child is feeling and wishing her well. I just wondered if that mom will even check her personal g mail.
I just checked my school e-mail and the mom answered me late last night. She said I was kind to check on her child and her child was doing better :happy:


Well-Known Member
Thank you for your answer. The personal e mail is what I was focusing on. I had a student I was concerned about leave school yesterday at 1pm. The mom picked her up from the school nurse's office. When I got home at 4pm I sent that child's mom an e-mail to ask how the child is feeling and wishing her well. I just wondered if that mom will even check her personal g mail.
That was very thoughtful of you.


Well-Known Member
For me, it's the privacy. So many of the "smart" devices now have cameras and such that can be hacked. I keep a piece of athletic tape over my camera on my laptop so that if someone hacks in, they can't see anything. I've seen programs on TV where they show how easy it is for someone to hack into your laptop camera and watch you, even when you think the camera is not on/being used. And I am certainly no expert when it comes to technology, so I wouldn't know whether it was possible to hack into or I'd rather just not have a screen in the room where I shower, etc. They can't hack into something that's not there. And maybe they couldn't even if it WAS there, but I don't want to take that chance. Just like some people not wanting to post pictures of themselves or their kids on a site like this. Statistically, that chance might be low of anyone using that information to stalk you, etc....but if it makes you feel safer, you do what feels right.
I never worry about things like that. The worse case scenario concerning the camera is that someone would see me naked and I feel pretty confident that they would shut that down so quick that I would feel the wind from their hand movement. To me life is too short to spend worrying about things that might happen and just concentrate on what I want to do. Everyone else can just pound sand. I know that no one is coming after my money and if they do I hope they brought a very tiny bag to carry it away in. Otherwise they are going to look awfully silly.


Well-Known Member
At this point in my life I'm on the upper end on this thread. To date I've never leased a car and I've only bought a car outright. I tend to keep my cars-trucks until they go no longer, I've never had the desire to have the latest or the best, just one that is tough, starts and does what I need it to do including being reliable. My take on auto's is they are the worst investment. They depreciate so fast and are worthless as time goes on beyond my need of one. I hold onto them as long as I can because my belief is no matter if it is leased, mortgaged or outright purchased the investment fails to accrue.
If there is an upside to my age, the words "accrue" and "for my kids" is pretty much the same thing. I can lease much cheaper and I have no interest in any long, long range plans to keep something from now on. If I go before it does. I'm fine. If I last to the end of the lease then I get a new car every three years. At my age that is about the most excitement I can handle or hope for.
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King Capybara 77

Thank you sir. You were an inspiration.
Premium Member
If there is an upside to my age, the words accrue and for my kids is pretty much the same thing. I can lease much cheaper and I have no interest in any long, long range plans to keep something from now on. If I go before it does. I'm fine. If I last to the end of the lease then I get a new car every three years. At my age that is about the most excitement I can handle or hope for.
You adrenaline junkie you ...


Well-Known Member
For just a brief moment only, this (somewhat box-style design, so to speak) reminded me a little of Habitat 67. I put a photo below--you're probably familiar with architect, Moshe Safdie, who designed this (modern, ahead-of-it's-time) apartment complex in Quebec, back in 1967.

Again, it was just a fleeting thought as I looked at your drawing, and your grand house above it clearly not the same--just a few of the shapes brought Habitat 67 to mind. :)

View attachment 338638

Yep, very familiar with it, and not lost on me at all...what was new, then became old, is now new again...!!! ;) :)
Funny thing is, the form of that house could just as easily be elevated in a French Country, Mediterranean, Craftsman, etc., style...Colonial, Georgian, Greek Revival, etc., not so much, because of the inherent asymmetry.
It’s fun to be an “Imagineer”...!!!!!!! :joyfull: :D ;) :)


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Hopefully the novelty will wear off soon and become a more useful tool as it has with my family. My Mom played with that feature a bit too often. Ignore kinda brought that to a quick end though. Amen.

Me, my Mom over a decade and years to that found that IM software back when it was popular in everyday life. Given at that time I started my own busness and was ten on my computer multiple times a day Moms IMs would come through seeing I was ON and wanted to chat. The guilt of going invisible to your own Mom
Hopefully. In the meantime, though, I put a Do Not Disturb on mine between 11 pm and 7 am so he can't do that in the middle of the night. Or while I'm still sleeping and he's going to school.


Well-Known Member
If there is an upside to my age, the words accrue and for my kids is pretty much the same thing. I can lease much cheaper and I have no interest in any long, long range plans to keep something from now on. If I go before it does. I'm fine. If I last to the end of the lease then I get a new car every three years. At my age that is about the most excitement I can handle or hope for.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Steve's response: When I was in my early 20s I bought a Dodge Shadow.....3 years later traded it for a Pontiac Grand Am and then 2 years later traded that for a Pontiac Grand Prix. I didn't have a wife or a child....didn't own my own home. After paying my rent I had left over money to do that.
It's always a good feeling to get a new car so @Goofyernmost I totally get what you are saying!

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
Just wondering where a camera is in a hotel room there? Were you referencing if you hooked up your laptop, for example? I'm not a techno person, so I was trying to figure this out.
Places like hotels mostly use open networks to connect and then you authenticate. Most of these means people who are skilled can snoop anything.
And some laptops are stupidly configured by default with peripherals visible and shared. I've seen some dumb laptop programmed with preshared cameras (one of the most idiotic things I've ever seen, I'm looking at you SONY!). So any skilled black hat dude can actually make the cameras turn on when its connected to the network and thus spy on you.

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