Honestly, I think the shortest distance between DAK today and a functional, thriving park would be a great new Dino-themed attraction where Primeval Whirl used to be, committed placemaking to turn Chester and Hester's Dino-Rama into something new that's worthwhile, new effects in Dinosaur to amp up the attraction that currently exists, and a new attraction (or two) for Pandora.
Personally I would think that *could* be managed for less than what a total Dinoland retheme would cost. It's not like the issue is that Dinosaurs aren't cool, it's just that Dinoland USA is lacking and always has been. Give the land the rebrand it deserves, punch up what works and ditch what doesn't. There's no need to throw out the Carnotaurus with the Carnival Games.
Then get a night show going that actually works and you're really onto something.