YUCK! AK is in a MESS!


New Member
This exact post (title and all) was on another Disney site (which I will not mention)...it got pretty much the same response there....wonder how many other Disney sites this poster has posted this same joke on?


slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
I won't try to imporve upon the perfection that IS this thread, but I wanted to share a similar bit of tomfoolery.

I used to post a great deal on a DVD site, back when DVDs were still reasonably novel. And when the Casablanca DVD came out, "someone" started complaining about we were all being totally ripped off.

Because the movie wasn't "enhanced for widescreen."

It was full-frame!

DVDs are always widescreen, aren't they?

I mean, really, if they couldn't go through the effort to release a widescreen version of Casablanca, why bother releasing it at all?!?!?! It's a CLASSIC, and should only be seen in WIDESCREEN!!!

I'm still not sure if the original poster let on that he/she knew Casablanca wasn't filmed wide-screen, and therefore couldn't/shouldn't be on video in widescreen, either. Pure ignorance, or pure genius? You...make the call.

Astronaut Jones

New Member
I'm guessing that this person is joking but I actually did hear a lady say something almost identical to this in the park. It was during that AK special preview before it officially opened and this lady (same spot, right outside KS) was like "This place is new?! The sidewalk is all torn apart and the buildings look all beaten up. I can't believe Disney would open up a place looking like this." My mom even laughed and agreed thinking it was a joke but the lady just said "it's ridiculous", and we realized she was serious.


Well-Known Member
You think that was bad? Yesterday I went on that "Test Track" they have over at Epcot, and I have a feeling those people at GM were trying to kill us! It started out fine enough, but then they took us in that awful "heat room"! Then they tried to freeze us, and spray paint in our eyes! We thought that had to be the worst of it, but then they almost ran us over in a truck! We tried to leave, but then they crashed us into a wall! What did we do to them? I think I may take legal action, honestly.


Well-Known Member
You think that was bad? Yesterday I went on that "Test Track" they have over at Epcot, and I have a feeling those people at GM were trying to kill us! It started out fine enough, but then they took us in that awful "heat room"! Then they tried to freeze us, and spray paint in our eyes! We thought that had to be the worst of it, but then they almost ran us over in a truck! We tried to leave, but then they crashed us into a wall! What did we do to them? I think I may take legal action, honestly.

Hey, that's nothing. Ever try to drive a real GM car?

Frontierland CM

New Member
I know exactly what the OP is talking about.

When I went on EE and the buildings looked horrible. Pick a color people don't' just pour red paint down the side. What is with all the fire wood on the roofs? The windows weren't straight, the roofs and the buildings were sagging and don't even get me started on all those tatters flags!

MGM is suffering to. TOT really needs a good cleaning. Why cant they fix all the cracks in the plaster maybe fix the fountain in the front and put some water in it? At least they finally put up the letters that fell of the sign in the lobby.

This travesty is even spreading to MK. Have any of you been on Haunted Mansion. For god sake buy a vacuum cleaner! There are cobwebs every where and did you see the size of those spiders. Did Disney fire the Orkin man or what? And how about fixing the bird bath it has been knocked over since the early 70's!
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


I think partly what made a lot of people go "Huh?" is that we've all heard someone say something similar in the parks. We all know alot of people "just don't get it".


Active Member
Left AK to go eat at Cracker Barrel? HA! Yeah,... that's real magical.:hammer:
EXACTLY! If I'm gonna eat crappy, greasy food in the WDW area I at least have the courtesy to go to the All-Star food court! Man , some people just can't appreciate the full extent of the disney magic..... Hey, has anyone seen my immodium?:D


Well-Known Member
I hate to say it but I seriously agree with his first post. As everyone here knows...I love Disney but I have had a couple of HORRIBLE experiences the last trip (april). First we went into the Great Movie Ride at MGM. Our ride vehicle was hijacked by some psycho with a wierd accent. Thankfully our guide was able to hide at the end and take us to safety. But for heavens sake, that was a close call. Next we went to EPCOT and that is wherre the madness began!! They had an actual FIRE in the middle of the lake. It was terrible because I saw NO effort to put it out. It was out of control, huge bursts of flames. And some sick freak got on the PA on played music that oddly seemed to fit!?!?!? I am starting a Six Flags unofficial fan site tomorrow!!:lol:



Well-Known Member
You know, I was at Magic Kingdom the other day, and they strapped me into a seat inside a room where some sort of freekish alien was running around. Talk about not safe!

Beyond that, I can't believe they allow a Guest to get beat up during the fist fight segment of Indania Jones every DAY!

Disney should just be shut down for everyone's own good!



New Member
So one time i was in Disney-MGM Studios on a tour of a nice hotel when all of the sudden the elivator drops and goes up then down, bad maintenince if you ask me. They need to be more carefull.


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