YUCK! AK is in a MESS!


New Member
I don't believe it is a haiku!

So many have responded.

Some are so critical, others find humor.

Appearances can be deceiving.

Can't say as to whether I like it or not.
Main Entry: hai·ku
Pronunciation: <TT>'hI-(")kü</TT>
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural haiku
: a verse form of Japanese origin having three lines containing five, seven, and five syllables respectively; also : a poem written in this form.

So the OP is ignorant as he seems and cannot develop a true haiku or it is indeed not a true haiku, just some jabber thrown together to seem intelligent.:cool:


New Member
Main Entry: hai·ku
Pronunciation: <TT>'hI-(")kü</TT>
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural haiku
: a verse form of Japanese origin having three lines containing five, seven, and five syllables respectively; also : a poem written in this form.

So the OP is ignorant as he seems and cannot develop a true haiku or it is indeed not a true haiku, just some jabber thrown together to seem intelligent.:cool:

I am no poet so I didn't know how to put one together, just kinda sounded like one.


New Member
Yesterday we were going to see the Safari ride in AK but to get there we had to walk through the worst looking mess of a Disney park area I've ever seen.
There were wires dangling from rusty poles.
Paint missing on buildings.
The ground was stained from who knows what.
The restroom buildings were covered with old posters that people had tried to peel off.
What has happened to the clean-ups that Disney was famous for?
Budget cuts are ruining the place.
I heard there are less people coming to Disneyworld and I can see why.

We just decided not to even try the Safari.
If that's how Disney keeps its buildings we figured the Safari trucks should be a mess and break down out where the animals might hurt us.

We just watched the parade (good, BTW) and then left the park to try and eat somewhere better (Cracker Barrel, just down the freeway).

Tomorrow we are going to go back to AK and try the Everest mountain ride.
That area is NEW, at least so it should not have had time to become so run-down (I hope)!

LOL:lol:. One of the best post I have read on this forum.


New Member
No offense meant!

I too wasn't exactly sure how many syllables,lines, etc. a haiku contained! Hence the need for a definition! This has quickly became one of my favorite threads(aside from the I got into an altercation at the F&W)! Any chance of making this a sticky?:lookaroun Not really! But this is frickin' hillarious!:hammer:


Active Member
Yesterday we were going to see the Safari ride in AK but to get there we had to walk through the worst looking mess of a Disney park area I've ever seen.
There were wires dangling from rusty poles.
Paint missing on buildings.
The ground was stained from who knows what.
The restroom buildings were covered with old posters that people had tried to peel off.
What has happened to the clean-ups that Disney was famous for?
Budget cuts are ruining the place.
I heard there are less people coming to Disneyworld and I can see why.

We just decided not to even try the Safari.
If that's how Disney keeps its buildings we figured the Safari trucks should be a mess and break down out where the animals might hurt us.

We just watched the parade (good, BTW) and then left the park to try and eat somewhere better (Cracker Barrel, just down the freeway).

Tomorrow we are going to go back to AK and try the Everest mountain ride.
That area is NEW, at least so it should not have had time to become so run-down (I hope)!

Speaking for myself only, If this was done as a joke, I don't think its funny , if it was serious , get a life. Either way I didn't appraciate it and find it unwelcomed.


New Member
You know, the OP is obviously joking, but...

My parents didn't respond so well to the super-authentic theming of Africa and India. They said it was like being in a slum. Personally, I liked how real it looked and felt, but I definitely saw where they were coming from, it's almost un-Disney how gritty and real it is.

Anybody else have (real) negative reactions to those possibly-too accurate themed lands?


Active Member
:sohappy: i have to agree with micey we were at that same park last year and the boat ride there took us through a forrest fire that had just been put out.seriously it was still smoking and you could still see red embers everywhere. i was scared for my life you would think a company the size of disney would put safety first instead of running ride like nothing happened.anyway we will be back there in 9 days i will check to see if they have cleaned everyhing up. :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:


New Member
Original Poster
Speaking for myself only, If this was done as a joke, I don't think its funny , if it was serious , get a life. Either way I didn't appraciate it and find it unwelcomed.

Now THIS, friends, is a true TROLL-like statement.
(Excellent example, ArielLover. Thank you.)

It is simply a contrary, sour statement, intended to be nothing but argumentative.

The first post is not intended to be a TROLL post, it is intended to be entertaining to all of the people who love Disney parks (this is a fertile space for them!) and those that understand the subtleties of its elaborate theming and other amazing details that can sometimes be lost to those visitors not so attuned to the "magic".

It makes fun of no one in particular (except the apparently "clue-less" OP).

So if anyone is on a TROLL hunt, the original post here is a "near-miss".


Well-Known Member
Now THIS, friends, is a true TROLL-like statement.
(Excellent example, ArielLover. Thank you.)

It is simply a contrary, sour statement, intended to be nothing but argumentative.

The first post is not intended to be a TROLL post, it is intended to be entertaining to all of the people who love Disney parks (this is a fertile space for them!) and those that understand the subtleties of its elaborate theming and other amazing details that can sometimes be lost to those visitors not so attuned to the "magic".

It makes fun of no one in particular (except the apparently "clue-less" OP).

So if anyone is on a TROLL hunt, the original post here is a "near-miss".
It not only started an entertaining thread, but it raises some interesting issues. Disney spends an enormous amount of money on theming, and the Imagineers are obviously very proud of it, as you can see by reading the Imagineering books on MK and Epcot. But as some of these posts report, many guests don't "get" a lot of the theming. Many other guests probably just want to ride the rides and would rather pay a few dollars less for park tickets than cover the cost of detailed theming. Touring the park with kids I don't always have time to appreciate some of its more subtle aspects, but knowing it's there still gives me a very different feeling about the parks than if I were in any non-Disney park. Sure, you could make Africa in AK "cleaner" by theming it after the Sheraton in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (I've stayed there; it's supposed to be the nicest hotel on the continent) but what would be the point of that? Fortunately, Disney is big enough that they can compete effectively for the business of guests who just want to ride great rides, and use the profits they earn from that on detailed theming to win the loyalty of guests who want a little more.

Darth Plank

New Member
The safari vehicles are unsafe! All the windows are gone!
And i went on that new roller coaster, which was nice enough i guess, but there some sort of wild animal in one of the tunnels! I didn't get a good look at it but it was some sort of large primate, must have gotten loose from one of the exhibits. Swooped down and nearly tore my head off!
Whoa! Be careful next time!
It was Sich
No, it was Troy Bolton and the other East High students!

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