Your First TS - Ever


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Original Poster
We're always asking about favorite this or that, least favorites, traditions, and so on. I thought it might be fun to find out where everyone experienced their first ever WDW TS meal...and any other info you might care to share on the experience.

Mine was in 1985 in Morocco.

I'm pretty sure I had an entrée version of chicken bastilla, but it was different than what's on the menu now ... as I distinctly remember it being very heavy on the raisins. I also remember our server telling me how I'd normally be eating it with pigeon meat. I was a middle school age kid, so I was torn between thinking that was cool and being grossed out. It was an interesting meal, but I seem to remember the menu options feeling really limited back then. It was also frustrating for my dad because he had made a short list of places he wanted to try, but they were all booked for what he considered "suitable dinner hours." Still, it was always cool booking your dining with a CM by video screen.

So, tell me about your first ever TS meal at WDW :)


Well-Known Member
2005 Liberty Tree Tavern.

I will forever remember my beloved first table service meal in the world. We were running a little late, so my first experiences of the Magic Kingdom were sprinting down the streets. We just made our ADR and were soon announced as coming allllllll the way from the colony of NJ. This was when Liberty Tree was still a character dining restaurant, and I just remember being in complete and total awe. The food didn't stop coming, and everything was just SO GOOD. I ate mashed potatoes, and macaroni and cheese, and turkey and stuffing.. it was like Thanksgiving in the middle of August. I felt totally immersed in the setting, I was blown away. We traveled back in time to eat in the colonial time period, a home cooked meal.

I had never met any characters before, ever in life.. this was my first trip to the world. When Chip and Dale and the gang came around, I couldn't even speak. I felt like I was meeting celebrities. Despite knowing the truth, they are the characters to me. At 15, I didn't think I was going to become completely and utterly obsessed with a place that was "meant for children". This day was the beginning of a new life. I have been a Disney addict ever since :)



Well-Known Member
1983 San Angel Inn

As a young, recently married couple we thought it was so exotic and mysterious at the San Angel Inn in the Mexico Pavilion at Epcot. Don't remember what we had, but do remember thinking it was not as special as we had hoped it would be, but we were young, in love and at EPCOT Center, and life was good. It was so dark, I remember thinking they really ought to get some lights in there so you could see what you were eating. My wife pointed out that maybe they did not want you to see it. We loved it even though it was not great. We would have loved a Big Mac we were having such a good time! Made the reservation earlier in the day at Earth Station at Spaceship Earth, talking to a real, live person on screen. I remember wondering where they were. Good times, great memories.
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Well-Known Member
Biergarten 1994 we walked up and got seated. As a sign of how things have changed; for the rest of that trip I picked up the phone each morning and made reservations for dinner that night. Bistro du Paris, California Grill, The The Italian Restaurant before Tutto Italia ( I forget the name), restaurant Marrakesh, Narcoosee's ( was it called something else back then?), boy I'm getting old.
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slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
I think my first TS was at the Biergarten during my senior class trip but that is like a lifetime ago...

The first TS I had with my then-GF-now-wife was at Boma. It was our first WDW trip, our first trip anywhere, we had checked in to the AKL for 10 nights (which would get cut short due to an upcoming hurricane), we had gone to the AK in the morning to validate annual passes and had lunch at Tusker House which was then CS (and it was the best CS I ever had, that rotisserie chicken was awesome and I can't tell you how disappointed I was that they made it a buffet even though as a buffet it's quite nice). We only stayed for a few hours, went back to the room - didn't spring for the savannah view, but it was a room in a deluxe hotel for only 105 a night with the annual pass discount so I wasn't griping. Besides, it was our first vacation I was assuming once in the room there wouldn't be much time hanging out on the balcony (wink wink nudge nudge). And for dinner we went to Boma, which we thought, especially for a buffet restaurant, was so beautiful. Everything tasted surprisingly fresh (we'd come to feel like WDW is the only place that really does buffets well, my wife won't even bother with a buffet anywhere else unless it's a wedding or other special occasion), the food wasn't crazy different, and the servers were attentive and seemed to enjoy walking us through the dishes, letting us know what was in each.

We've yet to stay at AKL again though a Kidani Village stay is in the cards when the kids are a little older (for now I prefer trying to stay in BLT because I know they're mainly going to be all about MK, walking distance is a plus). But there's never been a trip without a visit to Boma.


Well-Known Member
Ours was in 2005 at the Plaza Restaurant in the Magic Kingdom. Although we'd been to WDW several times growing up, we typically stayed in the campground and ate all of our meals there.

The 2005 trip included my sister and me, our husbands, and my parents. It was my mother's last trip to WDW before she died -- we all knew that her health was failing, and she wanted to make the trip as a "last hurrah" while she was still physically able to get around the parks.

It was a glorious vacation. We arrived in the Magic Kingdom around 5:00pm on the Saturday before Easter with no ADR, no plan, and virtually no knowledge whatsoever of Magic Kingdom resturants, and yet we were able to walk up to The Plaza and get a table with only a 20-minute wait. Not only that, but despite a dozen other people standing outside the restaurant waiting for their names to be called there was "magically" an empty umbrella table and chairs sitting just a few feet away, where we could relax and Mom could get off of her feet while we waited. It wasn't long before we were ushered into the pleasant, air-conditioned restaurant with a Victorian theme particularly appealing to my mother, who loves that style of decorating. Our salads and sandwiches may not have been the most spectacular of cuisine, but our unexpectedly seamless experience really set the sort of "God has clearly paved the way for us" vibe that continued throughout that week, as dining tables, shortened attraction queues and other opportunities seemed to open up before us at every turn, notwithstanding the huge crowds. Because it all started with our dinner at the Plaza, I'll always have a soft spot in my heart for it...
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Active Member
In my adult life, 2008 Coral Reef. I know people puke all over Coral Reef but we enjoyed it, and my 4 year old LOVED it. We will be going back for our 5th trip this fall and are doing Coral Reef for the first time since that trip. DD is psyched!


Well-Known Member
Boma during our honeymoon in 2009. First full day of our trip and it had rained all day and we accidentally got off of the bus at the Kidani stop instead of Jambo. So we were late for our ADR, soaked and overwhelmed. We'd read many great things about Boma and were really excited for it but we found it didn't like up to the hype. It's still one of the most disappointing meals we've had at Disney.

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