You Smoke?

Do you smoke?

  • Yes

    Votes: 12 10.3%
  • No

    Votes: 94 81.0%
  • Not Old Enough

    Votes: 8 6.9%
  • Yes but not legally

    Votes: 2 1.7%

  • Total voters

Wckd Queen

New Member
The guy who sits across the hall from me at work smokes. We can always smell him. Not sure its always the cigarettes though :lol:

I dont mind if smokers smoke in smoking sections, but what does irk me is when they are they walk thru the non smoking sections with their cigarettes lit, blowing smoke around. What on earth motivates people to do things like that? Even at the diner we go to, they like to light up at the register, and blow their smoke around. This really upsets the owner, who is a reformed smoker (his term :lol: ), but he doesnt say anything because he doesnt want to start any trouble :(


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Originally posted by Wckd Queen
This really upsets the owner, who is a reformed smoker (his term :lol:

UGH.... Reformed Smokers are the worst non smokers there is.... they are worse than born again Christi.... errr Nevermind :lol: :zipit:

But they really are.... :D

Anyway I agree... its very tacky to do that... not too mention rude :) :wave:


Active Member
Originally posted by guwag
I wonder how many people have been caught smoking pot at WDW, there must have been some people foolish enough to do it there surely?
It definitely would be the happiest place on Earth :lol: (Although I could imagine the IASW dolls being pretty scary if you went paranoid :D )

Two years ago on New Year's Eve I was at EPCOT, waiting for the fireworks at midnight. Suddenly, I could smell pot. Now - I'm a pretty liberal guy, and what people do privately is fine with me. But - at a Disney park? Nuh uh. I tried to find a CM but it was SO crowded I could barely move around, and the fireworks were about to start. I didn't want to be bumping into a bunch of people full of champagne in the dark (only 'cause I didn't know them <grin>)

After the fireworks, I saw where it was coming from. Luckily at that time of night there weren't any kids, but I couldn't believe the nerve of the guy.



Active Member
Originally posted by RickEff
Two years ago on New Year's Eve I was at EPCOT, waiting for the fireworks at midnight. Suddenly, I could smell pot. Now - I'm a pretty liberal guy, and what people do privately is fine with me. But - at a Disney park? Nuh uh. I tried to find a CM but it was SO crowded I could barely move around, and the fireworks were about to start. I didn't want to be bumping into a bunch of people full of champagne in the dark (only 'cause I didn't know them <grin>)

After the fireworks, I saw where it was coming from. Luckily at that time of night there weren't any kids, but I couldn't believe the nerve of the guy.


I'm a pretty liberal person too but I totally agree that WDW is neither the time nor the place for such a thing. I was walking down the street here in Montréal the other day and thought hmmmm..... I recognise that smell - there was someone walking down the street smoking it! I don't understand why people will do something illegal (in most places) such as this in full public view and smell :rolleyes: Especially at WDW :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


New Member
Originally posted by guwag
I'm a pretty liberal person too but I totally agree that WDW is neither the time nor the place for such a thing. I was walking down the street here in Montréal the other day and thought hmmmm..... I recognise that smell - there was someone walking down the street smoking it! I don't understand why people will do something illegal (in most places) such as this in full public view and smell :rolleyes: Especially at WDW :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
It is legal to smoke pot in Canada,they just had a clip on the news about Canadians and Americans and How differant we are. Canada is basically a big San Francisco! :eek: They even said that religion is fading in Canada.


Active Member
Originally posted by darthdarrel
It is legal to smoke pot in Canada,they just had a clip on the news about Canadians and Americans and How differant we are. Canada is basically a big San Francisco! :eek: They even said that religion is fading in Canada.

I didn't realise that, last I heard it was a bit of a grey area here in Canada. Although I agree with how different they are to Americans :)


Active Member
Originally posted by darthdarrel
It is legal to smoke pot in Canada,they just had a clip on the news about Canadians and Americans and How differant we are. Canada is basically a big San Francisco! :eek: They even said that religion is fading in Canada.

Don't believe everything you hear about our fair country on US news. It's not legal to smoke pot in Canada. It just no longer gets you jail time. Small quantities will be confiscated and you will pay a fine. Large amounts (dealers) will still land you in prison.

As for us being a big San Francisco, I'm not sure that's true - but I'm not sure it warranted a :eek: either. As for the religion part - I can't answer that one. Doesn't make a difference to me.

I'd be glad to continue a conversation about the differences between our countries in PM. I'm afraid it would quickly turn political :lol:


PS - what happened to your trip to NF?


New Member
Originally posted by RickEff
What's horrible?
She`s means that Religion is fading in Canada, and don`t worry Rick This isn`t my opinion,heck I don`t have one, I have only been to Canada twice and that was over 20 years ago, I was only quoting the "NEWS"! :D :animwink:


New Member
Originally posted by RickEff
Don't believe everything you hear about our fair country on US news. It's not legal to smoke pot in Canada. It just no longer gets you jail time. Small quantities will be confiscated and you will pay a fine. Large amounts (dealers) will still land you in prison.

As for us being a big San Francisco, I'm not sure that's true - but I'm not sure it warranted a :eek: either. As for the religion part - I can't answer that one. Doesn't make a difference to me.

I'd be glad to continue a conversation about the differences between our countries in PM. I'm afraid it would quickly turn political :lol:


PS - what happened to your trip to NF?
By the way,we are still going just have to make the arrangements and agree to a date ! :D


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Originally posted by RickEff
Two years ago on New Year's Eve I was at EPCOT, waiting for the fireworks at midnight. Suddenly, I could smell pot. Now - I'm a pretty liberal guy, and what people do privately is fine with me. But - at a Disney park? Nuh uh. I tried to find a CM but it was SO crowded I could barely move around, and the fireworks were about to start. I didn't want to be bumping into a bunch of people full of champagne in the dark (only 'cause I didn't know them <grin>)

After the fireworks, I saw where it was coming from. Luckily at that time of night there weren't any kids, but I couldn't believe the nerve of the guy.


Wow... smoking pot in WDW... that is pretty bold....

Well... at least if you get the munchies... you have a wide array of food to sample in World Showcase :lol: :slurp:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by DMC-12
Wow... smoking pot in WDW... that is pretty bold....

Well... at least if you get the munchies... you have a wide array of food to sample in World Showcase :lol: :slurp:

Jer, weren't you leaving the thread??? :animwink: j/k sweetie *huggles* A representative is needed for the smoking minority here.

As for me, I don't smoke, never have tried... well, okay a cigar once at a party in high school, but THAT'S IT! But I have no desire to do that again. I've just never found cigarettes particularly appealing.


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Originally posted by MouseMadness
Jer, weren't you leaving the thread??? :animwink: j/k sweetie *huggles* A representative is needed for the smoking minority here.

As for me, I don't smoke, never have tried... well, okay a cigar once at a party in high school, but THAT'S IT! But I have no desire to do that again. I've just never found cigarettes particularly appealing.

*has munchies* Hi Christy! :wave: *looks around* I have some ho-ho's, ding dongs, and chili cheese fritos.... want some :slurp: ;)

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