Yeti is indeed being fixed! Update 8/4/2014


Well-Known Member
Just think, you can finally change your avatar. :lol:

And I can tell myself that it was all because of me and my avatar that the yeti was fixed. :cool:

YES! Please let us be able to change the avatar I made for everyone!!! :sohappy:

I'd love to say it was because of us, and heck, what's it going to hurt if we tell ourselves that? :lol: A big thanks to and the article that Jason wrote at OS to bring a little more attention to everything.

Just think we can disband the Facebook group and I can take down the link in my sig!



Well-Known Member
Oh, I have no doubt if we were ever to meet I'd be quite happy to have a beer with him and amicably discuss our mutual head-butting on Magic, as I have with a few others. :D

You know there's a lot of hate out there for Duffy, right? :lol:

I just found it mildly humorous to see him labelling you a "publicity "...

I prefer tequila myself. But I'd drink with you ... although with Disney prices, likely no more than two drinks!

As to my 'label' on Lee ... that was something called a joke. I do realize that sometimes true emotions can't be conveyed across the cold techno web. I am sure Lee took no offense because I never say anything online that I wouldn't say to someone's face (maybe another reason why people love me so much here) ... and last night I wasn't easy on him ... think I may have accused him of enjoying 'a soak in a jacuzzi filled with fanboi drool':eek: after his podcast appearance (although at least he wasn't doing it so he could gain favor with Disney and get free resort stays, media event invites, cruises and swag like the many true online whores out there today).

Now ... do I mention that a Duffy resides in Lee's home?

~Jersey Shore Goes to WDW: Snooki is doing what to the yeti?!?!~


Well-Known Member
Lee is well received because he occasionally has breaking information that can't be found elsewhere, so he is allowed to slide alot with his constant complaining of WDW and TDO. WDW1974 on the other hand is just full of crap. He walks around like he's too busy to be bothered by all of us and we should be thankful when he blesses us with his presence. Sorry, but your not too busy when every message board I go to, your posting on.

I am sure Lee appreciates that you let him slide ...and thanks for the love.
You have no idea how I walk around because you don't know me. I'm sorry that you miss me when I don't have the time or the desire to post. I enjoy Disney theme parks quite a bit. Love some of them. But they aren't my life. I do get that for many people here, sadly ... they are.

And while I appreciate the online following (stalking?), I don't post regularly on any message boards these days, but when I do it is usually and this MAGICal site ... I have maybe posted 15-20 times on the newish DK site.

I also noticed this on Discussion Kingdom:

Posted by The Spirit of 74:
"I also apparently kept 'Da Mom' busy on another site last night when I had insomnia after our wild, wacky dinner and gabfest. They love me. They really, really love me.:ROFLOL:"

Don't know how old he is, but causing so much friction on wdwmagic that a moderator has to step in is something to be proud of? Really?

I'm 74, thanks for asking. And I don't believe I cause friction. I do believe that people enjoy sparring with me and, because of that, the mods are watching every word I post.

I had a post in the Mansion queue thread just disappear like it never existed and I truly don't recall anything offensive in it. I also posted in a three-page post on high speed rail that was very political and had nothing to do with Disney ... but it wasn't until I posted (largely to agree with something another poster said) that the thread got moved to chit-chat where I am sure it has died a quiet death with no friends or family at its side.

I'm pretty good natured about things because I believe in free speech and that the purpose of discussion boards isn't to foster a community where everyone agrees with what everyone else says. It's why when people take personal shots at me (as has been done in this thread and others) I don't go running to the mods when perhaps I should. I just don't take this stuff as seriously as some folks do ... we're talking about theme parks, folks. Take a look at what's going on in the world and then ask how much energy you wish to waste talking about where the new Fantasyland restrooms will be located.

And its one thing to have disagreements on a message board, but when you have nothing positive to say ever, why are you even visiting a message board dedicated to that product? If anyone can look through his post history and show me one post by WDW1974 that said anything positive about WDW or TDO I would be in utter shock.

That's just ignorance on your part. I've had plenty positive to say and I don't owe it to anyone to post one positive thing. I don't like what I see at WDW today and largely haven't for the past decade ... there are positive things happening in small doses at WDW, but unfortunately the larger picture has been trending downward for a very long time ... and way too many fans have been conditioned to believe this is true Disney quality or the best they can do.

It isn't and it's not.

~Why was the yeti just spotted on the OBT?~


New Member
I prefer tequila myself. But I'd drink with you ... although with Disney prices, likely no more than two drinks!

As to my 'label' on Lee ... that was something called a joke. I do realize that sometimes true emotions can't be conveyed across the cold techno web. I am sure Lee took no offense because I never say anything online that I wouldn't say to someone's face (maybe another reason why people love me so much here) ... and last night I wasn't easy on him ... think I may have accused him of enjoying 'a soak in a jacuzzi filled with fanboi drool':eek: after his podcast appearance (although at least he wasn't doing it so he could gain favor with Disney and get free resort stays, media event invites, cruises and swag like the many true online whores out there today).

Now ... do I mention that a Duffy resides in Lee's home?

~Jersey Shore Goes to WDW: Snooki is doing what to the yeti?!?!~

I think you're funny. Not to sound like I'm s__________g up. Lol. I really have no dog in the fight, just thought I'd put forth my 2 cents. The only thing I can see that may be different from me and other posters is that I have no idea what Horizons was like. Or the original JII. Or World of Motion. Or AE. Or Tropical Serenade. Or... do I need to go on? And sure, it would be neat to know what those were like, but I do not pine for those attractions.


Well-Known Member
Nah, you, as you say, are a kindred Spirit :lol: .. plus, you did recommend Sanaa to me.. and I ate there and totally enjoyed it... Yes, that was over a year ago.. So you're cool peeps LOL...

Ah ... yeah, Sanaa ... one of the good (relavtively) new things at WDW. Even better when your CM pals take you to lunch there with the perpetual 40% off discount. Love their curry,short ribs, soups ... well, everything.

And I know TDO has not given us much to have faith in... But, I am hoping for the best... With yeti, Fantasyland, Tiki Room and other projects...

Will be there again in October of this year, for the non-celebration of the 40th and I will have a great time as I always do... I just hope the Yeti will be in working order...

I'm just tired of what I see as a desire to do the very least possible. Why celebrate the 40th when you can simply do a line of retro merchandise and let fanbois plan their own event?

It's just sad because WDW used to be the very best. And now, it isn't even the best in town. And after visiting TDR, my eyes were truly opened as to what is possible.

Oh well, maybe things will change ... just not optimistic.

~Off to hunt yetis~

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
I think you're funny. Not to sound like I'm s__________g up. Lol. I really have no dog in the fight, just thought I'd put forth my 2 cents. The only thing I can see that may be different from me and other posters is that I have no idea what Horizons was like. Or the original JII. Or World of Motion. Or AE. Or Tropical Serenade. Or... do I need to go on? And sure, it would be neat to know what those were like, but I do not pine for those attractions.

Horizons: Awesome
original JII: Awesome
World of Motion: Awesome
Tropical Serenade: Cute...
AE: never liked LOL....


Well-Known Member
I live to be pithy.

Well, you should practice much, much harder, then.

I have no opinion about you either way (I don't really recognize your name, kind of generic doesn't ring a bell) but you have derailed this thread with a half-dozen long-winded posts all about you, which are the opposite of "pithy".

People have obviously hurt your feelings (don't bother arguing that fact, it's pretty clear since you keep replying to every one and going on and on), but seriously...stop accusing others of not having a life and do some exploring of your own.


Active Member
The Bus Driver on the Deluxe Resort loop (note: a "higher up") knows a churro salesmen who once dated the person handling train dispatch at EE and he said that the Yeti is being replaced with an animatronic Stitch. When you go by he'll toss a hot dog at you and fart with realistic green fog. They will take the smell system used for the Skunk in the Imagination ride.

True story.


Active Member
Agreed, its been 5 years people...

I mean, I understand so many were upset. And sure, it'd be cool to see him back in "A Mode", but it's mentioned in almost EVERY forum. Yikes. We get the point. Sorry, but it didn't bother my ride experience. Still enjoyed it very much! And I'm sure they all did too. Just like alllll the other constant complaining about every other thing. I'm sure once they are in Disney, all bets are off and they are ALL smiles.


Active Member
I mean, I understand so many were upset. And sure, it'd be cool to see him back in "A Mode", but it's mentioned in almost EVERY forum. Yikes. We get the point. Sorry, but it didn't bother my ride experience. Still enjoyed it very much! And I'm sure they all did too. Just like alllll the other constant complaining about every other thing. I'm sure once they are in Disney, all bets are off and they are ALL smiles.
Ever since the Ursula AA was revealed fans have been unable to stop complaining about the yeti and its amazing how much its been brought up in the last week or so. There is even a Lady Gaga parody song by the "yeti" on youtube... :brick:


Park History nut
Premium Member
*sticks head in*

Observes that humour can be lost on the web

Agrees about Tokyo, though best wait until the land has stopped turning to mush

Agrees about the Yeti

*ducks out*


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Dear Children:

Stop fighting on the interwebz and get along.

Yeti being fixed = win for everyone! :sohappy:


I was pretty excited when I saw this thread grew to 6 pages, being it was still on the fist last I was here. I thought, "o cool, this should be a fun read"......only to find out very little discussion about the topic is even going on.... Can't we all just get along? Make a little friendship? :wave:


Well dang. I was gonna buy each of us a DiscoYeti tee from to wear for our AK days. :lol: Small sacrifice if we get a proper working Yeti again. :D

:lol::lol::lol::lol: What a great site.

In all seriousness I'm very excited about the Yeti being fixed. I'll be optimistic about this one and hope it stays in full A-mode. Things seem to be on the upside at WDW lately so heres for hoping.

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