Yeti is indeed being fixed! Update 8/4/2014


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
Hey, now....go easy on my spirited pal!
It's not his fault he must feed on fanboy tears in order to live.:slurp:
It's part of his charm.

It's ok. '74 just tends to press people's buttons.
They don't know what a Teddy bear (read: Duffy) he really is.
Oh, I have no doubt if we were ever to meet I'd be quite happy to have a beer with him and amicably discuss our mutual head-butting on Magic, as I have with a few others. :D

You know there's a lot of hate out there for Duffy, right? :lol:

I just found it mildly humorous to see him labelling you a "publicity "...


Active Member
Oh yes, such a pubwhore.

He has done the following:

1) Created a thread
2) Linked to his own site to publicize it
3) Posted his information on said site
4) Created another thread to say 'told you so'

Oh ... he hasn't done any of those things? All he did was post 'I heard they can fix it' and now 'Hey, its great they're fixing it!' ?

Not at all surprised that a little crybaby - that likes to throw buzzwords around without knowing the meaning of them (do yourself a favor and look up what Walmarting is before you use it again) - would get all upset and post something like this. Can't have someone else outscooping you, now can we?

Wish you would live up to your former Spirit moniker and disappear from this site.

Oh, and don't bother trying some pithy comeback. As a certain Jedi Master can attest, you have no idea what you'd be getting yourself into.


Well-Known Member
Well dang. I was gonna buy each of us a DiscoYeti tee from to wear for our AK days. :lol: Small sacrifice if we get a proper working Yeti again. :D


Well-Known Member
Maybe things have changed, but I've remember them like water and oil in the early days. WDW1974 hasn't been as well received as Lee around here. WDW1974 IMHO has been misunderstood and Lee has always been well respected.

But now we are thread drifting...

Lee is well received because he occasionally has breaking information that can't be found elsewhere, so he is allowed to slide alot with his constant complaining of WDW and TDO. WDW1974 on the other hand is just full of crap. He walks around like he's too busy to be bothered by all of us and we should be thankful when he blesses us with his presence. Sorry, but your not too busy when every message board I go to, your posting on.

I also noticed this on Discussion Kingdom:

Posted by The Spirit of 74:
"I also apparently kept 'Da Mom' busy on another site last night when I had insomnia after our wild, wacky dinner and gabfest. They love me. They really, really love me.:ROFLOL:"

Don't know how old he is, but causing so much friction on wdwmagic that a moderator has to step in is something to be proud of? Really?

And its one thing to have disagreements on a message board, but when you have nothing positive to say ever, why are you even visiting a message board dedicated to that product? If anyone can look through his post history and show me one post by WDW1974 that said anything positive about WDW or TDO I would be in utter shock.

Computer Magic

Well-Known Member
Lee is well received because he occasionally has breaking information that can't be found elsewhere, so he is allowed to slide alot with his constant complaining of WDW and TDO. WDW1974 on the other hand is just full of crap. He walks around like he's too busy to be bothered by all of us and we should be thankful when he blesses us with his presence. Sorry, but your not too busy when every message board I go to, your posting on.

I also noticed this on Discussion Kingdom:

Posted by The Spirit of 74:
"I also apparently kept 'Da Mom' busy on another site last night when I had insomnia after our wild, wacky dinner and gabfest. They love me. They really, really love me.:ROFLOL:"

Don't know how old he is, but causing so much friction on wdwmagic that a moderator has to step in is something to be proud of? Really?

And its one thing to have disagreements on a message board, but when you have nothing positive to say ever, why are you even visiting a message board dedicated to that product? If anyone can look through his post history and show me one post by WDW1974 that said anything positive about WDW or TDO I would be in utter shock.
What's that noise I hear, oh it's this thread spiraling out of control :ROFLOL:

I really shouldn't respond, but let WDW1974 and Lee respond if they choose. But I' will :p WDW1974 came onto the boards with post how the quality of Disney has lacked over the years. I started ready Lee talking about problems with Disney with Adventure Club and the broken Yeti.

They both,(as I) see Disney lacking quality and the Yeti not being repaired really sticks out.

Good brought it back on topic in the thread :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
Hey, now....go easy on my spirited pal!
It's not his fault he must feed on fanboy tears in order to live.:slurp:
It's part of his charm.

Oh, don't go telling the secret to my power ... I do feel like Voldemort sometimes with the pixie dusted crowd.

It's ok. '74 just tends to press people's buttons.
They don't know what a Teddy bear (read: Duffy) he really is.

Push buttons? Moi?!??!:eek:

I have never met a Disney fan who didn't seem to like me in person (even one that I apparently made cry and run from here never to be seen again!)

I think many folks don't have a sense of humor. I also think many people treat Disney like a religion or politics and get VERY passionate (read that as 'crazy') over any criticism.

And I must be just like a Duffy because women (like say Mrs. Lee) and fanbois just wove to be hugged by me!:):ROFLOL::king:

That said, in all seriousness (really), I don't get why people would rather talk about me than WDW ... I guess I really am fascinating.


Well-Known Member
Lee was nice enough to join our show this week to discuss this very topic (The show comes out tomorrow at noon).

I really hope this time frame is correct.

Yes. And if you only saw how much abuse he took for it in person. :drevil:
I don't know how he managed a straight face ... of course, the first two words I heard him utter to you when I was in earshot were 'lubricating the yeti' ... you just don't hear that every day (or any day really).

I was kind of hoping he'd start talking about bringing Horizons back or the super top-secret plans for the MK that no one has heard about ... yet.:D


New Member
Yes. And if you only saw how much abuse he took for it in person. :drevil:
I don't know how he managed a straight face ... of course, the first two words I heard him utter to you when I was in earshot were 'lubricating the yeti' ... you just don't hear that every day (or any day really).

I was kind of hoping he'd start talking about bringing Horizons back or the super top-secret plans for the MK that no one has heard about ... yet.:D

This is very awkward for me. When I hear/read "yeti" I think of my bf tattoo artist (named Yeti... He's pushing 6'10" and has a glorious beard) who I've known longer and been in more contact with than the WDW yeti Kumar as I have fondly named him. So I'm sure I dont need to explain why this is extra uncomfortable for me. Lol.

So he's finally being fixed eh? Now we can pretend all of our shouting and foot stomping did some good. :P


Well-Known Member
Maybe things have changed, but I've remember them like water and oil in the early days. WDW1974 hasn't been as well received as Lee around here. WDW1974 IMHO has been misunderstood and Lee has always been well respected.

But now we are thread drifting...

Umm no. Lee brought the little troll to these environs and now he posts the same thought in every thread and with every posting. He just mixes up the words and relates it to different topics but it is the same complaints over and over.

So, while I respect Lee and his contributions, I will never get over this thing he has inflicted on us innocents here who wern't bothering anyone. And while I don't think they should remove the AC, I will be laughing just a bit on the inside when they do. :fork::lol:


Well-Known Member
Oh yes, such a pubwhore.

He has done the following:

1) Created a thread
2) Linked to his own site to publicize it
3) Posted his information on said site
4) Created another thread to say 'told you so'

Oh ... he hasn't done any of those things? All he did was post 'I heard they can fix it' and now 'Hey, its great they're fixing it!' ?

Hey, doncha think you might need to take a deep breath (or a Depakote) and calm yourself down?

Not at all surprised that a little crybaby - that likes to throw buzzwords around without knowing the meaning of them (do yourself a favor and look up what Walmarting is before you use it again) - would get all upset and post something like this. Can't have someone else outscooping you, now can we?

Hey, you can attack me (apparently, that is written into the 10 Commandments here) but please, don't try and lecture me on the meaning of 'Walmarting' since I was the one to coin the term as far as TWDC is concerned. Just a bit of knowledge, but words and terms can, and do, have multiple meanings ... and since my love for the term almost led to a physical altercation amongst two TDO officials a few years back (seriously), I'm very proud of my work.

WDW has been Walmarted. Sad, but true ...

Wish you would live up to your former Spirit moniker and disappear from this site.

I'm still and always will be the Spirit. And thanks for the kind words. And you wonder why you didn't get a Christmas card from me?:xmas:

Oh, and don't bother trying some pithy comeback. As a certain Jedi Master can attest, you have no idea what you'd be getting yourself into.

I live to be pithy. And would that Jedi Master be the kid who used to post here who I spent a lovely afternoon at EPCOT with (along with my friends Lee and Martin, among others) last fall?

Not sure he understood what I was trying to tell him when he posted here, but I'll bet he got the point in the end.:wave:


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Lee
Note to all readers of this thread:
'74 was kidding. Seriously.
Don't take stuff so seriously.

I think everyone wants to take your word Lee, because of the respect we have for you.

But there's also an extensive track record at play here.....

We respect Lee??!?! Seriously??!?! Why didn't I get the memo?:king:

As to track records, if anyone bothers to actually read the substance of what I have to say, it speaks for itself. If you'd rather talk about how I am just a nasty Disney hater (again, that would probably explain why in the last 18 months I've been to every Disney resort on the planet and taken a two-week cruise with them ... and that doesn't even begin to include all the love I've given many of their films, ABC and ESPN programming and even some consumer products) and am here to just bash the company for no good reason, then there's a track record of absurd discussions like this in many threads that I am sure you can point to.

~Saturday Night Live: Lubricating the Yeti!~


Well-Known Member
Here is a tip fellow members, if 74 bothers you so much (he doesn't bother me in the least, his humor is welcomed on this site), BLOCK OR IGNORE his handle... It is amazing how well that works...

Only if you are a grown-up. ... And if I am not bothering you, please tell me what I can do (that is, if you'd like to be bothered ... many people seem to enjoy that state of being!)

Back on topic: glad to hear the yeti is getting some work done.... Hopefully we aren't getting Disco Yeti 2: Yeti Boogaloo...

Well, Lee's info is correct. But that doesn't mean anything with Disney. We won't know how this will all play out until it does. And, frankly (and I know this will not surprise anyone), I don't have any faith things will get done right or last. But, yes, I do want to be wrong.

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
Only if you are a grown-up. ... And if I am not bothering you, please tell me what I can do (that is, if you'd like to be bothered ... many people seem to enjoy that state of being!)

Well, Lee's info is correct. But that doesn't mean anything with Disney. We won't know how this will all play out until it does. And, frankly (and I know this will not surprise anyone), I don't have any faith things will get done right or last. But, yes, I do want to be wrong.

Nah, you, as you say, are a kindred Spirit :lol: .. plus, you did recommend Sanaa to me.. and I ate there and totally enjoyed it... Yes, that was over a year ago.. So you're cool peeps LOL...

And I know TDO has not given us much to have faith in... But, I am hoping for the best... With yeti, Fantasyland, Tiki Room and other projects...

Will be there again in October of this year, for the non-celebration of the 40th and I will have a great time as I always do... I just hope the Yeti will be in working order...


Well-Known Member
Did Lee and WDW1974 just form an alliance. THis is just as huge as if Boston Rob and Russell formed an alliance on Survivor.

I don't know which news is bigger, the yeti being fixed or Lee and WDW1974 joining forces...Wow, I think hell just froze over.:ROFLOL:

I hate to break this to you, but Lee and I are friends, good friends, in the real non-online world (that's off the grid to many of the youngsters here that are online 28 hours a day).

It's funny because we were talking about this yesterday (again, in the REAL world ... well, except for his brief ego-stroking, yeti-lubricating, fanboi-gushing podcast appearance:D).

I wasn't very aware of MAGIC for a long time and when I was it was largely because folks were taking something I had written elsewhere ( and brought it here for the TRIO OF ELDERS to run by it. Those dudes were Lee, Martin (also a friend of mine who I wish I could have packed in my suitcase when I went to TDR!) and some dude named Corrus, who apparently was pretty harsh when I broke word that the evil wand was coming down at EPCOT and who no longer is around here -- although some of us believe he posts elsewhere under a new moniker and seems pretty harsh toward anyone who wasn't fired from WDI-Fla. The amusing thing is Lee and I agree on pretty much all of the 'big' stuff when it comes to WDW ... Martin pretty much as well. We also tend to post the same opinions (although I don't cry myself to sleep at night clutching a Kungaloosh mug), yet folks just like hating on this Spirit.

I think it's probably because they ignore (largely) stupidity while I call it out. They probably are smarter than I am ... at least about that ... but I do need the tears of fanbois to survive.

~Hey Frank ... how come the yeti looks like he's smiling just because I'm ...~

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