I hate to break this to you, but Lee and I are friends, good friends, in the real non-online world (that's off the grid to many of the youngsters here that are online 28 hours a day).
It's funny because we were talking about this yesterday (again, in the REAL world ... well, except for his brief ego-stroking, yeti-lubricating, fanboi-gushing podcast appearance

I wasn't very aware of MAGIC for a long time and when I was it was largely because folks were taking something I had written elsewhere (LP.com) and brought it here for the TRIO OF ELDERS to run by it. Those dudes were Lee, Martin (also a friend of mine who I wish I could have packed in my suitcase when I went to TDR!) and some dude named Corrus, who apparently was pretty harsh when I broke word that the evil wand was coming down at EPCOT and who no longer is around here -- although some of us believe he posts elsewhere under a new moniker and seems pretty harsh toward anyone who wasn't fired from WDI-Fla. The amusing thing is Lee and I agree on pretty much all of the 'big' stuff when it comes to WDW ... Martin pretty much as well. We also tend to post the same opinions (although I don't cry myself to sleep at night clutching a Kungaloosh mug), yet folks just like hating on this Spirit.
I think it's probably because they ignore (largely) stupidity while I call it out. They probably are smarter than I am ... at least about that ... but I do need the tears of fanbois to survive.
~Hey Frank ... how come the yeti looks like he's smiling just because I'm ...~