Yes Miss This is France 🇫🇷! June 18-July 1, 2023 (Disneyland Paris and other parts of France)


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June 21

Now that we had renewed our acquaintance with Mickey B, A, and I headed to the maze. I don’t remember why my sister didn’t do it she might have needed to sit down after standing so long for Mickey. The maze was fun and there was a nice view of Fantasyland from the Queen of Hearts castle.


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June 21

Next we all headed over to the Casey Jr/Storybook boat area, below is a picture of it from the maze.

We all had our own car on the Casey Jr train. B and I were in the front, A and T were towards the back. The ride was still enjoyable especially since we weren’t squeezed in.

We had been so efficient at getting things done the last day and a half and today it seemed like we had a lot of wasted time. Don’t get me wrong it was still fun but things just seemed to not flow as well today. And it was a little surprising that it was time for lunch already. Lunch today was at Walt’s. It seems like Walt’s is one of the restaurants is done at DLP. The theming is so fantastic inside, each room is themed to a different land in the park and of course there are nods to Walt as well.


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June 21

We were in the Frontierland room but I wandered the restaurant and took some pictures of other rooms.

We thought it was cute that the butter had its own little dish.

Cheers for beers. Well I think B had a mint julep with alcohol. Oh and the shirt we are wearing today were made by my sister with the 30th design.

To be honest about the food it was just so so, as it was the previous time. B and I both had the corn soup which was actually tasty. I had a chicken dish (sorry no picture) which was mediocre, B had a fish dish he said was ok, and T & A both got the chicken pot pie and they said that was good. There wasn’t a ton of variety but it was all good to mediocre.

We weren’t right next to a window but we were close enough that when the characters went by we could see them ok. Oh and all the dining is on the second floor of the restaurant.


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June 21

Dessert for Brad and I was the warm cookie with maple ice cream and caramel, this was good. T & A both got the flower street sundae that had four different flavors of ice cream and some edible flowers. They enjoyed the ice cream but it was a bit of a guessing game as the server didn’t say which flavors were what and they all looked similar.

As we went to leave the restaurant I took a few more pictures of the lobby.

After lunch we went to the Studios for a bit.

We watched the Mickey and the Magician show. Brad and my sister slept through the whole thing and I nodded off for a song. A stayed awake for the whole show. What I saw was great though.

I saw these glasses and liked them but I didn’t need them so just a picture.

The Magic shot with the Partners Statue was just to have this frame around it but it was a nice frame.

Then we rode the creepy Tower of Terror again before heading back to the Disneyland park.


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June 21

Shortly after the Tower of Terror I needed to excuse myself from the group. Brad knew why but T & A did not. But they wanted to look at some shops and stop at guest relations to get a first time visit button (A had tried everyday but they had already met their distribution limit for the day when she went) so it was easy to break away. So why did I have to break away? I was worried our apartment in Paris that we were moving to the next day had fallen through.

I booked an apartment on VRBO for our 9 nights in Paris as it seemed like a better deal for all of us and it would give us more space. Anyway, in early May I contacted with the host with some questions and she replied through the site very quickly. With her quick reply I was confident that the rental was fine and I canceled the back up hotel I had reserved. My fear was that I would be one of those horror stories of people booking an AirB&B or whatever just to have it not be real. So I had gotten an email from VRBO a few days prior that it was time for check in and that the owner/host would be posting check-in instructions but there was nothing on the site, app, or in my email (and I did check my Spam box). I sent a message through the app like I had done before but no reply, the next day I sent reply. By this day with no email and no messages back from the host I was FREAKING OUT! Would we show up and be homeless? I had the address but no instructions for the code or accessing the building or actual apartment number. Would we have to find a hotel somewhere and where and what quality would it be?!! Why did I cancel my backup hotel!!! Anyway, in the app there was a phone number to call the host directly. So when I excused myself from the group I found a quiet spot at the Studios and called the host.

She answered right away (yes!) and I explained who I was and why I was calling. She apologized that she hadn't seen the messages and that she had sent an email with instructions (I don't know where it went I checked every email I have and the spam boxes), but she would text the information right away and I could call her back right away if I didn't get them within a few minutes. So feeling a little better I hung up and waited a few perilous minutes (probably less than 2 minutes) and ding....the text with the code to the building, exact location of the apartment, and the code and location of the key popped up in a text on my phone. Ahhhhhh huge relief and now it was back to enjoying the day. Apartment was secure. So lesson learned....if the instructions don't appear call!

So I met back up with the group and we headed out of the Studios and back to Disneyland to find a spot for the parade.

Once we found a spot in the Town Square area for the parade I went into the art of Disney type store near City Hall and I saw this piece of art work. I thought it was fantastic. I didn't buy it then because I didn't want to haul it around with me but I did buy it later in the day.

Then the parade started and it was a nice parade. Catchy music, pretty floats and full of my Disney character pals.


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June 21

More pictures from the parade. They had the dragon like MK has in the Festival of Fantasy parade. This one didn’t breathe fire though so that was disappointing. I don’t know if it ever does or it was discontinued for awhile ( since some fire things in parks were cut out temporarily because of the Disneyland fire during Fantasmic).


Park History nut
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June 21

More pictures from the parade. They had the dragon like MK has in the Festival of Fantasy parade. This one didn’t breathe fire though so that was disappointing. I don’t know if it ever does or it was discontinued for awhile ( since some fire things in parks were cut out temporarily because of the Disneyland fire during Fantasmic).
Yes. It should breathe fire (in sync to the score too) but it’s not come back since F! for some reason.


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June 21

A little bit more from the parade.

After the parade we headed into Discoveryland and wait times were crazy for some rides. I knew Brad wanted to do something Star Warsy for his birthday but no one wanted to wait the 40 or so minutes for Star Tours and he wasn't sure he wanted to be squeezed into the seats of HyperSpace Mountain (twice of surviving the ride yesterday was enough) plus the wait time for that was longer than Star Tours. So while I was waiting for everyone to finish their bathroom break I bit the bullet and bought us all a fast pass (or whatever it is called there) for Star Tours, I think it was like 5 or 7 Euros a person. Brad deserved a Star Wars attraction on his birthday. So we sailed through that premier pass lane and enjoyed Star Tours in French. B was excited because Yoda appeared on the screen during the ride, Yoda is his favorite character.

After Star Tours we split up for dinner. B and I wanted a croque monsieur we had seen on Main Street and A wanted a burger. My sister didn't really care so, she took A to get a burger at Cafe Hyperion in Discoveryland. I guess she enjoyed her burger and T but a fish sandwich or something like that and she said that was just okay.

B and I found the place that had the croque monsieur and got that and a Donald Duck bottom thing that had chocolate mousse. And I got a 1664 (@coachwnh I've been trying to do you proud with a beer at most meals). The sandwich was very tasty, I've had better but on this trip I will encounter one 1000% worse. The Donald Duck thing was super good as was the beer.

A view of Main Street


Dinner break was over and it was time to meet up with T & A.


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June 21

Before we met back up with T & A I stopped at the champagne cart at the end of Main Street. It was more relaxing to drink this time. I was the only customer but it took quite awhile. I used Euros to pay for it and the cast member shut the cash drawer before handing me my change so it was a bit of a to do to get the drawer back open. He kept saying he was sorry repeatedly but I wasn't mad or anything, those things happen.

We met up with T and A in Fantasyland and rode small world then headed to Frontierland. I think we did Phantom again and checked out the store.

After Frontierland we were getting a little tuckered out so we found a bench and camped out there until it was time for the night show. We took turns shopping and stuff.

This was inside the art of Disney type store. I enjoyed the little character scenes near the ceiling.


Premium Member
I booked an apartment on VRBO for our 9 nights in Paris as it seemed like a better deal for all of us and it would give us more space. Anyway, in early May I contacted with the host with some questions and she replied through the site very quickly. With her quick reply I was confident that the rental was fine and I canceled the back up hotel I had reserved. My fear was that I would be one of those horror stories of people booking an AirB&B or whatever just to have it not be real. So I had gotten an email from VRBO a few days prior that it was time for check in and that the owner/host would be posting check-in instructions but there was nothing on the site, app, or in my email (and I did check my Spam box). I sent a message through the app like I had done before but no reply, the next day I sent reply. By this day with no email and no messages back from the host I was FREAKING OUT! Would we show up and be homeless? I had the address but no instructions for the code or accessing the building or actual apartment number. Would we have to find a hotel somewhere and where and what quality would it be?!! Why did I cancel my backup hotel!!! Anyway, in the app there was a phone number to call the host directly. So when I excused myself from the group I found a quiet spot at the Studios and called the host.

She answered right away (yes!) and I explained who I was and why I was calling. She apologized that she hadn't seen the messages and that she had sent an email with instructions (I don't know where it went I checked every email I have and the spam boxes), but she would text the information right away and I could call her back right away if I didn't get them within a few minutes. So feeling a little better I hung up and waited a few perilous minutes (probably less than 2 minutes) and ding....the text with the code to the building, exact location of the apartment, and the code and location of the key popped up in a text on my phone. Ahhhhhh huge relief and now it was back to enjoying the day. Apartment was secure. So lesson learned....if the instructions don't appear call!
Whew! :happy: Glad that your reservation worked out o.k. in the end. (I was on the edge of my seat reading this!)

By the way, I love your parade pictures.

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