Yes Miss This is France 🇫🇷! June 18-July 1, 2023 (Disneyland Paris and other parts of France)


Well-Known Member
Hi Amy, I usually just lurk without posting anything but I've read loads of your reports over the years and was surprised to see you in Paris! Not sure how I didn't see this this trip report before now as I check out the trip reports thread every couple of days. I've only been to DLP once even though its the closest disney Park to me as I'm in Ireland, but have been to Orlando over 10 times. My daughter is going to DLP with her partner to celebrate her 21st birthday next month, as she didn't want a party its our present to her so I was really interested in reading your report! I've also been rereading some of your Disneyland trip reports as well as we're heading back to California soon, it will be our second time in Anaheim. None of us have been in a Disney park since 2019 so we're all getting very excited!


Well-Known Member
We all enjoyed our spin through EAC.
By far my favourite (with a u) ride at all of DLP
I still enjoy it and the theming but I think I have fully converted to enjoyed Mission Breakout at DCA now.
Seth Meyers Reaction GIF by Late Night with Seth Meyers

And with respect to Web slingers

Season 1 Singing GIF by Paramount+



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Hi Amy, I usually just lurk without posting anything but I've read loads of your reports over the years and was surprised to see you in Paris! Not sure how I didn't see this this trip report before now as I check out the trip reports thread every couple of days. I've only been to DLP once even though its the closest disney Park to me as I'm in Ireland, but have been to Orlando over 10 times. My daughter is going to DLP with her partner to celebrate her 21st birthday next month, as she didn't want a party its our present to her so I was really interested in reading your report! I've also been rereading some of your Disneyland trip reports as well as we're heading back to California soon, it will be our second time in Anaheim. None of us have been in a Disney park since 2019 so we're all getting very excited!

Hello and welcome to my trip report. I had originally posted it in the normal trip report area but it got moved over here to the DLP section. That is fun that your daughter and her partner are going to DLP to celebrate her birthday, let me know if you have any questions. Are they staying on site? It is kind of funny that you are from Ireland, I booked our DLP package through the Ireland site as it was the cheapest. The US site has really high prices for DLP packages and so I learned that looking at other country's websites can get better deals. So my address on the booking was my hometown's name but then it said it was in Ireland.

When will you be going to California? I was there over Easter but I never did a report about it. But if you have any questions please feel free to ask. I hope you all have fun on your trips!


Well-Known Member
Hello and welcome to my trip report. I had originally posted it in the normal trip report area but it got moved over here to the DLP section. That is fun that your daughter and her partner are going to DLP to celebrate her birthday, let me know if you have any questions. Are they staying on site? It is kind of funny that you are from Ireland, I booked our DLP package through the Ireland site as it was the cheapest. The US site has really high prices for DLP packages and so I learned that looking at other country's websites can get better deals. So my address on the booking was my hometown's name but then it said it was in Ireland.

When will you be going to California? I was there over Easter but I never did a report about it. But if you have any questions please feel free to ask. I hope you all have fun on your trips!
They are staying in the Hotel Santa Fe. Her partner has been to DLP in October with their family so I'm hoping they'll have an idea how best to tackle the parks. I've been reminding them to budget for food and not just spend all their money on souvenirs and lego!
We are flying to LA on the 26th Aug, we'll be staying in the Howard Johnson. I tried to pick a hotel close to the parks.
Thank you, if I think of any questions I'll definitely ask you, 😊


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They are staying in the Hotel Santa Fe. Her partner has been to DLP in October with their family so I'm hoping they'll have an idea how best to tackle the parks. I've been reminding them to budget for food and not just spend all their money on souvenirs and lego!
We are flying to LA on the 26th Aug, we'll be staying in the Howard Johnson. I tried to pick a hotel close to the parks.
Thank you, if I think of any questions I'll definitely ask you, 😊

I've stayed at the Howard Johnson before and I was happy with it and the walk wasn't too far. In the morning you'll pass by some decent options for breakfast as well.


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June 20

Refreshed from our nap time, everyone was ready to go finish out the day. We rocked out through attractions with our Premier Pass. It is expensive, at 100 euros a person, so I wouldn't recommend getting it everyday but one day is very helpful. If someone was only there for one day and wanted to get a lot accomplished I would say budget the price into your trip.

We started by going through the Liberty Arcade to pick up some glasses that Brad and I had bought earlier and had engraved with our names. In this arcade area there is a neat little area/room that is themed to the dedication of the Statue of Liberty. It is near the bathrooms and while I was waiting for others to come out the bathroom I saw people go behind this wall and then come out a minute or so later, so me being curious I ducked behind the wall too and discovered this fun little gem and then I showed the others.


After the arcade we knocked out the attractions in Discoveryland: HyperSpace Mountain, Star Tours, Buzz, and Autopia. I liked the scenery in the Autopia, it is even more landscaped and park-like than Disneyland's (and of course MK's).





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June 20

After finishing Discoveryland we headed over to Frontierland but decided to stop at Casey's for dinner.

We were intrigued by the toppings on a couple of the hot dogs but in the end all of us got the one with the bacon, cheese and crispy onions. The picture doesn't look that appetizing but it was actually pretty tasty. Brad was upset that the hot dog came with ketchup, we asked if we could get it without it but customization wasn't possible. Brad likes ketchup but he says that it has no business on hot dogs. He claims that people from Chicago (he grew up about 40-50 minutes in a small town outside of Chicago) don't put ketchup on hot dogs. I just roll my eyes because my mom grew up in the city of Chicago put ketchup on her hot dogs.
While B, T, and I were getting dinner we sent A out to get a table for us. B & I got the food for the three of us first (T was buying her own) we went out to find A at a table. We found her out front, there was an area of tables out front like at MK and Disneyland. The area was very crowded and she was at a table with only one chair. The chair that she was sitting on! There were no other chairs. I asked her where the rest of us were supposed to sit and she was like "I don't know, I just thought this was a good table". I asked if she looked for a table in the arcade area and she said she didn't because this table had a better view. Oh my, this girl graduated with a A average. Well B, T and I wouldn't be standing around a small table to eat, so we went over to the arcade area and there were plenty of tables with chairs for everyone.

Then we went to Phantom Manor, we didn't need our Premier pass at this time for the attraction. The wait time was basically a walk on but the Premier pass line lets guest walk up the front steps and we wanted to walk up the front steps.

There was a nice view of Big Thunder.

Brad was pretending to knock on the doors when they actually opened.

There weren't many people in the stretching room so I snapped a few pictures since the portraits were different than the regular Haunted Mansion's.
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June 20

Another "painting" from Phantom Manor, this is the representation of the dueling ghosts from Haunted Mansion. I love the dueling ghosts.


After Phantom we used our pass for Big Thunder, then we were headed over to get small world in before finding a spot for the night show, but by the time we got over to the walkway for Fantasyland by the closed Pirates attraction Fantasyland was closed to prepare for the show. So in the end we used all the attraction opportunities we could with the Premier Pass except small world and one other attraction. But none of us wanted to ride Indy again so that was no loss but we were all a little bummed about missing small world that day.

So we head to the hub and found a place to watch the drone show and Dreams. It was crowded. A wanted to get the special 30th anniversary champagne and T and I wanted it as well. So A and I travelled through the crowd to find the champagne cart while B and T held the spot. Getting to the cart wasn't too bad and the line was short for the champagne, just one person in front of us, but in that short time period the area to get back to our spot got immensely crowded. At one point I was unsure we would get back to the spot. But we eventually made it. T and I enjoyed the champagne a lot, A being a good girl has not had much alcohol so she didn't care for it much. In the end her mother and I drank most of A's champagne, but at least we all got the fun glass to take home.

Castle is pretty at night!

Then the drone show started. Oh my, this show made me a little angry at how poorly WDW's 50th anniversary offering were done. The drone show was fabulous. I got a few decent pictures (and a couple blurry ones). The song used for the drone show is great too and very catchy.

Blurry selfie


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June 20

Up next was the Dreams show. We saw this show when we went years ago, then shortly after we went they had a new show and recently brought this one back. The new show is Illunimations (or something like that) and it is on Disney+ which we have watched and between the two Dreams is better so we were happy that this show is back. I was able to get a few ok pictures with my phone. Sometimes when I'm wearing my glasses (which I wear to see things far away a little better) looking through my phone up close makes me take slightly blurry pictures. This is my first set of glasses and I wasn't quite ready for my first pair to be bifocals, I guess that was a little vain of me.

Our location was pretty good for viewing but pictures just don't do it justice. Also the show relies a lot on projections and has lower pyro so being close makes the show better.
Anyway....Disney Dreams....

I wish I could have gotten a decent picture of the Hunchback section (that picture was super blurry), that is my favorite section. When we watched the show the first time we had just come from touring Paris and we had been able to climb the 400+ stairs to the top of Notre Dame, we were able to see and hear the bells and check out Quasimodo's view of Paris so it made me a little sentimental. So again when this section played it made me think of that experience, but not one we could repeat with our niece this trip because of the fire of Notre Dame which then made me a little sad.


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June 20

After Dreams B, A, and I waited for some of the crowds to clear and then headed to the castle area to take some night pictures of the castle. We knew from experience that lingering in the hub and MainStreet area isn’t really a thing, Brad and I were practically ushered out of the park one night on our last trip. And there was a rope barrier prevent people from getting up close to the castle and there was a cast member monitoring the area (who liked to stand in the way of prime pictures). But we got a few decent ones.

Then it was time to head out. Good bye Main Street!

Good night Mickey!

This exit area was fairly peacefully because most people were intent on leaving and stuck to the side paths instead of coming up the middle area.


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June 21

Today was Brad’s birthday!! He originally wanted to eat at the buffet for his birthday breakfast but when we woke up this morning he decided he wanted McDonalds. He thought it would be quicker than the buffet and he loves McDonalds breakfast sandwiches and hash browns, but he would not be getting hash browns here but the breakfast sandwich was good and the English muffin was extra toasted just how we both like them.

It was a pleasant morning to walk to the park.


McDonald’s in France has macarons and it was on the list of things to try but not for breakfast.

We headed into the park, again starting at Disneyland not the Studios. Once again we were greeted by our favourite mice! We headed to Big Thunder right away and of course the I ride picture wasn’t working, it hadn’t been working any other time either. The birthday boy then picked Phantom Manor but it was down so we headed over to Fantasyland.


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June 21

The plan was to go to Peter Pan but that line was already at 40 minutes so we did the Pinocchio and Snow White rides. Then A still wanted to do the Mickey meet at this time it still wasn’t open but the line was shorter than the previous day so we got in line. In total we still waited about an hour for Mickey, ugh. The line just moved SO slow, I have no idea why it moved so slow but it doesn’t ever seem to move that slow at the American parks.


A look at Toad Hall which is a restaurant not a ride.

Once we got in the final room before finally meeting Mickey there were some fun things to look at. The meeting room was similar to the one at Magic Kingdom.

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