Ugh, that argument that statistically, they won't get so sick drives me nuts. It's such a selfish view, because yeah, statistically, maybe YOU won't, but what about the people you infected before you knew you had it? If you give it to a grandparent, or an older neighbor, or a friend with some sort of health condition (my BIL had a kidney transplant, and has athsma, diabetis, and is morbidly obese...he's extremely high risk) they could die from it. Just because YOU should be fine doesn't mean it's ok to take risks with other people's health! I have the same thing with smoking....I HATE it that people are allowed to just walk down the street blowing cigarette smoke in my face. It's so selfish to not consider anyone else's health and well-being.
And apart from that, they are saying that many people have complications from Covid19, even from cases which didn't require hospitalization, that can last for months or even be permanent. Issues with lungs, in particular. It's not something where you feel icky for a few days and then it's over. Statistically, the likelyhood that you will have a severe reaction to the vaccine is WAY smaller than the likelyhood of complications from Covid, from what I understand. Very few people have severe reactions to the vaccine...but 600,000 have died, just in the US, from covid. Statistically, that's way more serious than reactions from the vaccine. So really, that's a pretty flimsy ignores all the statistics and all the logic. Can you maybe show your son some actual statistics? It sounds like he's basing his decision on incomplete data. Like, he's heard that the vaccine can cause serious reactions, but doesn't know how much WORSE Covid19 is. I mean, statistically, I could get hit by a bus while I'm crossing a's not likely, but it could happen. But that doesn't mean it's safer to drive everywhere. More car accidents happen than people getting hit by buses, but if you only look at the statistic for accidents where a bus hit a pedestrian, then sure, that looks bad. I don't want to get hit by a bus, but the possibility that I die in a car accident is much greater than that I get hit by a bus. You have to look at ALL the statistics and figure out which things are a more serious threat, what's likely, etc.