Well-Known Member
Wasn't sure if I'd get anything in yesterday. I wound up logging off of work and getting back into bed around 10am. Without getting too graphic, certain feminine issues trigger severe cramps and anemia related issues for me. Sometimes I can manage it and sometimes I get woozy from it. After a few hours of rest and some more ibuprofen, I was feeling better, which is good...because I got a text from my younger one that she felt like she was going to throw up. No, she wasn't actually sick. She just hates taking and eating a lunch and never leaves time for breakfast. I can't blame her on the lunch part...at least not too much. She has lunch right before PE. So either she eats and feels sick trying to do athletic stuff on a full stomach or she eats nothing and feels sick after PE because she's got no fuel in her system. The nurse gave her some crackers, but it wasn't enough. After we both rested some more, I decided to hit the gym. I stuck to the bike, because at least I'm sitting. I biked 45 min/14 miles, did arms again since I didn't have it in me to do legs, and I was afraid of getting on the twist plate, so I did three sets of planking...since it's easy enough to safely go to the ground if I don't feel right. Our chance of rain today and really for the next few days, is relatively slim, so I may actually get to try getting the roof rails on either today or tomorrow. After 10 straight days of rain, I'm hopeful the weather will be better today.