I decided to call in sick today. I don't know if it's the stress, the weather or what, but I'm just feeling kind of yucky. I still put in a workout, since that actually tends to help, especially when I have upper respiratory congestion...well, at least for a little bit. I was supposed to run 2 miles today, but these weeks with extra mileage on my feet can be run or walk for that shorter day. Since it's gross outside and I have yet to invest in a running rain jacket, I decided to hit the treadmill.

As I've mentioned before, my treadmill is a real cheapie and not intended for running. It's got a narrow belt and it's at fixed incline, so even walking without holding on to the handrails is a serious challenge. Still, I got it done and walked 2 miles. Then I got on the bike and put in about 15.25 mi. After that...arms and abs...with a bit of a challenge from Voodoo. It's called try to do all of this with a dog in your face. Not today's edition of it, but this is what dog in the face is like during workouts.
Tomorrow, I have a vacation day and will be putting in my long run...9.5 miles this week. Weather is looking good, still on the fence a bit with hydration options for the run, nutrition is ready to go, and I have my route all mapped out. Ok...I'm really just excited because it's going to be my first time taking out my half marathon shoes
Beyond that, someone is supposed to come measure for flooring in a little bit. If all goes well, it could be done before Thanksgiving!!! I also am starting to shift into major holiday spirit mode as well as costume mode. Starting to finalize yard decor choices, just bought a bag and some bag decor to have a purse in the holiday spirit this year, and a girl in a local run group reminded me of something very important...running at night during the holidays is AWESOME!!! Not sure if I want to do this during my long runs, but for my shorter ones...it is so much fun to run around with everyone's yards all lit up and festive