I'm trying to get my diet and exercise back on track. It's still not perfect, but it's getting better. I've been putting more oomph into my morning workouts again, trying to avoid the bad snacking and snacks/sweets, and just pushing a bit more. The running has just been so/so, but the morning workouts have been good. I ran today with a lot of pain, but I've come to realize that it's from lactic acid build up if there's too much time between run and workout. I also ran at night on Monday and I'm always a little more nervous running in the dark...even when I'm lit up like a Christmas tree! Aside from a cop following me for a bit (wondering if someone freaked out from my flashlight beam bouncing into windows), I saw some of the first holiday light displays going up in our neighborhood. That is one of the perks of holiday night runs and walks...being in the lights! Speaking of...
I set ours up over the weekend, since I'm not sure when I'm going to get another chance. I had to go out there today to fix some stuff because I believe I overloaded one of the circuits. I rerouted a couple of things to the other part of the power supply and swapped out some strings of lights that could have been creating issues. Hopefully, that'll do the trick.
On another holiday note, we got the flooring replaced in the dining room yesterday. Now, I can have Thanksgiving dinner in here

We decided to redo the floor in the adjacent room as well, since everything is connected, but that flooring won't come in until early December. We still haven't moved in all of the furniture, but I really like how it looks.
Speaking of Thanksgiving, I now have FIVE turkeys in the freezer. I think I'm done. I know which one will be coming out for Thanksgiving, but I think I'm going to pull the next one out for New Year's, since we'll have family visiting. Bird plans!