Good morning-
I ended up spending Thanksgiving in my hotel room. My husband and son went to my mom's house for a few hours and brought a plate back for me. There was really no way I could go. I had been up all night coughing and had a headache from it. After they left, it was really quiet and I was able to get a few hours of sleep in. I did benefit from that sleep though, because I felt 80% better on Friday and was able to visit my mom and my grandmother before flying home Friday night. That was a wild ride! The captain made an announcement before we boarded the flight saying there was going to be no cabin service and that we'd be flying at 25,000 ft because of turbulence. He wasn't joking. During the flight, my husband asked me if I would be OK working a flight like this. I just told him yes. A pilot isn't going to put himself in harm's way, so I know I would be safe. (Plus, the FAs were getting paid for being seated.

) I don't like the sensation of free falling, but it's temporary and it's part of working as an FA.
I did workout yesterday, but had immediate regret. I felt weak and blah afterwards. I decided to take today off, because I'm still not feeling well enough to do intense workouts. My head and chest are still quite congested.
I hope everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving.