Well, I ran the race today, but it definitely wasn't my best run. All week, I've debated running, not running, and not running for time. My stomach made the decision for me. I guess the nerves from the flood issues, work demands, and kid stuff finally caught up with me. Thankfully, it was nothing bad enough to keep me from running, but it was my signal that today was about fun and the experience. It was also the warmest race I've had all month. I remember standing at the starting line, sun just starting to come up, and I'm already drenched in sweat. I still think it was worth it. I wanted to do this one before I got the crazy idea of trying to get a good proof of time. Running into the tunnel at Minute Maid and crossing the finish line in right field was the most magical run experience I've had to date.
After coming home, I biked for about 10mi. I know it sounds so crazy, but this helps my leg muscles from seizing up and cramping. After that, I did some leg stretching, arms. and abs. Now to log into work until I have to get the older one to school for an arts fundraiser. The dessert social covers the choir, orchestra, band, dance, theater, and visual arts programs. I made a cake. I wanted to do more, but I just didn't have the time or energy. I feel bad since she's in two groups (dance/choir) and I probably should have brought two things. Oh well.
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