Normalcy is what seems to keep us all I'm trying to keep some of that in my life right now. My boss and his boss advised me to take the day off to get things in order with my house. We still have a long road ahead with insurance and repairs, but it's nice to have the time to do this preliminary stuff. I started off my day with a run and then a cross training workout. Everyone was up by the time I was done, so I worked with hubby on a shopping list from Lowes for supplies. While he was out, I started uploading all of my pictures and labeling them, as well as getting my video footage in order...since this will all be needed for insurance. After getting a razor that was a piece of junk and having to make a second trip to Lowes, we pulled up the carpeting and ripped out all of the wet padding. I then bleached the slab. After that, we got some of the nasty wet stuff out of the garage and took those to the curb as well. After that, it was vacuuming up all of the leafy and yard type debris in the house and mopping the floors. I got down on hands and knees and used wipes to get some of the edges and entry points where I saw water come in. I just finished organizing pics, so I think I'm done for the day. And all of the towels we used yesterday to soak up water coming in are already clean, folded and put away.
If you care to see all of the pics...this is the album.
A couple of them are hard for me to look at.
I have something like 13 videos, but I won't share them all. I haven't really listened to them since the noises of it kind of stress me out. I recall being fairly quiet, but if I say anything bad...I'm sorry. I was in panic mode and my potty mouth may have surfaced in some of it. I think the water has started to recede in the second video. The sky is lighter and I think the water is a smidge lower on the mailbox and fire hydrant, leading me to believe that we're on the lightening up side by this point.
I appreciate everyone's kind words and concern. My husband, like usual, thinks I was in crazy-lady panic mode, but it's also different when you're the one inside the house taking on water vs. in your dry office building. Hearing the Houston mayor say our little village name when he was acknowledging areas he knew to have floodwater inside homes also freaked me out...since the rain hadn't tapered and the water was still rising at this point. Either way, we're all safe, and after driving around a bit...I know we were still luckier than many. I saw a family a few blocks over that had several rooms worth of furniture at the curb, all kinds of flooring, and if she's the lady I spoke to flood insurance either. So, it could always be worse.