Happy Thursday! My DH is off for the day and we are going outside to clean up leaves and put out mulch. That is, when it gets warmer. He is out there right now, but I have to wait until it gets warmer. Can't move around much when I am too bundled up. lol
Tomorrow is my birthday so we are going to see Coco and get pizza for dinner. Birthdays seem like they come around faster every year. I am putting up my small tree and outdoor decorations and lights on Saturday. I get tired of them if I put them up any sooner. But, this year everything will be on timers or solar. That way one of us won't forget to turn them on.
Have a good afternoon! I plan on getting my walking in this afternoon. Still doing my 30 days with Adrienne. (love her!) Dinner is leftover turkey chili or fish and veggies.