Haha. That would be my husband, the Springsteen fan. I wish I could run somewhere, I'm stuck in this hotel room. LOL I can't wait to get home and back into my eating/workout routine. We haven't looked at houses since Sunday, since we knew we wanted the first one we saw. Everything else we saw wasn't as nice and required lots of renovating. It is worth it to me spend a little more money to move into something turn key. If we hadn't been moving around so much, I would be open to a fix-er upper, but I really just want to settle in immediately. So our offer went in yesterday and I'm quite sure they will refuse, but that's the point. The big thing I am worried about is we haven't listed our house yet and we didn't want to, because we wanted to make sure my husband liked this job and we all liked the area. (I am going to de-clutter the house when I get back and have the real estate agent do her thing with photos, etc.) So, we are not in the best position right now, but I don't know what else we could have done differently that wouldn't have meant a big risk on our part. We were seriously burnt with the move to London and we're a little wary about the whole process now. It's a beautiful house with a beautiful yard that I would love to tend to, but it's meant to be, it will happen. It's out of my hands now.