Wookies, & Rebels, & Droids... OH WHY?! The Anti-SWL in Disneyland Thread


Well-Known Member
So you really are going to go with that huh? Reducing opposing fan opinions into a high school level competition where fans who disagree with you are lesser because your beliefs are "the truth". Ridiculous.
As I said, purist fans don't agree on everything. However, there is often consensus and that consensus is what companies like Disney should listen to.
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Well-Known Member
As I said, these decisions could cause a negative chain reaction within the fandom starting with the hardcore fans on down.
I think a better word for "hardcore" is "purist." The purist fans don't want to see a land dedicated to one IP, let alone to Star Wars.
I was going to ask if your personal best case scenario happened for both ROA and SWL, would you still be against the project? I guess I know the answer. I can understand a slippery slope argument. Though, in my opinion, Disney has taken a surprising amount of care to keep as much of the original park intact as possible, as well as committing a lot of money to "plus" ROA (although I understand you may not see it that way). I don't want to come off as trolling or antagonistic, since I'm genuinely interested in the other side of the argument.


Well-Known Member
What is the consensus among hardcore fans regarding SWL? Is there a consensus? Maybe taking a wait and see approach, while still being skeptical/disagree with the project at large, is best.
I agree that's the consensus, but almost all of Disney's recent projects are surrounded by skepticism and/or outright hatred with a dash of hope for sanity's sake. How about projects with nothing but shear excitement and positivity surrounding them more often?


Well-Known Member
I was going to ask if your personal best case scenario happened for both ROA and SWL, would you still be against the project? I guess I know the answer. I can understand a slippery slope argument. Though, in my opinion, Disney has taken a surprising amount of care to keep as much of the original park intact as possible, as well as committing a lot of money to "plus" ROA (although I understand you may not see it that way). I don't want to come off as trolling or antagonistic, since I'm genuinely interested in the other side of the argument.
I feel like I should elaborate on what I feel would be the best case scenario for both. SWL would go into a third park fit for things like Marvel and itself. As for the land its actually going into, that would be reserved for one or more lands that could plus the ROA more naturally. I'm not against SWL as a concept, I'm even very much for it in DHS, but it being in DL just sickens me more than any other decision Disney has recently made at any of their resorts. Anyway, I'm happy you're open minded and willing to further understand both sides of fan reaction to it.
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Californian Elitist

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I feel like I should elaborate on what I feel would be the best case scenario for both. SWL would go into a third park fit for things like Marvel and itself. As for the land its actually going into, that would be reserved for one or more lands that could plus the ROA more naturally. I'm not against SWL as a concept, I'm even very much for it in DHS, but it being in DL just sickens me more than any other decision Disney has recently made at any of their resorts. Anyway, I'm happy you're open minded and willing take a look to further understand both sides of fan reaction to it.

*ding* *ding* *ding* *ding*

Thank you. I'm not against Star Wars Land, though I must say lands dedicated to film franchises are starting to annoy me a little. But to put this in Disneyland... :mad:


Well-Known Member
I feel like I should elaborate on what I feel would be the best case scenario for both. SWL would go into a third park fit for things like Marvel and itself. As for the land its actually going into, that would be reserved for one or more lands that could plus the ROA more naturally. I'm not against SWL as a concept, I'm even very much for it in DHS, but it being in DL just sickens me more than any other decision Disney has recently made at any of their resorts. Anyway, I'm happy you're open minded and willing take a look to further understand both sides of fan reaction to it.
I meant best case scenario as is it now. I completely agree, the absolute best case would be SWL anchoring a 3rd gate, but that's would not be feasible for years (unfortunately).


Well-Known Member
Well it look like the new concept art is making the rounds outside of the Disney Parks fandom and response can be interesting to say the least. http://www.cinemablend.com/news/153...tely-incredible-in-new-disneyland-concept-art

While the article mostly talks about the content shown in the artwork, I couldn't ignore what it had to say on the placement of the land.

"Since the image is meant to evoke the world of Star Wars, we don't really see from the art how it will fit into the larger park. The most interesting aspect of the image is probably the small boat in the water at the bottom of the rendering. That waterway is the existing Rivers of America, the traditional home of the Mark Twain Riverboat and the tall ship Colombia. These ships are expected to resume full operation once construction on Star Wars Land allows. What's not clear is how Disneyland plans to maintain the illusion between the two spaces. Will there be riverboats cruising through an alien world? Probably not, there may be a tree line or other obstruction that we don't see here."

Slippery Slope Theory anyone? The more the purist side of a fanbase notices a major issue, the more others notice even if their initial reactions aren't entirely negative. The seeds have been planted and it seems their early effects are already in action.


Well-Known Member
I meant best case scenario as is it now. I completely agree, the absolute best case would be SWL anchoring a 3rd gate, but that's would not be feasible for years (unfortunately).
Ok then. Within the factual parameters, I'd like to see it as a small sub-section of Tomorrowland (former Inoventions/part of Autopia) and have the ROA unaffected by it. Star Wars or any IP land fully dominating any large area of the park is unacceptable.


Well-Known Member
Star Wars or any IP land fully dominating any large area of the park is unacceptable.

The sketches of both the redone Rivers of America a few months ago, and this week's new Star Wars Land bordering the River take some artistic license. There will be berms, there will be trees, there will be carefully crafted sightlines.

But that's not to say you won't catch a glimpse of Star Wars rocky cliffs from other areas of the park, especially if you know where to look or are a Disney Lifestyle Blogger who visits Disneyland once per week to photoblog the park to death.

But decades ago when Walt and his hand-picked team were Imagineering the park and expanding it year by year you didn't have to peek through a treeline at a certain angle to get a glimpse of something, Walt and his Imagineers put these giant thematic roadblocks up wherever they darn well wanted, imposing on various lands from any and all angles.

A Swiss Mountain with holes towers over New Tomorrowland - Have a Coke while you're here!

Don't worry, Walt. The trees will grow in a bit eventually.

Californian Elitist

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I was going to ask if your personal best case scenario happened for both ROA and SWL, would you still be against the project? I guess I know the answer. I can understand a slippery slope argument. Though, in my opinion, Disney has taken a surprising amount of care to keep as much of the original park intact as possible, as well as committing a lot of money to "plus" ROA (although I understand you may not see it that way). I don't want to come off as trolling or antagonistic, since I'm genuinely interested in the other side of the argument.

You're not coming off as a troll at all.

No matter what, I will always be against SWL in Disneyland. They could plus up RoA, bring back Mine Train Thru Nature's Wonderland, it doesn't matter.

They could have done something with the river without putting SWL in. Who knows if the Canoes will be coming back. There's so much they could have done with that piece of land. It is being wasted, in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
You're not coming off as a troll at all.

No matter what, I will always be against SWL in Disneyland. They could plus up RoA, bring back Mine Train Thru Nature's Wonderland, it doesn't matter.

They could have done something with the river without putting SWL in. Who knows if the Canoes will be coming back. There's so much they could have done with that piece of land. It is being wasted, in my opinion.
I don't disagree with that, although I have a feeling Disney wouldn't be doing something as drastic with it has they are doing now. I do hope they can keep the immersion along the river, and it seems like they attempting to do something about it. It is interesting that many seemed OK with SW taking over part of Tomorrowland. I feel like the fervor would still be there from purists. Although if it only took over the Subs/Autopia it probably would just be a mini-land with an E-ticket and a maybe a C/D.

This is along the lines of what I asked yesterday, will you or anyone against the project give SWL a chance? I understand you are against it, but will your opposition never allow to enjoy the land in any capacity?


Well-Known Member
You're not coming off as a troll at all.

No matter what, I will always be against SWL in Disneyland. They could plus up RoA, bring back Mine Train Thru Nature's Wonderland, it doesn't matter.

They could have done something with the river without putting SWL in. Who knows if the Canoes will be coming back. There's so much they could have done with that piece of land. It is being wasted, in my opinion.
THIS perfectly sums my thoughts up.

Californian Elitist

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I don't disagree with that, although I have a feeling Disney wouldn't be doing something as drastic with it has they are doing now. I do hope they can keep the immersion along the river, and it seems like they attempting to do something about it. It is interesting that many seemed OK with SW taking over part of Tomorrowland. I feel like the fervor would still be there from purists. Although if it only took over the Subs/Autopia it probably would just be a mini-land with an E-ticket and a maybe a C/D.

This is along the lines of what I asked yesterday, will you or anyone against the project give SWL a chance? I understand you are against it, but will your opposition never allow to enjoy the land in any capacity?

I was one of those who was against SWL in Tomorrowland, though it's already made its way there, unfortunately.

I will give it a chance when I go to DHS. Disneyland? Nope. I don't plan to step foot there and I'm not the only one. A buddy of mine feels the exact same way and has zero plans of ever seeing SWL in Disneyland.

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