Wonders of Life is Open! (Photos!) 11/26/06


Nope, I posted a link to this thread on the forums. That wouldnt raise your bandwidth and if you worried so much about bandwidth, use photobucket or imageshack and dont complain so much.

What what was with the photos being on the forum and then being removed with a new topic linking to WDWMagic. I know the topic was there as I had replied to it... (I think...:veryconfu)


New Member
I generally am only on ITM (Those bandwidth stealers), but I had to register to tell you that last year when it was open, THE HOT AND COLD BARS WORKED!!! About everything else was broken though. (Crawls back into a corner never to be seen again)


Well-Known Member
We are taking our 3rd trip (in 4 years) to WDW in March. During the first 2 trips, we made a point to see almost everything at least once, but never made it to WoL. Do you think it will be open in March, 2007? Is it scheduled to be closed permenantly at some point? What makes it so popular with long time WDW visitors?


Those two people really do look like they're goofy about health!:D

All these WoL circa 2006 AKA 1989 pics remind me so much of my signiture/link!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the pics Merf, glad to see it open again. I can't wait to show my friends who have never been in WOL CC and The Making of Me :lol:

Not to mention document the place from top to bottom (again) just in case this is the last time. I think this will be the third time, and so it continues...

*Dramatic music kicks in*
We are taking our 3rd trip (in 4 years) to WDW in March. I think during the first 2 trips, we made a point to see almost everything at least once, but never made it to WoL. Do you think it will be open in March, 2007? Is it scheduled to be closed permenantly at some point? What makes it so popular with long time WDW visitors?
well...it has only been open for Christmas, I believe, for a few years now...so probably not...but it might have been open for spring break a few years ago.:confused:


Well-Known Member
If you do go back, could you take pictures of the sensory funhouse area for me? And I sencond the question, is the making of me open?
Thank you for being the first to report on this!!


New Member

Ok.. so I was completely the only one who cared. 9am sharp I wandered into Wonders of Life all by myself. They hadn't even turned on the exterior audio yet, but atleast they had remembered to clear the pathway so folks could get in.
Was it you that I saw taking pictures of everything? ;) If you have one of those big, professional cameras, then I probably saw you ;)


Well-Known Member
I'm still having issues seeing the images... I'm using FireFox 2.0 and Internet Explorer 7... and no images from your server are showing up, everything else is showing up.


New Member
Was THE MAKING OF ME operating?

I leave for Disney World in two days. If no one has answered you by then, I will make sure to put in a reply as soon as I can. I'm guessing though, that if Goofy About Health is running (and based on mousemerf's photo it is), then I'm sure they'd be running a "bigger" attraction like The Making of Me. I can't wait. I fully intend to take pictures and video of everything I can...similar to mousemerf's more unusual photos of the old restaurant area. I can't wait to see Buzzy, Martin Short, Goofy, and all the rest again.
To dreamscometrue, I would have to say that my reason for loving Wonders of Life is that it embodies much of what the original EPCOT stood for - education and entertainment blended together to make great attractions. Cranium Command is one the top attractions of all time for me...truly an inventive and humorous take on some of the processes the human body goes through in a "normal" day. And The Making of Me is a great primer for kids to learn a little about the oh-so taboo topic of "where do babies come from?" It's has a great sense of humor about it as well, and it's hosted by Martin Short, which to me is a tremendous bonus. Overall, the pavilion is wonderful because it covers the workings of one of the most important aspects of humanity - ourselves. I'm guessing I'll be spending quite a lot of time in it, since there's the definite possibility I'll never get the opportunity to do it again.


New Member
Wonders is open till Dec 31

Wonders of Life did open as scheduled and will remain open until Dec 31. There are some items that did not open due to operational problems and the decision was made to keep them closed due to the short time this attraction will be open. As of Sat night 11-25 we had all 4 probes in Body Wars flying.We have been working on things since sometime in late Sept to get ready for the opening. Since it no longer has a regular crew to work on it we have been doing extra shifts. A ride cannot just open at will. It must have ride inspection & service PMs completed and recorded on the ride legislation system or the attraction cannot open. These must also be done every day as long as the ride remains open. If we do not complete a PM or we have an inspection where an item does not pass the ride stays closed regardless. From what has been said the attraction is scheduled to open each holiday season but things at WDW can change quickly so who knows. If a sponsor picks up the attraction it may be open always or it could be rehabed or completely changed into something else. So for now enjoy and we will keep working hard to bring you the magic!


Wonders of Life did open as scheduled and will remain open until Dec 31. There are some items that did not open due to operational problems and the decision was made to keep them closed due to the short time this attraction will be open. As of Sat night 11-25 we had all 4 probes in Body Wars flying.We have been working on things since sometime in late Sept to get ready for the opening. Since it no longer has a regular crew to work on it we have been doing extra shifts. A ride cannot just open at will. It must have ride inspection & service PMs completed and recorded on the ride legislation system or the attraction cannot open. These must also be done every day as long as the ride remains open. If we do not complete a PM or we have an inspection where an item does not pass the ride stays closed regardless. From what has been said the attraction is scheduled to open each holiday season but things at WDW can change quickly so who knows. If a sponsor picks up the attraction it may be open always or it could be rehabed or completely changed into something else. So for now enjoy and we will keep working hard to bring you the magic!
So will WoL be open on January 1????

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