Wonders of Life is Open! (Photos!) 11/26/06


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
I think your right about those bikes being covered. I'll check it out next week.:animwink:
i always saw the bikes sittingover there calling my name (back in the day of course) but after walking 1 million miles on my vacation.... i couldnt bring myself to do the WS lap.



New Member
I returned from Disney World yesterday and I have to say I feel this pavilion really gets treated unfairly. First, let me say that not once did I encounter any problems with the sound synching to the action on ANY of the attractions, and I visited each at least twice. I also disagree about the pavilion looking incredibly 80s. I will grant that the blue costumes they have to wear are painfully outdated (an easy fix if they ever cared to), but I think the pavilion itself looks as fresh now as it did the first time I visited it. It's unfortunate that they no longer run the exercise bikes (yes, they're there, under tarps as the picture posted earlier shows), the restaurant, or the Anacomical Players (on second thought, I don't miss this at all). But, there is still plenty to do in Wonders of Life. Goofy About Health runs constantly, and other than one TV that does need replacing (an image of sunglasses is burned into the screen), it looks and sounds great. Body Wars is just as jerky as ever, but still fun. As mentioned by one poster earlier, there is a bad cabin, though. If at all possible, avoid cabin 3 (the one to your immediate right at the point where they direct you to the ship you'll be on). It sounds as if it's going to break at any moment, and creaks and groans every time it goes to the right. I mentioned it to a CM and she just said, "Well, it's an old ride." Uh, yeah. It definitely adds thrills to the ride. Cabin 2 was fine, though, and everything worked perfectly there. I didn't get put in 1 or 4, so I'm not sure about their quality.
The Making of Me was in good condition as well, though the screen itself could be replaced in the near future.
Cranium Command was, as always, awesome (my 80s reference for this post). Even though most of the actors in it are no longer as popular as they were when the show was created, it remains as fresh and funny as always. Everything worked well, except for Buzzy's right arm, which appears to have developed a slight tic. It's amazing the details you catch seeing it live that you miss when you're just watching the video. This is still one of Disney's best.
The Sensory Funhouse and all of the hands-on stuff were almost completely in good working order. Some of the items deserved to be replaced, but none were horribly bad.
And for those wondering about the smell - it smelled no different than any other pavilion. Actually, it probably smelled a bit better because there weren't six million people with varying levels of body odor stinking the place up (**cough, cough - The Land - cough, cough**). Yes, I know, more people is a good thing, but I must say I loved roaming freely through the building for three hours without being pushed, shoved, or jostled.
To sum up, I will miss Wonders of Life if they choose to kill it. I know that the crowd levels aren't what they want, but I can only say that there are some of us who truly appreciate it for what it is. And while there are little problems here and there (okay, the creaking cabin may be a slightly bigger problem), they are easily correctable with a little TLC. I'm sure it won't get it, but one can hope.

Peaches Magee

New Member
Thanks for the pics! WOL is awsome!!! :sohappy:

I especially love the picture of the old lady in front of Cranium Comand trying to figure out what the hell it is, and the guy comming out looking completely confused about what just happened.:lol: :lookaroun (It's like a ghost town in there, I'm suprised its so clean and well kept)

HAAAA! :lol:
I was just thinking the same think about the Cranium Command pic. hehe
Oh yeah I remember when all that stuff was pretty new.
Hilarious now thinking about Body Wars and it's cheesy graphics done by the insanely amazing ILM.
And Elizabeth Shue was like, what 17 when she made that?
Like right before Adventures in Babysitting? hehe
When I do go, I will go to WOL, cause it reminds me of good ole memories, but yeah, they need to upgrade... ghosttown is right, wow!



Well-Known Member
It is really very cool that WoL is open. I wish I could just make it down there to see it. Cranium Command was always one of my all-time favorite attractions in WDW.


New Member
It was def open today (I am at WDW right now and was there today! :) ), and it was busier than I expected, given the comments I heard. My Body Wars probe was about 1/2-2/3 full, and there were a fair amount of people in the pavilion in general. I wonder if a lot of people knew that today was going to be the last day for a while...

Also, not that it matters too much, but my parents were taking in a showing of CC when a CM overheard them talking about the significance of today, and he hinted that WoL would be open again in Nov 2007 for seasonal operation once again.


Well-Known Member
I considered it a honor and a privilage to spend a few hours in WoL yesterday. I got kinda emotional while walking out for the last time, but part of that was thinking about all the good times I've had in that pavilion with some loved ones who passed away this year. I was sitting in Body Wars and I just started crying. Even though it was hard on me, I would have traded my time in there for the world.

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