Will WDW ever build Big kid thrill rides?


Well-Known Member
Airline tickets to Orlando - about $300 (yes, that's what we got!)
Airline tickets to Hawaii - about $900
Airline tickets to Europe - about $1,500

We would love to go other places too, but we are a family of 6 and believe it or not, Disney (and cruising) are the most affordable for us. We priced Hawaii and even that was too expensive. On the other hand, there are some people who think we must be "well off" to keep going to Disney, lol. But in my book, Disney and cruising are top notch vacations!


Well-Known Member
but not everyone wants to do anything else. I have no problem spending my whole vacation at Disney. :) (although we never get more than one week)
We go on lots of little trips all over the place, museums, amusement parks (we hate 6 flags, and it's only a 30 minute drive) But when we are at Disney, any minute not in the parks makes us crazy!
We toyed with the idea to visit Universal for Harry Potter this year, but I just didn't think it was worth it, just for Harry Potter (and a whole day lost from Disney!). We will think about it in a few years, maybe when my kids are older, but Disney is perfect for us right now.

Universal Studio's rivals anything that Disney has ever done, IMHO. Shows like Terminator 4D, Earthquake, Shrek, Twister (if it's still there), E.T...all are very good rides/shows that are on the same level as Disney rides/shows. In Islands of Adventure, it is more for the adrenalin junky, but it also has many Disney style things to do. Spiderman comes to mind for me. Harry Potter is probably another from what I have heard but I have yet to experience that one. I find Universal Studios, completely to my liking but only parts of IoA. I am not a coaster lover, so those are out for me and much of the other lands, although well done appeal to the much younger set. I think that anyone that likes Disney will like Universal. Just get the two park ticket and there will be plenty to do for the day.

Californian Elitist

Well-Known Member
Woo! Those are my 3 favorites. Though, I was expecting you to put Epcot!

Epcot comes close. Magic Kingdom is slightly more appealing to me, though. If I could pick four, Epcot would be there!

For sure, the Universal parks. I'd love to see them, especially since USH doesn't have Potter. With everything that's going on at WDW... The Universal parks are the obvious choice. Not to mention it doesn't seem like there's a whole lot to do at DAK and DHS. And no, I wouldn't waste my time on the so-called "backlot tour" at DHS.

HM Spectre

Well-Known Member
Disney would be asking for a losing battle if they entered the thrill ride arms race. Cedar Point puts out something new every other year to escalate the race and win the battle of being the "_______-est" coaster in the world by breaking records. Tallest, steepest, fastest, longest, etc. The theming usually stinks and the ride happens way too fast to tell a "story'... but it packs a mean adrenaline punch and does it well.

Disney just can't compete with that. If Disney did build a thrill ride of that magnitude, it would get one-upped within a couple years and would quickly fall in the thrill category as the Cedar Points of the world continue to raise the bar of what "thrilling" is every year. Heck, with how long it takes Disney to put rides up these days, it may be outdated before it even has a full open. :D

If they want to do a couple thrill rides with great theming and longevity like EE (minus disco) or ToT then sure. However, if we're talking about entering into a "biggest, baddest" war with the big steel behemoths... no thanks. Unless you're willing to continuously try and reinvent what is "biggest, baddest" every year and pour funds into making it happen, best to stay on the sidelines.


Well-Known Member
Airline tickets to Orlando - about $300 (yes, that's what we got!)
Airline tickets to Hawaii - about $900
Airline tickets to Europe - about $1,500

We would love to go other places too, but we are a family of 6 and believe it or not, Disney (and cruising) are the most affordable for us. We priced Hawaii and even that was too expensive. On the other hand, there are some people who think we must be "well off" to keep going to Disney, lol. But in my book, Disney and cruising are top notch vacations!

I have flown to Ireland for under 500, London under 600, Finland under 600, China under 1000. Just gotta look.


Well-Known Member
Disney would be asking for a losing battle if they entered the thrill ride arms race. Cedar Point puts out something new every other year to escalate the race and win the battle of being the "_______-est" coaster in the world by breaking records. Tallest, steepest, fastest, longest, etc. The theming usually stinks and the ride happens way too fast to tell a "story'... but it packs a mean adrenaline punch and does it well.

Disney just can't compete with that. If Disney did build a thrill ride of that magnitude, it would get one-upped within a couple years and would quickly fall in the thrill category as the Cedar Points of the world continue to raise the bar of what "thrilling" is every year. Heck, with how long it takes Disney to put rides up these days, it may be outdated before it even has a full open. :D

If they want to do a couple thrill rides with great theming and longevity like EE (minus disco) or ToT then sure. However, if we're talking about entering into a "biggest, baddest" war with the big steel behemoths... no thanks. Unless you're willing to continuously try and reinvent what is "biggest, baddest" every year and pour funds into making it happen, best to stay on the sidelines.

I would just be happy with any new rides at HS that might alleviate some of the crowding from RR, ToT, and Toy Story.


Well-Known Member
I have a really hard time reading this thread without throwing my phone against the wall. The fact that Disney fans believe that Mission Space is a extreme thrill ride says it all. Oh, and California Sreamin' is a great coaster for little girls and grandmas.

And to imply that the OP wants a CP styled Iron Giant coaster just after he referenced ToT as a benchmark is disingenuous at best.

And pointing out that Disney would lose guests if they added more thrills is different how than Disney loosing guests because they have graduated pre-school and are looking for something more than coddling and hand holding?

Californian Elitist

Well-Known Member
I have a really hard time reading this thread without throwing my phone against the wall.

That's exactly how I feel when I read some of the posts here. Instead I want to shoot my computer AND throw it across the room.

The fact that Disney fans believe that Mission Space is a extreme thrill ride says it all. Oh, and California Sreamin' is a great coaster for little girls and grandmas.

And to imply that the OP wants a CP styled Iron Giant coaster just after he referenced ToT as a benchmark is disingenuous at best.

And pointing out that Disney would lose guests if they added more thrills is different how than Disney loosing guests because they have graduated pre-school and are looking for something more than coddling and hand holding?



Well-Known Member
I have a really hard time reading this thread without throwing my phone against the wall. The fact that Disney fans believe that Mission Space is a extreme thrill ride says it all. Oh, and California Sreamin' is a great coaster for little girls and grandmas.

And to imply that the OP wants a CP styled Iron Giant coaster just after he referenced ToT as a benchmark is disingenuous at best.

And pointing out that Disney would lose guests if they added more thrills is different how than Disney loosing guests because they have graduated pre-school and are looking for something more than coddling and hand holding?

No they would not lose guests by adding thrill rides, but they would change the atmosphere and appeal of the parks. I guess when I put it that way, I have to change my mind and say that yes they would lose guests because those of us that go for "Disney" atmosphere would no longer get our fix.

If you think about how much energy they have spent on keeping all the attractions under 200 feet high to avoid having flashing lights on the top, ruining the ambiance...you might be able to see why it wouldn't fit. Having just returned from Dollywood and being bored to tears because there was very little there for a non-thrill ride person to do, it became crystal clear why I love WDW. I don't go to the parks just to buy stuff or drink hot chocolate while I watched others ride the coasters. I will ride Thunder Mtn., RcRc, ToT, and Space Mtn. (if I still could), but the rest are past my tolerance and if I paid on the average of $60.00 to get in there, I want something to do, and I don't want to be trampled by a group of hyperactive teens running me down to get to them.


Well-Known Member
I have flown to Ireland for under 500, London under 600, Finland under 600, China under 1000. Just gotta look.

Good luck finding prices like that now. With a shortage on planes and pilots and fuel prices skyrocketing, it's next to impossible to find anything close to those rates nowadays.

Californian Elitist

Well-Known Member
So Disney would lose guests if they added more rides like ToT?

They wouldn't. You know why? Because attractions like those wouldn't make up the majority of the parks. Are people really going to stop visiting the Disney parks if Disney decided to build one or two "big kid" rides? No, and if people do then too bad, too sad.

People are acting as if the OP suggested making the majority of the parks for huge thrills people.

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