Will WDW ever build Big kid thrill rides?


Well-Known Member
My problem with Disney trying to do thrill rides is that it's a constant arms race. Disney could build a high thrill attraction today that would attract the thrill seekers, but in two years someone else would have build something even more thrilling. Six Flags and other amusements parks are building new thrill rides, especially coasters, every two years or so to keep up. With the level of themeing we expect from a Disney attraction, there is no way they would ever spend the money to constantly build newer thrill rides.

Gawd, I hate that everything Disney does has to be to "one up" the competition. Absolutely no disrespect to you danlb, I know that's TDI's way of thinking as well.

It's great if they want to come up with some multi-hundred million dollar extraordinary cutting-edge attraction every few years - but not everything needs to be that way. At this point, the parks (except for MK and especially DHS) are so starving for new offerings, it'd be nice if we could get quantity over quality (and less money doesn't necessarily lower quality either).

I'd much rather see them spend $100 mil on a new ToonTown at DHS and 2 or 3 dark rides the quality of Pan or Pooh than one single supposedly cutting-edge $100 mil attraction like TLM.


Well-Known Member
Ignoring the sarcastic remarks of some other users, I'd suggest taking a quick trip to Universal, as they're more geared towards that while Disney is more attraction based, which I'm fine with as I'm not big into crazy rides, but I definitely see what you mean. The closest is probably the Aerosmith roller coaster right now, as none of the other coasters would come close to being considered intense. It is a shame they never built Beastly Kingdom in AK, as they could have had a cool coaster set in a fantasy theme.


Well-Known Member
Will never happen, Disney is a them park not a thrill park. You'll never see a coaster like Hulk at WDW because its enormous and it would either have to be housed in an equally enormous building or covered in layers of theming. Can you imagine a Hulk sized BTMRR, it would be the size of an actual mountain!

As a kid (and still now) I was a coaster junkie, the bigger and faster the better, but personally that's not what I go to Disney for. But hey, if they ever do build something I won't complain :)


Well-Known Member
I'd love to see something like "Florida Screaming" or something like DCA's "California Screaming". "California Screaming" has big drops and a loop. That will probably be thrilling enough. It would fit in DHS since it's the most "thrilling" park. I also want to see an Indiana Jones coaster like the one at Disneyland or DLP (even better, an original Indiana Jones coaster).

I also would like to see a new original coaster at WDW (Yes, I know that SDMT is under construction) that's pretty thrilling (44" restriction) with big drops and nicely themed.


Well-Known Member
Will never happen, Disney is a them park not a thrill park. You'll never see a coaster like Hulk at WDW because its enormous and it would either have to be housed in an equally enormous building or covered in layers of theming. Can you imagine a Hulk sized BTMRR, it would be the size of an actual mountain!

As a kid (and still now) I was a coaster junkie, the bigger and faster the better, but personally that's not what I go to Disney for. But hey, if they ever do build something I won't complain :)
Even though The Incredible Hulk Coaster is a "big" coaster, it really isn't that tall! On my last visit, I took one last look at Hulk as I was walking though the Port of Entry to the exit and I realized how short it was! Compared to the giant coasters across the country, Hulk is a tiny little thing! I mean, it makes sense that it doesn't have to go that high because of the up-hill launch that accelerates it, but still. However, the cobra roll and vertical loop are pretty massive.


Well-Known Member
I think the animosity or fear towards thrill rides isn't the idea that one or two more thrills would ruin disney, it's in the fact that most thrill ride parks tend to attract a different crowd, and have a completely different atmosphere.
Every "coaster" park I have been to tends to cater to the teen crowds all around. The music is loud to the point of being obnoxious, the crowds get raunchier (and are allowed to- no one checking t-shirts at all ;) ). The drinking is even worse than food and wine..;)
It has a different feel, and it's absolutely not the child friendly "wholesome" vibe that Disney has.
Do I think Disney has to take this route? Of course not. They could continue to add some thrills, keep them well-themed, hopefully not intrude too much on the ambiance (which does cut out any GIANT coasters, that could hamper the visuals)..more of the TOT, RNR, etc.
The knee jerk reaction from some of us, I think, is that when someone says "thrills" we picture our beloved Disney automatically turned into a six flags, etc. :p


Well-Known Member
I'd rather they spend money and time on E-Tickets that push the boundaries of the immersive experience at a theme park. If that involves adrenaline boosting thrill rides that involve moving really fast and/or long, steep drops, so be it...as long as it has a purpose. I'm sure we can just imagine some of the current thrill rides having steeper drops and faster speeds. You could basically double the size of Space Mountain but keep all the effects and music, and you'd get the same thematic experience, but with a bigger rush of excitement. Same with Thunder Mountain, Expedition Everest, etc.


Well-Known Member
I think Disney has a type of thrill unlike any other, and it works great. They use semi thrilling ride systems but they always add a gimmick to give guests a sense of adventure instead of just raw "OMG MY MIGHT DIE" thrills.

Take Space Mountain for example. That track layout is pretty tame and to be honest if it were outdoor I would skip. But the darkness is scary! You have no idea where your going and that can be more thrilling and enjoyable than a mile high drop.

And ToT! The drop ride is scary, but the thrill factor is increased immensely by the spooky theming and anticipation built up during the ride.

Disney know what they're doing, and yes I think maybe something a bit larger in scale and thrill may be useful but as long as they keep doing what they're doing and creating new gimmicks to blow my freaking mind then I'll be happy :)

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
I think Disney has a type of thrill unlike any other, and it works great. They use semi thrilling ride systems but they always add a gimmick to give guests a sense of adventure instead of just raw "OMG MY MIGHT DIE" thrills.

Take Space Mountain for example. That track layout is pretty tame and to be honest if it were outdoor I would skip. But the darkness is scary! You have no idea where your going and that can be more thrilling and enjoyable than a mile high drop.

And ToT! The drop ride is scary, but the thrill factor is increased immensely by the spooky theming and anticipation built up during the ride.

Disney know what they're doing, and yes I think maybe something a bit larger in scale and thrill may be useful but as long as they keep doing what they're doing and creating new gimmicks to blow my freaking mind then I'll be happy :)

What next to nothing and the odd bit of essential maintenance.


Well-Known Member
The problem with the type of thrill rides that people are advocating is that they will destroy the ambiance of the parks. Nothing says cheap thrills like a towering loop or steel structure climbing to the sky that is almost impossible to theme except at ground level. That is not Disney and I hope it never is.

I just returned from a quick trip to Dollywood. Nice place, btw, and as a 65 year old that never liked roller-coasters to begin with, there was almost nothing there for me to do. I don't like coasters and I'm way to old for the kiddy rides, what's left. Shows...yawn, that's it. I'm not that old, give me something to do, like Disney does. Throw in a few more intense ones that maybe aren't the heart stopping things that some want, but provide some thrill and a lot of theme. No, Disney needs to concentrate mostly on rides that basically everyone can ride on and do more then provide entertainment via adrenalin rush. Leave the death defying stuff to the other parks.


Well-Known Member
The problem with the type of thrill rides that people are advocating is that they will destroy the ambiance of the parks. Nothing says cheap thrills like a towering loop or steel structure climbing to the sky that is almost impossible to theme except at ground level. That is not Disney and I hope it never is.

I just returned from a quick trip to Dollywood. Nice place, btw, and as a 65 year old that never liked roller-coasters to begin with, there was almost nothing there for me to do. I don't like coasters and I'm way to old for the kiddy rides, what's left. Shows...yawn, that's it. I'm not that old, give me something to do, like Disney does. Throw in a few more intense ones that maybe aren't the heart stopping things that some want, but provide some thrill and a lot of theme. No, Disney needs to concentrate mostly on rides that basically everyone can ride on and do more then provide entertainment via adrenalin rush. Leave the death defying stuff to the other parks.
Wish you would have given Mystery Mine a go! It has Universal/Disney quality theming and isn't that scary of a roller coaster.


Well-Known Member
Wish you would have given Mystery Mine a go! It has Universal/Disney quality theming and isn't that scary of a roller coaster.

That, my friend, depends on the mental state of the rider in question. Family members told me all about it and frankly, you couldn't have paid me to ride it. It's not the inside parts I am referring to when I'm talking about theme. I am talking about the big ugly part that is still outside the show building. That's the ambiance I am referring too. Mystery Mine is listed on their own park map as a "High Thrill Attraction". And that it is!


Well-Known Member
That, my friend, depends on the mental state of the rider in question. Family members told me all about it and frankly, you couldn't have paid me to ride it. It's not the inside parts I am referring to when I'm talking about theme. I am talking about the big ugly part that is still outside the show building. That's the ambiance I am referring too. Mystery Mine is listed on their own park map as a "High Thrill Attraction". And that it is!
Well, did you do Blazing Fury? While a bit cheesy, it's the park main dark-ride, and very fun!


Well-Known Member
What next to nothing and the odd bit of essential maintenance.
I'm not talking TDO here, I'm talking all the parks in general. So if I keep getting things like Radiator Springs Racers and Big Grizzly Mountain then yes, I will continue to trust and have 100% faith in Disney. Unfortunately some other "fans" don't feel the same way.


Well-Known Member
I'm not talking TDO here, I'm talking all the parks in general. So if I keep getting things like Radiator Springs Racers and Big Grizzly Mountain then yes, I will continue to trust and have 100% faith in Disney. Unfortunately some other "fans" don't feel the same way.

Sadly neither of those attractions are at WDW.


Well-Known Member
Sadly neither of those attractions are at WDW.
Yes it's unfortunate, but fair in a way. WDW is huge compared to all the other parks and has triple what they do. People can't really complain about not getting the biggest and best when WDW has 4 gates! And Test Track 2.0 + 7DMT are good new thrills for WDW.


Well-Known Member
Yes it's unfortunate, but fair in a way. WDW is huge compared to all the other parks and has triple what they do. People can't really complain about not getting the biggest and best when WDW has 4 gates! And Test Track 2.0 + 7DMT are good new thrills for WDW.

Heck no it isn't fair!

Like you said, WDW is huge and has triple what the other resorts do. Not to mention our theme parks are the most expensive of the Disney parks. In my opinion because of these facts, we SHOULD have more to do, more invested in the parks, and we should have cutting edge attractions.
Sorry but Test Track 2.0 isn't really a 'new' attraction...just an updated one. As for SDMT...I'd be more impressed if it was on the same scale as Big Thunder or Space Mtn or Everest.

Instead, WDW is looked at as a time share cash cow.


Well-Known Member
Well, did you do Blazing Fury? While a bit cheesy, it's the park main dark-ride, and very fun!

Yes, I did do that one...cheesy doesn't begin to describe it. Pretty good concept but talk about lack of love, that one is almost that Uncle that no one talks about. :p It has the potential but the fake cellophane flames have faded so bad that they look much more like faded cellophane (dirty as well) then flames, but the idea is pretty good and the drops are a complete surprise. That is a Disney wanna be, but just doesn't make the grade anymore. I did get a kick out of the Flying Elephants and the Lemon Twist twirling Tea Cups that were vaguely familiar.:)

I am cutting them some slack because they are basically winding down the year. Two more weeks and they shut down until March. I understand that they aren't going to run in there and fix that when they have all winter to do it.

In spite of some of the major Disney antagonist have to say about it, the place does tend to spoil you.


Well-Known Member
Yes, I did do that one...cheesy doesn't begin to describe it. Pretty good concept but talk about lack of love, that one is almost that Uncle that no one talks about. :p It has the potential but the fake cellophane flames have faded so bad that they look much more like faded cellophane (dirty as well) then flames, but the idea is pretty good and the drops are a complete surprise. That is a Disney wanna be, but just doesn't make the grade anymore. I did get a kick out of the Flying Elephants and the Lemon Twist twirling Tea Cups witch were vaguely familiar.:)
Yes, Blazing Fury is beyond cheesy. It's just absolutely campy and that's what I love about it! It was one of Dollywood's original attractions and it was actually the scariest for me. Throughout the whole thing I was completely nervous as we travelled in the dark because I didn't know where the drops were! So yes, they were very surprising.


Well-Known Member
Heck no it isn't fair!

Like you said, WDW is huge and has triple what the other resorts do. Not to mention our theme parks are the most expensive of the Disney parks. In my opinion because of these facts, we SHOULD have more to do, more invested in the parks, and we should have cutting edge attractions.
Sorry but Test Track 2.0 isn't really a 'new' attraction...just an updated one. As for SDMT...I'd be more impressed if it was on the same scale as Big Thunder or Space Mtn or Everest.

Instead, WDW is looked at as a time share cash cow.
Lets put this into a scenario. Imagine if oi were a kid and you had 2 siblings. Some older some younger. Now, lets say your parents spoilt you for a few years! They gave you more than your siblings! All the best and newest toys! Then your parents decided one day that they wanted to spoil your siblings for a bit. So you get left alone for a while so your other siblings can catch up. You will always have more toys but they get old and dated. However, it is just being fair. You don't deserve to constantly have more than your siblings, otherwise why would they be there?

Do you get what I'm trying to say?

And Test Track 2.0 is a whole new attraction IMO. We can't expect Everest scale rides every year.

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