slappy magoo
Well-Known Member
There are lots of reasons why, practically speaking, it's not feasible to build a walkway like that. But even if it were super cheap, even if it were free, to build a secure weatherproof walkway wide enough to accommodate the throngs of people willing to walk to and fro the TTC without any issues with getting in the way of ferries...WDW still wouldn't do it because they'd fear it would encourage more people to drive to the TTC, and if you have a car, you might not feel the need to stay on property. They already faced a lot of bad PR when they started charging hotel guests for overnight parking; I don't know if that affected occupancy or if people just opted not to have a rental car or not to drive to WDW. But they want you on property for the duration of your trip. Giving you a reason to drive to the TTC is a reason for you to have a car which is a reason for you to save a lot of money staying offsite (andf mind you this bitter sounding diatribe is coming from a DVC member so I always stay onsite; I just know where their motives lie and it's rarely YOUR convenience).