Why Hollywood Studios is being rebuilt


Well-Known Member
I look at Everest...that was a major E-ticket and that didn't really boost DAK attendance all that much. Yes it did boost it...but now HP numbers by any means. Also, it's still not keeping people in the parks until closing.

Look at the recent major "non-IP" attractions...

Mission:Space. Huge talk about that one...even astronauts were saying how realistic it was. That doesn't do anything for the park.
Expedition Everest: To add what I said above...huge money went into it (visually stunning!), a lot of marketing (even Discovery Channel shows dedicated to the making of it), etc.
Soarin': This is one that keeps dragging the people to (but is it solely drawing people to Epcot? Possibly...or is it because of lack of "good" attractions at Epcot?)
Lights, Motors, Action!: Fun show but wears thin after a single viewing.

As you can see...these are nice additions to the resort, they are not talking people out of going to other places. Soarin' is the only possible exception.
Everest boosted DAK's numbers by 1 million guests. With the exception of Potter and Cars, that was probably the most substantial attendance boost for an established park.


Well-Known Member
They've had trouble keeping RSR fully functioning. Anyone see this story from TPI: http://www.themeparkinsider.com/flume/201306/3525/

The accompanying video is embarrassing. Wonder if TDO would want to tangle with another unreliable ride.

I noticed some of these same effects/robots not working on a Racers ride around Memorial Day.

Here's the breaking good news, from the front page of Miceage tonight...
Editor’s Note: June 20, 2013: High Octane The big animatronics at Radiator Springs Racers have been having maintenance problems. The good news is that all the fixes have been arriving in the past week, and will continue through June. After re-engineering the massive talking cars, WDI has programmed the newly redesigned animatronics and the Pixar team came down to Anaheim to give them their blessing. Doc Hudson and Lizzie are now working again, the tipping tractors and Luigi will be replaced and reprogrammed next week, and the fog effect is back on the race track. John Lassetter and his Pixar quality control team kept TDA's feet to the fire on this complicated ride, just in time for summer.

The question for DHS is.... Would Lassetter and his Pixar team fly out to Orlando to hold TDO's feet to the fire as well? And how would TDO react to such a thing? o_O


Well-Known Member
How is indy/dinosaur different other than theme? I thought they were identical

They are different experiences. I know the ride vehicles are the same and the track layout is extremely similar if not identical (a subject of debate I don't know the answer to). But the ride experiences are different due to more than theme.

For example, if Disney had built a ride that was completely identical to Indiana Jones but just changed the names National Treasure, it would still be just about as popular as the original.

Perhaps a better way to state it is that the Indiana Jones IP is not what makes the ride popular. Bringing that to Star Wars, a well-executed space-themed attraction would be just about as popular as a well-executed Star Wars-themed attraction assuming the only differences were IP.

The Star Wars ride is going to sell a lot more merch and probably give a bigger attendence boost up front. But over time, the quality of the ride will determine the long term success or failure of the attraction. Not the IP.


Well-Known Member
So you're saying that it would be ok for a Star Wars Land as long as it didn't have the Star Wars name?

I don't follow you.

I just don't see the logic being against something that has been tested to be a complete success and have a strong fan base in lieu of something that nobody knows about and is a gamble whether people will be interested when it's completed.

I obviously wasn't as clear as I should have been. Let me say up front, I totally support Disney expanding Star Wars presence in the parks. I have absolutely no objection to it whatsoever. I'm just arguing that the IP isn't really all that important in the grand scheme of things.

Say you are the one putting the money down for the project...and your return on investment solely relied on whether an attraction was popular enough to bring people through the gates. Would you feel more comfortable putting it down on a major E-ticket with the Star Wars name attached to it...or the same ride with all Star Wars content replaced with generic ships/robots/etc.?

Absolutely, I'll take Star Wars over Generic Space Adventure. As a fan or as the decision maker.

But a lot of people seem to think that if Disney builds Star Wars attractions, they will be a runaway success by nature of the IP. And that's just not true. The history of the franchise is littered with failures. If Disney decides it can coast on the strength of the IP, they could have a disappointment on their hands.

Hopefully, they deliver a highly-themed world-class Star Wars attraction or land. If they do, few will be happier than me. But the Star Wars name alone is not enough to excite me. Not anymore anyway.


Well-Known Member
It would be their most popular park if they:
1. Do a highly themed Star Wars land with several E and D attractions and a few lesser ones sprinkled in. Restaurants alone could make a killing here, as frequently discussed Chalmun's Cantina would be packed.
2. Add 3 more "thrill" rides anywhere else in the park themed to anything from the entertainment industry but maybe something from Marvel they can actually use.
3. Add a few more rides to Pixar Place.

Actually my formula goes for any park: Add a bunch of D and E level attractions.

Thrill Seeker

Well-Known Member
It's nice to see we're complaining about Pirates of the Caribbean now. Yes, I understand it's not Disneyland's version, but come on people.

Disneyland's version only had the additional scenes due to miscalculations. They had to build the track the way it ended up because of it. The original design was to be just like what ended up at MK.

Thrill Seeker

Well-Known Member
I noticed some of these same effects/robots not working on a Racers ride around Memorial Day.

Here's the breaking good news, from the front page of Miceage tonight...

The question for DHS is.... Would Lassetter and his Pixar team fly out to Orlando to hold TDO's feet to the fire as well? And how would TDO react to such a thing? o_O

If RSR does come to Florida, I think he would.


Well-Known Member
Nah, that's true. We still have a stigma in this society that makes it more acceptable for girls to like "boy" things, but not vice versa.

And yet, there are little boys in Fantasyland right now. And girls in Frontierland, Adventureland, Tomorrowland, Dinoland and every other land that is primarily aimed at male interests.

If you're arguing that people are still holding on to backwards notions, then we are arguing the same thing. My point is that the people who validate that stigma need to step into the 21st century.

Hollywood Studios is becoming the thrill park.

Based on three thrill rides? I'd say it's the decade-old stage show park.

I suppose a lot depends on what you define as a "thrill park". To me, it has a long, long way to go before it approaches thrill park territory. Even the three thrill rides it has are pretty tame.


Well-Known Member
I personally feel that these changes could be the first nail in the coffin for WDW.

If these things are being value engineered...WDW is in serious trouble.

Star Wars Land is the ace up Disney's sleeve. It NEEDS to blow WWoHP out of the water. I don't have faith in Disney to throw out the money-pinchers to create an all-immersive experience that Star Wars fans will be happy with.

With 2 Phases of WWoHP open by the time this is done, I think it's too little too late.

I fear that this Star Wars Land will be a flop with mediocre attraction(s) and just new restaurants and gift shops...with some permanent meet-&-greets with Jabba, Vader, and Luke/Leia.

I obviously wasn't as clear as I should have been. Let me say up front, I totally support Disney expanding Star Wars presence in the parks. I have absolutely no objection to it whatsoever. I'm just arguing that the IP isn't really all that important in the grand scheme of things.

Absolutely, I'll take Star Wars over Generic Space Adventure. As a fan or as the decision maker.

But a lot of people seem to think that if Disney builds Star Wars attractions, they will be a runaway success by nature of the IP. And that's just not true. The history of the franchise is littered with failures. If Disney decides it can coast on the strength of the IP, they could have a disappointment on their hands.

Hopefully, they deliver a highly-themed world-class Star Wars attraction or land. If they do, few will be happier than me. But the Star Wars name alone is not enough to excite me. Not anymore anyway.

LOL I believe that was my first post in this thread. Star Wars alone is not the answer...an amazing Star Wars Land is the answer.

Thrill Seeker

Well-Known Member
Or they could...I dunno...build it in phases?

They'd have to build in phases. I'm guessing LMA and Backlot Tour would close first since Cars Land would take the longest. Indy would probably go next as well as Backlot Express Restaurant while a temporary attractions are put inside the ABC Sound Studio and Premiere Theater. By the time the new attraction built on Indy's land is done as well as the Mos Isley Cantina, they'll open them and close Muppets, Pizza Planet, Mama Melrose and the meet and greets all in that area. That area might be done either slightly before or after Cars Land is finished. The last step is move Jedi Training Acadamy into the ABC Sound Studio. BAM, you have a newly refreshed park!

Hopefully in addition to all of that, GMR will get it's long needed refurb, the BAH will be removed and something Pixar (hopefully the Door Coaster) will be built inside Soundstage 1.

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