Where's the beef? Not on Mouse Buffets.


Well-Known Member
Here's the beef:

at Burger King!


Well-Known Member
As a lover of the oh so disgusting and bad for you but still so good Figaro Fries, I can tell you that they will still put all the toppings on them, you just have to ask for them.

I don't know if thats cost cutting, or just a mass appeal thing. I know that if you say fries with cheese and bacon to many people they are OK with it. But then you say "add lettuce and tomato" and they think its nasty.


Just and update, when I asked last week I was specifically told that they would / could not add lettuce and tomato to the fries, and that ranch dressing could be obtained at the condiment bar.



Well-Known Member
Just and update, when I asked last week I was specifically told that they would / could not add lettuce and tomato to the fries, and that ranch dressing could be obtained at the condiment bar.


OK, now I am mad.

Who wants the remaining months on my AP, and my DVC shares? I am done.

All kidding aside, while not somthing I am going to get worked up over, that is something that I don't understand. I can see making it so people have to ask for it, but why make it unavailable?





Active Member
Removing the Prime Rib may seem trivial to some folks, and it might be if it was the only cut back. For those that think it's trivial I suggest you compare the older WDW menus with todays offerings. I know that Nine Dragons is about half of what it use to be. Just remember those that think this is so trivial, may one day find that so much of the things you loved about WDW are gone. Just remember that the next time you feel like accepting a lesser experience at the World.


Well-Known Member
Removing the Prime Rib may seem trivial to some folks, and it might be if it was the only cut back. For those that think it's trivial I suggest you compare the older WDW menus with todays offerings. I know that Nine Dragons is about half of what it use to be. Just remember those that think this is so trivial, may one day find that so much of the things you loved about WDW are gone. Just remember that the next time you feel like accepting a lesser experience at the World.

Just remember, it was all started by a free dining plan. :mad:


Well-Known Member
Just and update, when I asked last week I was specifically told that they would / could not add lettuce and tomato to the fries, and that ranch dressing could be obtained at the condiment bar.


This exact thing happened to a friend of mine during one of her last trips. The ranch dressing is still out in individual packets but they will not put the lettuce and tomato on the fries at all now, even at request. Sorry all, Belle


Well-Known Member

Amazing. I think when it opened in 2001 dinner was about $15.99 (and we got 20% off with DDE).

As to all the folks with beef and fries, it doesn't surprise me. I saw one adult eating nothing but fries and chicken fingers from the kids' buffet on my last visit. A lot of folks with very simple palletes (i.e. they think chicken on a pizza is exotic, eat burgers plain and have no clue what a risotto is) tend to make up a large portion of WDW diners. Sadly, that has helped them dumb down the dining property-wide.

I think it is comical that folks are willing to blame the diners at WDW for the reduction in quality at the "Buffetts?" I mean, quality and buffett are oxymorons. A buffett is not for quality, it is for sampling many different choices of food and, to put it bluntly, step up to the trough and tie one on. If you want quality, go to a table service meal. I am from New Orleans. We know a bit about food here and let me tell you, buffetts are not meant for quality. Got to a table service restaurant. pay the same thing, have a chef prepare a meal for you, specifically, and enjoy. Then if the food quality is not what you expect, do not go back. You want to get through to the business pinheads that run the parks, hit em where it hurts: The bottom line.
But, please, stop blaming people for reductions in food quality. This is a direct result of managemnet decisions and EVERYONE's tolerance of such. The reason many folks choose the "poor quality quick service options" is that the table service and buffett options are obscenely expensive. I will not blame people for this though. WHen you are in the park and need to eat, you are basically stuck. Stop giving management a pass by blaming these "culinary idiot" guests ( I am paraphrasing previous posts by members, i do not believe this) It is a shame that most Americans do not have the sophisticated palette of such fine dining gurus as yourselves. :rolleyes:

Gimme a break.
Oh a suggestion, when you are at one of the "Fine dining establishments" at WDW, ask the server for some fine cheese with that whine.......


Well-Known Member
Removing the Prime Rib may seem trivial to some folks, and it might be if it was the only cut back. For those that think it's trivial I suggest you compare the older WDW menus with todays offerings. I know that Nine Dragons is about half of what it use to be. Just remember those that think this is so trivial, may one day find that so much of the things you loved about WDW are gone. Just remember that the next time you feel like accepting a lesser experience at the World.

I wonder if any of you guys have seen chicken little? Hmmmm.......
Seems the sky is falling.....
Going get my Mickey Poncho on so the sky doesn't stain my clothes.....DOH!!! They changed the color to clear from the yellow of old...Darn'it another example of changes from things i was used to.. The sky is falling....Oh Goodness.....If they refurb Space Mountain or Carousel of Progress, I am going to Universal........:rolleyes:

Newsflash: The Walt Disney Company announced the closing of Walt Disney World Today. Seems the change from Prime Rib to Strip Loin in 2008 caused such a drop in attendance the company is filing chapter 11 Bankruptcy. When asked, Mickey Mouse stated," we underestimated the sophisticated palettes of our guests. We should have stuck with the Prime Rib. But I have to go, my shift at Wal-Mart starts in an hour. See ya Real Soon!" Oh the state of Disney.:p

Merry Christmas, Ya'll.......All in fun


Premium Member
I think it is comical that folks are willing to blame the diners at WDW for the reduction in quality at the "Buffetts?" I mean, quality and buffett are oxymorons. A buffett is not for quality, it is for sampling many different choices of food and, to put it bluntly, step up to the trough and tie one on.

A good buffet can be very high quality, if it's done right. Boma has maintained excellent standards for years now, and surpasses many of the other WDW table service quality for me.


Active Member
I wonder if any of you guys have seen chicken little? Hmmmm.......
Seems the sky is falling.....
Going get my Mickey Poncho on so the sky doesn't stain my clothes.....DOH!!! They changed the color to clear from the yellow of old...Darn'it another example of changes from things i was used to.. The sky is falling....Oh Goodness.....If they refurb Space Mountain or Carousel of Progress, I am going to Universal........:rolleyes:

Newsflash: The Walt Disney Company announced the closing of Walt Disney World Today. Seems the change from Prime Rib to Strip Loin in 2008 caused such a drop in attendance the company is filing chapter 11 Bankruptcy. When asked, Mickey Mouse stated," we underestimated the sophisticated palettes of our guests. We should have stuck with the Prime Rib. But I have to go, my shift at Wal-Mart starts in an hour. See ya Real Soon!" Oh the state of Disney.:p

Merry Christmas, Ya'll.......All in fun
I wonder if any of you guys really have a clue about quality. You seem content to accept each cut WDW makes with a smile. You may think I as well as others have a Chicken Little attitude, and you're welcome to your opinion. At least some of us refuse to accept lowering standards. I plan on crying the sky is falling until people understand that it just might be. Let me ask you a question. At what point do you suggest that people complain about the cuts being made at WDW, since folks with a que sera, sera attitude like yourself, intend to say nothing.


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
I wonder if any of you guys really have a clue about quality. You seem content to accept each cut WDW makes with a smile. You may think I as well as others have a Chicken Little attitude, and you're welcome to your opinion. At least some of us refuse to accept lowering standards. I plan on crying the sky is falling until people understand that it just might be. Let me ask you a question. At what point do you suggest that people complain about the cuts being made at WDW, since folks with a que sera, sera attitude like yourself, intend to say nothing.

Actually, it's a matter of opinion as to whether switching from Prime Rib roast to Strip Loin roast is a "cut" or in fact a move to a healthier selection. Strip Loin roast is a very good quality cut of beef and has significantly less fat. The OP titled the thread "Where's the Beef? Not on Mouse Buffets." when in reality there is still an abundance of beef available, just different beef. But that wouldn't be anywhere near as sensationalist or attention-grabbing a title, would it? "Changes to the Cut of Beef Served on the Mouse's Buffets." would just be boring... Oh yeah, and accurate.


Well-Known Member
I think it is comical that folks are willing to blame the diners at WDW for the reduction in quality at the "Buffetts?" I mean, quality and buffett are oxymorons. A buffett is not for quality, it is for sampling many different choices of food and, to put it bluntly, step up to the trough and tie one on. If you want quality, go to a table service meal. I am from New Orleans. We know a bit about food here and let me tell you, buffetts are not meant for quality. Got to a table service restaurant. pay the same thing, have a chef prepare a meal for you, specifically, and enjoy. Then if the food quality is not what you expect, do not go back. You want to get through to the business pinheads that run the parks, hit em where it hurts: The bottom line.
But, please, stop blaming people for reductions in food quality. This is a direct result of managemnet decisions and EVERYONE's tolerance of such. The reason many folks choose the "poor quality quick service options" is that the table service and buffett options are obscenely expensive. I will not blame people for this though. WHen you are in the park and need to eat, you are basically stuck. Stop giving management a pass by blaming these "culinary idiot" guests ( I am paraphrasing previous posts by members, i do not believe this) It is a shame that most Americans do not have the sophisticated palette of such fine dining gurus as yourselves. :rolleyes:

Gimme a break.
Oh a suggestion, when you are at one of the "Fine dining establishments" at WDW, ask the server for some fine cheese with that whine.......

It's not so much the diners or managements fault, it's just the way it is (I guess if you really need a nail to hang the blame on, we can say 'Madison Ave')

So much is quantitiy over quality. How many places have bottomless drinks, endless fries, all you can eat soup salad and breadsitcks, etc. How many other places have portions that are HUGE. Why? Because thats what people want. They want a 1/2 pound of fries along with their 32 oz low grade steak, and bottomless chocolate milkshake.

Personaly that somthing I do not like. I much perfer higher quality food and smaller portions OR if I am in a chain type place, smaller portions and a smaller price. I LIKE steak and fries. In fact a had a steak frite last week. A reasonable portion of hand cut, very thin fries, some arugula, and a 8 to 10 ounce onglet. Tell me where you are going to get a hanger steak at ANY place on property. Your not. They are smallish, and quite frankly pretty chewy - but the taste is great.

Most people want a pile of chicken fingers, and prime rib, and some soft serve on the side, and thats what management is going to serve them.

The DDP has served to make this worse. Before when a person may pass at a menu because of price and whats on it, and instead go get a burger, now with the DDP they figure - what the heck, I have a credit to use - and in they go.


WDW Monorail

Well-Known Member
Personally, I think that the strip loin is a better cut of beef than prime rib. I've had prime rib plenty of times but it just doesn't please my pallette as much as the strip loin. Maybe it just wasn't prepared correctly. :shrug:
Filet Mignon, while good, is not my favorite cut of beef either. I can only think of 3 times when I had exceptional filet mignon. Once was at home, the other two times was at a rodizio/churrascaria.
Faced with the choice of filet mignon or hanger steak, I'd pick the hanger steak. I've cooked filet mignon several times but rarely does the flavor compare to that of hanger steak. Or I have yet to screw up on cooking hanger steak. :lol:


Well-Known Member
I wonder if any of you guys really have a clue about quality. You seem content to accept each cut WDW makes with a smile. You may think I as well as others have a Chicken Little attitude, and you're welcome to your opinion. At least some of us refuse to accept lowering standards. I plan on crying the sky is falling until people understand that it just might be. Let me ask you a question. At what point do you suggest that people complain about the cuts being made at WDW, since folks with a que sera, sera attitude like yourself, intend to say nothing.

Actually, CBOMB, We agree on this to some degree. I am very critical of the massive cuts Disney has made over the years while increasing prices. I was, honestly, attacking this with a bit of levity. I, unlike some, and you guys are free to disagree and protest how you like, protest with my feet. If I go to an establishment by anyone, Disney included, and I feel I got hosed on quality versus what I paid, I vote by never going back again. My money is hard earned and better spent elsewhere.
For example, I used to love Disneyquest; however, after my last visit, three trips ago, I felt I got hosed by paying like 30 plus bucks for what I deeme is less quality than was previously offered; therefore, I have not been back and I will not go back. They don;t seem to care about complaints. If you start hitting the bottom line, they will get it.


Active Member
Actually, it's a matter of opinion as to whether switching from Prime Rib roast to Strip Loin roast is a "cut" or in fact a move to a healthier selection. Strip Loin roast is a very good quality cut of beef and has significantly less fat. The OP titled the thread "Where's the Beef? Not on Mouse Buffets." when in reality there is still an abundance of beef available, just different beef. But that wouldn't be anywhere near as sensationalist or attention-grabbing a title, would it? "Changes to the Cut of Beef Served on the Mouse's Buffets." would just be boring... Oh yeah, and accurate.
Yes it is a matter of opinion which is the better cut of beef. Don't you feel that both sides should express that? Funny I thought "where's the Beef" was a play on a very well done commercial from years past. It seems you have a very strong dislike for WDW1974. Could that be your reason for criticism. Please for give me if I read you wrong, but it just seems that way in the way you reponded here, and in other threads.
Actually, CBOMB, We agree on this to some degree. I am very critical of the massive cuts Disney has made over the years while increasing prices. I was, honestly, attacking this with a bit of levity. I, unlike some, and you guys are free to disagree and protest how you like, protest with my feet. If I go to an establishment by anyone, Disney included, and I feel I got hosed on quality versus what I paid, I vote by never going back again. My money is hard earned and better spent elsewhere.
For example, I used to love Disneyquest; however, after my last visit, three trips ago, I felt I got hosed by paying like 30 plus bucks for what I deeme is less quality than was previously offered; therefore, I have not been back and I will not go back. They don;t seem to care about complaints. If you start hitting the bottom line, they will get it.
Thanks for the clarification. I to chose to use my feet as a form of protest. I didn't go to WDW this year for the first time in over a decade. I just don't think that is an effective way to protest when it comes to WDW. I think protesting through posting on Disney forums give you a much louder voice than simply not going. After all they continue to set records while raising prices, and producing what I consider a lesser product from years past. At least here we have the hope of someone in a position of power at WDW reading what's being written. Maybe one day someone there will say "Those folks just may be right. We need to return our standards to the quality they once were."


Well-Known Member
Personally, I think that the strip loin is a better cut of beef than prime rib. I've had prime rib plenty of times but it just doesn't please my pallette as much as the strip loin. Maybe it just wasn't prepared correctly. :shrug:
Filet Mignon, while good, is not my favorite cut of beef either. I can only think of 3 times when I had exceptional filet mignon. Once was at home, the other two times was at a rodizio/churrascaria.
Faced with the choice of filet mignon or hanger steak, I'd pick the hanger steak. I've cooked filet mignon several times but rarely does the flavor compare to that of hanger steak. Or I have yet to screw up on cooking hanger steak. :lol:

Would you expect to pay the same price for a hanger steak as a filet mignon though?


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
Yes it is a matter of opinion which is the better cut of beef. Don't you feel that both sides should express that? Funny I thought "where's the Beef" was a play on a very well done commercial from years past. It seems you have a very strong dislike for WDW1974. Could that be your reason for criticism. Please for give me if I read you wrong, but it just seems that way in the way you reponded here, and in other threads.
Yes, you've read me wrong. I don't know WDW1974 from Adam. I really don't know whether I would like him or not should we ever meet. I do find him to be overly negative when he posts his opinions and overly aggressive in his defence of them. I have no doubt he has been privy to information not readily available to someone who doesn't spend the time he does at WDW, but he presents things as facts that are opinions and defends them as unassailable. He belittles other posters when they don't agree with his particularly negative presentation, even if they agree with the basic information he's provided. As a result, I tend to be harsh with him where I rarely if ever am with other posters.

It may be as simple as I am a "glass half-full" personality and he is a "glass half-empty" type, but I think his issues go deeper than that. :shrug:

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
A lot of folks with very simple palletes (i.e. they think chicken on a pizza is exotic, eat burgers plain and have no clue what a risotto is) tend to make up a large portion of WDW diners.

1. Anyone with such a wonderful and diverse pallet would realize that a buffet is not where you go to enhance it, except for Boma.

It is a shame that most Americans do not have the sophisticated palette of such fine dining gurus as yourselves. :rolleyes:

I've had prime rib plenty of times but it just doesn't please my pallette as much as the strip loin. Maybe it just wasn't prepared correctly. :shrug:

I've tried to stay out of this hotbed of controversy, but I really feel like I have to interject this crucial observation.

It's spelled palate.

We now return you to your originally scheduled argument over edible bovine tissue. :lookaroun

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