Where in the World Isn't Bob Saget?


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I've packed, unpacked, and repacked twice now - I wish someone would do that for me.
My washing machine drainline freezes when we have several sub-zero days in a row if I don't do laundry every day. It drains to a dry well and it's just a weird quirk - really only affects me a few days a year and isn't a big deal. Well - with the deep freeze the last few weeks I had 2 weeks where I couldn't do laundry so like a spoiled college kid I was bringing our clothes to my parent's house and my mom was washing and folding them for me and my dad was bringing the basket to/from my house on the days he comes to watch the kids after school. I'm so OCD that it actually bothered me she was folding the clothes WRONG. (I mean seriously - who folds clothes that are inside out?!) I kept telling her not to bother but she didn't listen. I did greatly appreciate the effort but did have to re-fold a lot of it (especially since she gave me a pile of black leggings that I had to unfold to determine which are mine and which are my daughter's. Spoiler alert: MINE are the ones with the tags cut out :hilarious:).


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Freezing rain galore! We got out 3 hours early from school today, staff left two hours early. My commute is usually 30-35 minutes. Today it was around 50. 45 was my max speed, and realistically, they probably should have left us go after the kids were gone.

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