Yup, that's like here! Except on busier streets and roads, that's an obvious that you don't simply walk out into traffic... But Manhattan? That's kinda sad.
What ticks me off is when college students decide to pop out from behind parked cars and cross the street without looking, and they aren't in a cross walk. Even when they are in a cross walk it's hard to see them pop out. There was a "fight" on Facebook yesterday over one of the posts on the "Confessions" pages that said something like "To everyone walking on the cross walks, don't get mad when we can't stop in this weather." Then people commented that we should slow down because they have the right-of-way. Yes, but it's not as easy as it looks to stop in a heartbeat. I can't tell you the amount of times I've had to slam on the breaks because someone pops out of nowhere, and they don't even notice because they assume the driver can see everything at every moment. Sorry, that's the end of my rant.