My mom's a teacher, so I can see from afar the amount of work it takes, and how you can't possibly imagine until you see for yourself. In fact, my mom's kind of like you in regards to the work load. She is the business ed and marketing teacher at my old HS, and she also runs the school store, and the co-op program. On top of that, she is the CTE Coordinator. That's two full-time jobs, plus the extras of the school store and co-op program (which both take a lot more work than it looks. I was kind of the "head student" of the school store my senior year). And yes, she still only makes a normal teacher's salary, but I don't really care to get into that.
But how was your first experience hugging a trash can? Colder than expected? Did I smell like rhubarb? I apologize if I smell like BMs.