Where do Disneyphiles work?


New Member
Original Poster
As I read these boards, I always find myself wondering where everyone works. In other words, what vocations draw people with Disney obsessions? Or do we independently pick our professions regardless of our obsessions? I've had people tell me their dentist always wears Mickey Mouse...their music minister at church...the random guy in the office. So....where do you work? I know these boards are fairly anonymous, but just give us an idea of your profession...not the exact place.:lol:

I'll go first...graduate student, PhD program, political science. You can look at the shirt in my Avatar to figure out where I study. And I just happen to be the only Disneyphile in the entire political science department. It's so lonely out there...:cry:


Well-Known Member
I am an office manager, A/P, A/R, HR and IT (not that I know what i am doing with the IT stuff) and whatever other hat needs to be added for a small commerical door and hardware company.

DH and I also bake...we have a small home business that is keeping us very busy right now in our spare time. Its a great way for us to pay for Disney vacations!!!

Pioneer Hall

Well-Known Member
In an Investment Bank for now...only a few weeks left though until I go for my MBA and hopefully land the job with Disney that I have always wanted.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
I am a wood truss engineer. I spend the majority of my days chained to a computer designing and engineering wood beams, floor and roof trusses for residential and commercial buildings. When I leave my day job I switch hats and work as a travel agent for Kingdom Konsultants.


Well-Known Member
Seeing all you professionals here is gonna give a complex to this guy who merely works in the frozen foods department at Walmart! :ROFLOL:

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Seeing all you professionals here is gonna give a complex to this guy who merely works in the frozen foods department at Walmart! :ROFLOL:
Not a damn thing wrong with that. I actually kind of miss my days of working in a warehouse and running the retail packaging department for a golf company. Sitting at a desk might be good for the checking account but it kills the body.


New Member
I'm an Administrative Assistant for a 3D Software company. Guess who's one of our clients? ;) Although I don't deal with them directly, and we have no perks whatsoever... but still! :sohappy:


New Member
Original Poster
Seeing all you professionals here is gonna give a complex to this guy who merely works in the frozen foods department at Walmart! :ROFLOL:

Are you kidding me? If I lived in your town I would only come to your store and hang out in the frozen foods department just to get to talk Disney. :sohappy:


New Member
Original Poster
Internet Sales Manager for Paderno Cookware in Prince Edward Island, Canada and fellow Disney enthusiast !!

My parents once drove all the way from Nashville, TN to Prince Edward Island for vacation. That's a lllloooooong drive. But I have to say, being an Anne of Green Gables fan, I've always wanted to visit. Maybe I'll get to go sometime!


New Member
I am currently a Senior Engineering Technician. Soon to be the company's one and only reserve analyst, but still dreaming of finding the perfect Disney Job to move into.


Well-Known Member
I am a Patient Service Rep for New England Life Care (a home infusion therapy service company) here in good old Portland, ME! :wave: But crossing my fingers that I'll get a call for an open position at Disney from the entertainment audition I went to last week!


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
I'd tell you, but then I'd have to kill you.... :lookaroun


I work for the Government.


Well-Known Member
- Database Administrator and programmer full time
- own and operate a Disney-focused travel agency in my spare time!

Building the Disney business so I can someday quit the IT job...

Demeter Tess

Well-Known Member
I teach general music and choir at an elementary school in north TX. (And yes, I show the kids Disney musicals every once in a while. Fun for them and even more fun for me!)


Well-Known Member
I am an Industrial Designer for a medical devices company. I design surgical tools for open and laparscopic surgery. I sketch, conceptualize and create 3d models of ideas for hand held devices that save peoples lives everyday.

I also do graphic design on the side, and help small business owners create brand identity with logos, stationary and business card designs.

I guess you could say I live for creativity, and my dream is to one day be an imagineer. I love what i do but if i could design for disney that would be huge.

I have a BS in Industrial Design and currently working towards my MBA online with a focus on marketing.


Carey Poppins - Nanny and Disney Enthusiest
I'm a nanny - Carey Poppins! :lol: I was a teacher but also have worked as an administrative assistant. But currently - a nanny!


Well-Known Member
I work for a quantitative hedge fund... I work with a team of traders who focus on international and domestic fixed income trading, with a dash of emerging market fixed income as well.

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