When will the Indiana Jones Stunt Show finally end?


Well-Known Member
I enjoy both the Indy stunt show and Lights Motors Action. I think they're as good as anything Universal offers in the way of stunt shows (this includes the Waterworld show in California). If stunt shows aren't for you, that's fine but I think they are both worthwhile attractions.


God bless the "Ignore" button.
You have to also think of the other uses for the stage, doesn't Disney still use this as the primary performing area for the cheerleader and dance competitions that they do?

So, hypothetically, what would happen if those spikes were to accidentally deploy during a cheerleading competition...? :drevil:

Also, isn't the show going to be updated at least? Not a new attraction, but at least something to make it a bit different.


New Member
At least have the guy in the audience wear a different shirt...:lookaroun

I'm tired of the show as well. I'd be happy if they updated it, even just a little. We skipped it on our last visit, and I was with my DH, who had never been to WDW before. :shrug:


Well-Known Member
....I haven't seen the indy stunt show in. . . forever, I think the only time I saw it was when I was 6. .....

The last time I saw the show was about 7 years ago.... and I gotselected to be an extra & play the part of the "death scene" guy. All you need to do is yell loud and ham it up... I died too quickly though and needed some band-aids after the show. :hammer:


Active Member
I do believe this area will become the American Idol pavillion.

'Fraid not. The part of the building that used to house Superstar Television and then Doug Live will become American Idol. Sounds Dangerous adjoins the area, being where the Monster Sound Show was situated, but will remain whilst AI sits next door. ;)

hpyhnt 1000

Well-Known Member
I have no qualms about leaving the IJ Stunt Show at DHS. Even after all these years, it still packs the crowds in; why wouldn't it, its still an entertaining show! Perhaps update it every year or so with new effects and such, but otherwise, leave it as a show please.


New Member
I dunno how to side with this one. I like the IJ show alot, but yet part of me feels that it is time for it to move on and put in an IJ ride. I love the Disneyland ride...I wish they would put that in DHS.


If they do remove it (IMHO me thinks they should just update it change and place a ride near it, or maybe use it as a preshow? i duuno) I would like for them to develop a NEW track and ride design rather than just re theming it ala Dinosaur or Temple of the Crystal Skull in DisneySeas.


The last time I saw the show was about 7 years ago.... and I gotselected to be an extra & play the part of the "death scene" guy. All you need to do is yell loud and ham it up... I died too quickly though and needed some band-aids after the show. :hammer:

I'll have to remember that when we go and see it this next time (since I haven't seen it since I was 6) My husband and I did get to be a part of the backstage tour and we got SOAKED! Too bad no one was with us to take pictures of us doing some really bad acting.

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
I'm taking a vacation in California right now and yesterday I was at Disneyland ( although I've been before ), and seriously, the Indy ride KICKS A$$. It is one of the best rides ever made. The Indy show is popular now, but an Indy ride would seriously rake in the crowds.


Well-Known Member
'Fraid not. The part of the building that used to house Superstar Television and then Doug Live will become American Idol. Sounds Dangerous adjoins the area, being where the Monster Sound Show was situated, but will remain whilst AI sits next door. ;)

Sounds Dangerous will probably outlive AI:dazzle:


New Member
Sounds Dangerous will probably outlive AI:dazzle:

Personally, I hope so. I still enjoy Sounds Dangerous, though the post-show could use a little updating. American Idol, though, I have no desire to watch on TV, so I know I'll have no desire to watch it in a Disney Park.


Well-Known Member
Ohh speaking of Indiana show, how is Rosie doing??? I know many of you know who I'm speaking of...She was kinda like the "pre-show" I think I enjoyed her more than the show!!! Anyway I know last year she got sick and I have'nt heard anything about her....Thanks for any info!


Well-Known Member
Sounds Dangerous was the most stupid concept for a "ride". They could have just turned that into a gift shop... There isn't one over there I don't think.. :ROFLOL: But seeing DHS is no longer a working studio and we have the LMA stunt show they could turn IJ into a ride... Get more people in that park... It is probably my least favorite park of all of them.. We only spend a few hours there each visit... Too many out-dated rides...


Active Member
We like this attraction a lot and go to see it every time. It still totally packs a full crowd and the crowd (including us who have seen it a bunch of times) all really enjoy it. I do think that it should have some updated scenes, but it's too impressive of a sound stage to just tear down while there is still a good draw for it.

Oh and in response to these...
Everytime I think of it I think of the Fullhouse Disney episode when DJ kept seeing Steve everywhere and she yelled his name out and the whole audience got quite.
Great show, great episode. It's funny you think of that, I do too sometimes.

doesn't Disney still use this as the primary performing area for the cheerleader and dance competitions that they do?
I wouldn't mind seeing the cheerleaders go instead...:lookaroun
Well when you put it that way.....Burn it to the ground, make it a Stitch ride, anything! Let the cheerleaders go to Universal!:lol:
I totally agree. We were there on the day of the competition and there were annoying cheerleaders EVERYWHERE!!! Plus the Indie attraction was closed too, which stunk.


Active Member
Sounds Dangerous was the most stupid concept for a "ride". They could have just turned that into a gift shop... There isn't one over there I don't think.. :ROFLOL: But seeing DHS is no longer a working studio and we have the LMA stunt show they could turn IJ into a ride... Get more people in that park... It is probably my least favorite park of all of them.. We only spend a few hours there each visit... Too many out-dated rides...

Totally agree with the Sounds Dangerous comments on here. That ride is a total waste of space. But I have to say after just getting back from Disney World, I don't know why so many people say the Studios is such a bad park and that there isn't much to do. With The Great Movie Ride, Tower of Terror, Rockin' Rollercoaster, Muppets 3D, Star Tours, Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, Indie Stunt Show, Block Party Bash, and Fantasmic, it's still a really good park with a lot of great attractions. Plus it's on the up and up I think and has probably the most room for new attraction expansion.

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