I think that says more about the people not really caring. They can gut 4-5 rooms out of the haunted mansion and put screens up and there will be long waits outside the ride. They can change PotC to make it not make as much sense as what it was intended to be and there will be a hour or more long wait. One happened,one didn’t but my point is that it doesn’t matter to most people. They are on vacation and will go on anything and enjoy themselves.
Here’s the link to the original ride from 2006. Around the 3:45 mark the play the yeti a few times in a row in slow motion. If people don’t think it mattered well I have nothing to say. It made a good coaster great. It felt like you were just about being grabbed. Added a whole other level of excitement. I rode it 4-5 times back then and it was the best experience on a coaster that I ever rode. I think the people that did experience it will say the same thing. Others that never experienced it will have an opinion but not doing it makes the opinion a little less valid because I know if they did their opinion would change.