What's the sickest you've been at WDW?


Premium Member
In January 2001 I was about 14 weeks pregnant and in and out of the hospital constantly for Hyperemesis Gravidarum (which is a rare form of very severe morning sickness). My husband was deployed to Japan and I lived alone about 800 miles away from anyone I knew, so it was definitely the worst time of my entire life. When my Grandma called and offered to let me go to Disney World with her I couldn't resist, regardless of the fact that I was surviving off IV fluids at the time LOL.

So anyway, I got up sick as ever, and drove 11 straight hours to Florida. As soon as we got to Disney World it was like an instant cure! For the first time in 2 months I was able to function and wasn't throwing up every 5 minutes. I was a little queasy at time, but for the most part doing great.

But then on the last day of the trip the Disney magic must have worn off. Right before I got in my car to drive back to North Carolina I stopped in the All Star Music food court for some breakfast (really far away from the nearest bathroom). Halfway through breakfast my illness returned and I started throwing up. I had to use all my strength to keep my mouth shut to keep from letting it all come out all over me. I ran full speed to the rest room and didn't have time to be picky about the stall and threw up like crazy. It was SOOO gross and awful.

And of course, then I drove 11 hours back home, and returned to my normal routine of being in and out of the hospital for IV's for the next several months. UGH.


Well-Known Member
Haven't really been sick, but have felt dizzy and light-headed both times I went down there. Mostly on the day we arrived both times, but I expect it is mostly due to the long drive down there. We usually spend the first afternoon after checking into Pop Century at Downtown Disney and this year I felt really dizzy and almost felt like I was going to pass out, so I just left the family and went back to the room for the night to get a good night's sleep. There were a couple of other times during the trip too, but not as bad and nothing a couple of Tylenol's didn't help solve.


New Member
Last August during my familes 2nd week at WDW I was pretty much sick the entire week. At 1st I vomited one night and after that I was waking up in the middle of the night caughing very bad. What sucks is during the day I would feel great, but it was when I was trying to sleep I would start caughing. In the past I had taken Alkaseltezer pills which always made me feel better within a few hours. However this time they did not work. Then my family called a doctor to examine me in our room at the Contemporary so he prescribed some Penicillin pills however those did nothing to help.


Well-Known Member
I got sick twice at Disney World the past few years..

The first time was when I went in 2003... On the first night of our vacation I was watching the jumping water fountain thing at Epcot and walked through the area where the water jumps over your head. Now, i know the water goes over your head so i ducked a little down and somehow the water shot really low and the entire streat went straight into my left ear! It was a perfect shot! It filled my ear up completely.. thats a long stream propelling into an ear.. it must have been a 1000 to 1 shot. Anyway by the 2nd day of the drip i developed an ear aches and a small infection i guess so i had to go take a cab to the pharmacy and buy all sorts of stuff to clear my ears out.. i tried everything i could buy but it still took like another 3 days for it to totally clear out and stop aching.

The second time was just a month or so ago... seems like the first week of february all the busses had everyone coughing up some type of bug was going around. This time I wanted to get fixed fast so i called the front desk and found out that my dr could call a prescription in to a local pharmacy and they would get it to Disney's front dest for only 5 bucks.. woohO! I got my presciption for anti biotics sent right to the pop centuries front desk in like 3 hours.. it was awesome. I was better withing 24 hours after that. :sohappy:


Last week. I got heat stroke working the parade route at the Magic Kingdom for a 12 hour shift. I usually work outside, so I was nowhere near prepared for the 90 degree weather. Which is pretty bad because it wasn't even hot yet!

disney lover2

New Member
Hi all, :dazzle: there's me trying to tell my partner that mission space is ok and he should on it in june when we visit the park, but he says no way ... by the time he reads this he will no way even enter that area.. i went on Mission Space in 2005 with my dad as my mum said it was the worse ride she had ever been on so i ad to try it out, whow i thought it was kool, if anyone can tell me how it works i would be gratful.
Going back to being sick, i was well while watching the fireworks at Magical Kingdom, we had watched the parade during the day in full sun and got so,so hot but the parade was bril so never wanted to hide ...... will learn my lesson


Well-Known Member
Well about 2 years ago on our flight down to Disney my 5 year old (at the time) had to use those cute little vomit bags on the plane. As the day went on she still was not getting better , called her Dr, she suggested lots of water and bland food...Mind you day two still having vomiting, Diarrea and its September heat so you get the idea...The last straw was we had breakfast Reservations at Chef Mickeys for her Bday that morning and she wanted to go so bad..Well we get there she had a drink of water..and yup got sick....so my hubby took her to Celebration Hospital and yes as I felt very guilty , But me and the 2 year old wasted time in magic Kingdom(only because i knew there was no way my little one could sit still in a hospital waiting room for however long) My little one wanted to see the princess's so we went to see Cinderella, snow white and Aurora We had my oldest's autograph book and explained why she was'nt with us and where she was, well all of the princess's wrote her a get well note in the autograph book...Well we went back to resort, within 2 hrs including ride to and from hospital my daughter was seen ,given an IV (or as she called it an ID) and she was back to herself within a matter of hrs..Because my oldest did want to go see the princess's as well, we went back the next day , which the same cinderella as the day before was there, and remembered my little one , she made it a point of telling my oldest that she was glad she was feeling better and that they finally got to meet...So Sweet.. I cannot say enough about celebration hospital....they from what my husband said were unbelievable and fast!! And Did not realize that Disney took the cab ride bill to and from hospital. Also A week after we were home someone from Celebration hospital called to see how our daughter was and how were rated her treatment....I was very surprised...


Well-Known Member
The worst I have ever been is a severe Migraine. I dont get them very often but when I do I would much rather have the flu.


New Member
My husband were on our honeymoon (Oct 2000) and we went to blizzard beach and we came down a slide and I tweaked my back a little bit. The next day, I tried to get up out of bed and couldn't move. We only had two days left. My husband called and got me a wheelchair and he took me to MGM and pushed me around all day (what a husband) and then we had dinner reservations at the Hoop De Do Review that night. It was definitely an experience.


Active Member
I was 10 years old and very sick so my memories are very scattered. We just got to EPCOT when I started feeling ill. Then we walked the hot sun and saw the movies in France and Canada ( I am prone to motion-sickness). I ended up getting sick outside of Mexico... and Germany... and who knows where else.

Somehow I my sister and I got separated from our family.
And I remember being whisked away by Disney staff. They took my sister and I in a golf cart behind the scenes to a first aid building. (I remember trying SO HARD to look around back there but I was too sick!) Then I just remember spending the rest of the day lying on this vinyl bed in the dark and occasionally becoming conscious only long enough to vomit into a zip-lock bag.

My sister spent the day trying to locate my family. We caught up with them in Italy b/c my sister remembered they had a late dinner reservation in Italy.

It was wonderful. To this day she reminds me that I owe her a day in EPCOT.


Active Member
First I have to say that I am lucky enough to have never GOTTEN sick at Disney world, nor has anyone I've gone with gotten more than a little sick one day. Spending time at the doctor can't be fun on vacation.

I've gone sick many times though. Last year was probably the worst. I was in the middle of taking chemo treatments once a week. I was more than a little out of it at times, but Disney worked it's magic. Even on the days when I only got out and did one ride it was great having that time in the parks and just being there! Well worth the trip.
Mad Tea Party! Hands down, every time.

The kids like a bit of "muscle" behind the spinning so I have to oblige, naturally.

My stomach does not go along with the kds theory of the faster the spinning, the better the ride.

I'd tried to get out of it one year, but they turned on the waterworks.


Active Member
When my DD was little she wound up with a nasty case of croup. Her breathing was so bad that we had to take her to the hospital. The hospital gave her a breathing treatment while she was sitting on my lap (facing me, her head was on my chest) anyway the nurse noticed I wasn't looking so hot and she asked me if I was O.K. so I told her I felt a little dizzy etc. she then asked if I had any medical conditions and I told her I had a heart condition. She suddenly said "Oh, God get her off your lap , the medicine in the nebulizer is affecting your heart". My DD face was so close to mine while she had the mask on and was getting the treatment that I was inhaling the medication too. We both spent most of that night in the Emergency Room but, the staff was really great!


New Member
Sick like dog

When I was a teenager, I got a bad stomach virus while at Disney (I thought I had been food poisoned at Pecos Bill's cafe on a funky hamburger). I was determined not to have it ruin my trip, so I would barf between rides and just keep on going! I remember feeling sick on the Monorail, so my little brother and I got off at the TTC and as I puked in a trachcan, my brother ran around yelling "Is anyone here a doctor?!" That was pretty embarrassing, but he was 12 and meant well.

That night we were attending a black tie event for my father's company in the Top of the World restaurant in the Contemporary. I had been really looking forward to this (16 year old in a tuxedo) but spent it hugging the can in the restroom instead. My mom took me back to our room and gave some medicine that had me really loopy. I fell asleep, and started to hallucinate as the Electric Water Pageant passed by our room. Meds and that light up octopus DO NOT MIX!!! :lookaroun :lookaroun :lookaroun

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Mad Tea Party! Hands down, every time.

The kids like a bit of "muscle" behind the spinning so I have to oblige, naturally.

My stomach does not go along with the kds theory of the faster the spinning, the better the ride.

I'd tried to get out of it one year, but they turned on the waterworks.
Been there, done that, nearly puked on the t-shirt.:lol:


Active Member
It did not happen at disney for me but it was during a vaction up there for a week. I planned one of those different park everyday marathon including US, IOA, and Sea world. Well like tuesday of this week long marathon we went to Sea World it was so freakin' hot and all I kept drinkin was soda. Mind you I'm from Miami. That the next day I had a sun burn and I think I was dehydrating I had a slight fever and chills I spent the whole day shakin my lips where chapped. We did not go anywhere that day only to the outlets and late night downtown disney to get some ice cream. After spending the whole day drinkin water thats when I started to feel better. That was a crappy day for me. Oh well now I know better. :)

Then there was another time I decide to spend the weekend in Disney and do the 3 park 3 day thing (back when it was like only $99) So I woke up early Friday morning like about 5AM left with my girl friend and went striaght to MK went the hotel like at 11PM and went back out that night to DD. Then came back to the hotel snuck into the pool (holiday inn downtown orlando close to US) slept like 2 hours woke up and went to EPCOT left like at 11PM did the same thing I did the night before and then like around 1PM the next day at MGM. Whoa my body was so exhausted I had a magrine headache but I would keep going. That headache was so bad I would like eat every hour or so just to help keep the headache at bay. That was really bad too. That is the reason I drive up the day before I go to the park now so I can rest that night before heading out to the parks.

and the tea cup thing up there I've done too! My kids always get me with that one.


Toss up here:
1) Severe sunburn at Typhoon Lagoon (I was 12) that resulted in me spending the next 3 days in bed


2) After the first day of food and wine fair (age: 28). I learned quickly that moderation is the key to wine fair survival!

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