What's the sickest you've been at WDW?


New Member
I have never been sick at WDW, but our first trip, I was 7, my oldest brother got food poisoning very badly. He spent a couple of days in bed while we went to the parks! I felt bad-for a second-hey, I was very young! It was just Epcot and MK back then. In 2005, my husband got a small cold for 3 days. He was feeling funky, but it cleared up in no time. He still enjoyed himself, even though he was a walking ad for Kleenex! I always feel really sick the day we leave :cry: .
My first trip to WDW was also my first trip to Florida when I was about 26 (it was the year of the birthday cake castle) I was so unprepared for the heat vs. the chill of the indoor a/c. I spent the first few days drenching myself, wearing too few clothes and too little sunscreen and screaming on all the rides. I developed chills and vomitting, spent the last couple days of the trip in my off-site (told you I was unprepared) hotel room watching a Happy Days marathon featuring all Chachi episodes.


New Member
The Sickest ive been at WDW was after riding M:S first thing in the morning. It was in the days before the green and orange malarkay, and i had never been on the ride before, so naturally i wasnt prepared.
During the ride was fine.
I was so sick after riding it that this CM told me i could use a restroom located inside M:S and i embarassingly threw up everywhere in it.
I was so ashamed, i didnt leave the room for about half an hour.

I was queezy for the rest of the day, it didnt ruin the day, but it sure was an experience.



Not old, just vintage.
I have been sick in Disney a couple of times.

The very first time I got sick I was 8 years old and got the worst food poisoning from the Counter Service restaurant in the Mexico pavillion. I spent the entire night "redecorating" our room and bathroom at POFQ. I have heard that shortly after my departure they decided to burn the room down and start over since they couldn't get it clean.

The second time was right after Mission Space opened and I rode it. I was sick for hours afterwards and ended up at the insta-care place because I got so dehydrated from all the :hurl:

A few times I have had various allergy issues and issues with long-standing health problems of mine during trips too.


Well-Known Member
This is a great fear of mine. I pack every kind of medication that I have before we go just in case one of us gets sick. So far, we have not had anything bad happen other than someones head hurting.

I did feel kind of sick after riding body wars, was that the name of it? But after a few minutes it went away. Anyway, I would LOVE to ride MS but I would not even try the mild ride this year because I get motion sick on things like that, with video. My husband says it's all in my head..... but it's not!:brick:

Ella's Mommy

Active Member
Okay where do I start. The first time I was sick I spent the night before we left in the hospital with food poison and had to be wheeled around the first two days of our trip. Next I tripped on the comforter laying half of the floor in our hotel room and sprained my ankle and had to be wheeled around the rest of the trip. Third was a head cold I got 2 day before we were to be in Disney and then arrived in disney just in time to meet up with Aunt Flow( all the ladies can relate):brick: during the begininng of SEPTEMBER!! HOT!!:ROFLOL:


New Member
My first visit, with our Girl Scout troop in '97 (year of the godawful "cake" castle), on the last day of our trip we were heading downstairs for breakfast. I felt "weird", but figured it was nothing. I headed outside of the hotel room and nearly pitched over the railing (3rd floor, good job me!) as I started to faint. I managed to turn around, but was now in front of someone else's door & couldn't figure out why my key wouldn't work. So I lie down & cried. Our Girl Scout leader's husband found me and CARRIED me downstairs to the food court (All Star Movies), where they forced a danish or something down my throat. I managed to recover enough to run for ToT (yeah, I'll never do THAT again!) at the rope drop, but shortly thereafter was "weird" again and ended up laying down & napping behind a mailbox near the Backlot Tour. Later discovered that I had a weird nerve that doesn't regulate my blood pressure correctly.

Other than that, I generally get a migraine one day of the trip from what I think is probably exhaustion! I know to bring the good drugs now ;)

(and I have a friend whose older brother..."decorated"...every stall of the bathroom at Chef Mickey's... We've teased him about "redecorating" Disney every time we've been back!)


New Member
The last two times my wife and I have visited WDW, she has become ill:hurl:. So bad infact that we have ended up staying in our room at the hotel at least one whole day on each of are visits:cry:.


New Member
I'm at Disney World now and can't talk and have a sore throat. My sinus are killing me. I am just hoping that it will go away by the end of the week before we have to drive back to Ohio. Gotta get more park time in.

The worst illness I ever had was when I was a kid back in the early 70's. Went to the park and when we got back to the hotel spent the night throwing up. Then I spent part of the next day at the ER.



Well-Known Member
I've been to the clinic 9 out of 12 WDW trips in my life for severe sunburn... barely got tanned these past three. :lol:

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